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I think you meant pro choice women
if the other person doesn't want to be a parent he shouldn't be one , or be forced to contribute in the raising of the child,whether that's financially,emotionally or both. And the laws are already in place for that,so it's not really an issue that needs advocating for lol
Torsten · 36-40, M
@PepsiColaP i did. Thanks for pointing that out as i missed it. there is no law as far as i am aware that wipes all responsibility from fathers financially
InstructHer · 56-60, M
@Torsten there are condoms however

Fungirlmmm · 51-55, F Best Comment
I am all for accountability and communication. If I am close enough to a man to allow him to have that most intimate part of myself we have already had a conversation outside the bedroom and he knows I am prolife for myself. I am going to be using whatever my OB says is most effective, but if I get pregnant there will be a baby in our future. It would not have to be a formal arrangement, but dude has to show up for his kid. I can take care of the finances but he better be ready to coach little league and do dad things with that child.
Torsten · 36-40, M
@Fungirlmmm much respect to you for that answer. I think its very smart to have that conversation before intimacy to know each others position on this so both parties know what to expect and if they can agree with it.
I do however think fathers should take care of the finances unless if separated. and finances should be equally shared depending on the custody agreement. If its joint, it should be equal and if its part time, fathers should put in i would say 3/4 of the finances.
Fungirlmmm · 51-55, F
@Torsten I wouldn't turn it down, but I am a woman that is friends with all but one man that I have previously dated. So when I say I would find a way I would and I would also try everything possible not to go to court. If I have given that part of myself to him I know he is a good man. Many do not think about things other than physical and they end up stuck with incompatible parenting partners. I am about a person's heart and soul
Torsten · 36-40, M
@Fungirlmmm well that just shows you are way more intelligent than so many people to think in such a way and when it comes to intimacy you think of way more than the physical side f things and to also avoid court as much as possible.
A very rare type of woman indeed and anyone lucky enough to be with you, has basically won the jackpot
Notsimilarreally · 31-35, F
If a man doesn't want to pay for his birthed child he should wear condoms or get a vasectomy 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️
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Girlbehindthecurtain · 31-35, F
I think if a woman decides to keep the baby and the guy does not want it,then it's clearly on her.i'd not expect him to support them.
Like women "accidentaly" getting pregnant by NBA players,very sus
Torsten · 36-40, M
@Girlbehindthecurtain very reasonable.
Ahh yes there definitely is women out there who "accidently" get pregnant to rich athletes haha
PatKirby · M
Torsten · 36-40, M
@PatKirby that would be more logical than the explanation they would actually give haha
meJess · F
I’m pro choice towards men, you have the choice to keep it in your pants. An adult understands the potential consequences of intercourse, and accepts them by engaging in it. Or are men children lacking frontal lobe maturity to critically consider their own actions?
meJess · F
@Torsten so it’s women’s fault that men cannot control themselves or actually use a condom?
Torsten · 36-40, M
@meJess it is when a women is careless and takes no responsibility for what enters her body. Its just as much fault the womens as it is the mens.
SAHgoddess · 46-50, F
Some women...

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BlueVeins · 22-25
We don't agree on much but I think we're in agreement on this. Men should be allowed to opt out of parental rights and responsibilities prior to birth, and it should be a permanent decision. While the moral stakes here are higher with abortion legalization, forcing people to be parents is a crazy curtailing of personal freedom to be avoided at all costs. The State should bear responsibility for preventing child poverty.
Torsten · 36-40, M
@BlueVeins hate to disappoint you but we are not in agreement. I dont think fathers or mothers should be able to get out of their responsibilities. They got themselves in that situation by being careless and they should be held accountable for it.
This post was about seeing if pro choice women feel the same about men getting equal treatment here and to those that commented credit, they were all pretty fair about it. Props to them but that doesnt mean i agree with it
Takes two to create a baby. Babies cost money. You would never understsnd because you cannot carry a new life in you for 9 months and have a tie to it forever. You are illogical. Immoral. Do not make any children. Until you become a real man.
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Bumbles · 51-55, M
For the child and therefore society, it makes sense for the biological father to contribute to the finances of the child. Women raising a child have a much harder time earning income. I’m not concerned about the hypocrisy of this.
Bumbles · 51-55, M
@Torsten I don’t believe in state mandated birth, so I understand why my beliefs confuse you.

I certainly agree men should be more careful who they sleep with, though.
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Bumbles · 51-55, M
@Torsten I appreciate the civil dialogue as well. Thank you for that.

I have no quarrel with someone being against abortion. I would not have wanted to abort a third child with my wife despite, to be frank, the financial strain it would have caused.

I just cannot support the State forcing a woman to give birth against her will. I find that distopic. It’s a nightmare to me that a raped woman would need to endure birth at the threat of criminal charges against her for murder.

I express my view his way not to judge yours, or to try to convince you, but to express how I arrived at my conclusion. I have seen the fetus in utero. I have seen the horrific images, I do not pretend a fetus is a “clump of cells” in order to rationalize my opinion.

To me, the alternative is worse and is happening now.

I wish you well…
exchrist · 31-35
To confirm you are asking if i support the biological (donor) father(sperm provider) being able to leave the mother on her own to raise the child?
Yes i believe a woman has every right to raise the child on her own. Even given a 'deadbeat' father.
However, i also respect a womans right to choose despite what the father may "desire".
exchrist · 31-35
@Torsten ok so yes the role of a male father figure is very important for children unfortunately given the many military endeavors of this American nation. The male father is likely to be in active duty protecting the interests and security of the next generation, in that case likely to be absent to a developing child. The calming support and security of a male figures' especially with mlitary experience: is therefore 3 fold.
1 sociofamilial 2. Economic, 3 societally/biological accuracy. If that male figure were to die serving their country. A mothers' family/friends would be solely responsible for meeting that childs' parenting needs. The male role of providor protector and advice giver/emotional champion therefore is of dire importance to a childs overall well being.
Torsten · 36-40, M
@exchrist sorry but you can not just replace a parent. The situation you just presented basically implies that a parent if dead can just be replaced by other family members or friends. that is not the case in the slightest
exchrist · 31-35
@exchrist therefore the biological father were somehow removed from the equadtion. A male family member (brother,cousin, family friend) could step in to fill that role. In which case said father figure would have minimal financial responsibility for that offspring. Certainly such a figure WOULD be expected to model the role of a responsible and present male father. Given the obvious truth behind a biologically male/female parental unit. @Torsten
I think im not getting the question still if a biological father were to surrendor all financial responsibility to an offspring. The mother had the kid. Now the father has no familial role nor financial responsible?
Therefore lets say the mother dies. Are you asking that the biological father then not have to take financial responsibility for that child to raise it. Or that even if a step parent had 'stepped' in the . . .
TexChik · F
Men are as equally at fault as the women with regards to creating an unwanted pregnancy. As such, if they choose to terminate the pregnancy they themselves , as the parents, should be required to undergo sterilization since neither of them are capable of responsible acts. 74 million abortions since Roe V Wade is abhorrent.
Wales · M
A better question is how do the anti-abortionists think they can impose their own personal morals on the entire world? A woman who is morally opposed to childbirth due to her antinatalism may have her virginity taken away from her by force. She certainly should have access to safe and legal medical care following such an attack. Any humane society would not have her be a victim twice and live in fear of the law coming after her for wanting to become unpregnant unless they value the lives of unborn fetuses over women.
Torsten · 36-40, M
@Wales not a better question at all
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@Wales well if only one life were involved I would agree with you. However there are two lives and as a Christian I am called to defend the defenseless. Nothing ore defenseless that a baby in its mother's womb.
exchrist · 31-35
Ok so financially if the biological father were somehow estranged from the mother id think that father would still be liable to help 'rear'(raise) the child. Example divorce while pregnant, as the child is growing up, or even while the child is an adult. Offspring need a safety net provided by family(parents). You had the kid even if the marriage or partnership that resulted in a child were to breakdown. Each parent has an eternal responsibility to protect and serve the child(offspring). So again confirmation. Does the father always have a financial responsibility for the child once born? Yes to protect serve and insulate until death. Does the male parental eternal need to be financially present for loans debts or care needs? To an extent. Here its most about supporting the offspring to be independant and self sufficient.
Mordechai · 31-35, M
I'm in favour if it's mutually agreed but it is their kid by DNA and their fault for making said kid so courts go by the facts on that one.
Torsten · 36-40, M
@Mordechai so you would apply same logic to women and getting pregnant and taking accountability for their actions i would assume?
Puppycat23 · F
are you in support of men having a choice to wipe themselves financially all together from the fetus if you wanted to keep the pregnancy going and he didn't.

Well they have that choice to leave the family, just like women should have the choice to do away with an unwanted pregnancy.
I think that comes from too many men walking out on pregnant woman but interesting perspective.
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ViciDraco · 36-40, M
Not woman, but am pro- choice. I think men should have a period of time to opt out of fatherhood responsibility prior to birth. I think this window needs to be shorter than abortion windows, so that if a man opts out the woman has time to make the decision of whether to carry on or not. The woman does get more time to decide and I believe that is fair because she carries greater risk in the decisions made in either direction.

So I'm basically pro choice for both, but men do have to decide a little faster.
@ViciDraco well said that’s good.
@Torsten it’s a beautiful idealistic way of seeing things but sadly the world does not work that way.
Torsten · 36-40, M
@CrystalSkull very true the world does not work that way. It should though
A woman knows she will get pregnant if she doesn't use contraception, and a man knows he will help cause the pregnancy if he doesn't wear protection when having casual relations, or when he is likely to encourage abortion and reject his child.

Either the state will have to compensate for this rejection, or he will need to understand that there is a person who is half of him who needs financial support to survive.
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
I really don't care. But just a thought, if he doesn't pay, he shouldn't have the right to be a part of the child's life then either. Still, in reality, you can't make him either way. Just like a woman that is dead set on aborting or inducing a miscarriage. If she wants that, she will do it one way or another.
Torsten · 36-40, M
@CrazyMusicLover except men are legally bound to pay financially. This whole lil act that some people like to try and pull and say that men dont have to pay child support is nonsense
Or, will a man EVER offer, if he believes a pregnancy should carry thru to birth - to offer to take on raising the child himself ?
You talk about money - amd yes, it takes money to raise a child .
But it also takes 16 - 20+ years of your life and certain freedoms to do it.

Would men in general, take on that responsibility?
Torsten · 36-40, M
@OogieBoogie show me where i said you are responsible for the abuse others would inflict upon you or anyone else? You keep using personal experiences that dont happen for the majority of people but try presenting it as it is.

No, no is a mind reader but if you spend enough time around someone before being intimate wit them, you will get a better picture of who that person actually is.
But hey, I speak on experience with this also with my own mistakes and guess what, it was at the hands of a woman, not a man.
Crazy i know since most only try to ever act like men are the only abusive ones in relationships. Women are most likely just as abusive but the difference is that men will not talk about it any where near as much as women or report it.

You keep trying to seperate men and women in this conversation but the fact is when you are a adult, no matter what is between your legs, You are accountable for your own actions and are responsible by the consequences of them. If you can not handle that, too bad. It is what it is and its the same for every single adult in this world
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Are you asking because you’re genuinely interested or are you just wanting to voice your opinion?
Torsten · 36-40, M
@CrystalSkull both, but does it really matter?
@Torsten I think men should have rights as well. But it’s a very hard thing to work out. I don’t know what the answer is besides men getting mandatory injections that acts as contraception. Would make things so much easier. Men don’t have to carry the bullet for 9 months or be at risk of death by giving birth. It’s a woman’s body, she must have a choice to reproductive decisions that benefits her. At the same time it’s also unfair to expect a man to pay for the rest of his life if he has a one night stand and there is an accident. But if you make that law, imagine all the men who will run away and not face responsibility. It happens all the time anyway… even though “the law” says you should pay.
Torsten · 36-40, M
@CrystalSkull the law does force that upon men for sure and I agree with it. Men should be held accountable for their child/children.
Im not going to go into the abortion stuff with women cause i have made my opinion on that clear in this thread but i simply think men and women both need to be held accountable for their actions and step up to their responsibilities made from their own actions.

I respect your opinion and thanks for commenting
Amylynne · 26-30, F
i think this is false equivalency
i am Pro choice for women
and I am not pro, "make that guy pay thru the nose"
maybe inside a marriage,, but outside?
no, he should not be made to pay
val70 · 51-55
You think that anti choice men could somehow be the same ones as the pro choice men?
Madmonk · M
Did any pro life women answer this question?
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MountainMonk89 · 51-55, M
Dave Chapelle has made a similar argument.
Torsten · 36-40, M
Yeah, if they, (the man), wanted to. But there will be no coming back from that decision.
If he wants out - he'd be dead to me ....and my child .

Mind you, i live in a country that supports single parents - so its easy for me to say that .
@Torsten the most unfortunate thing is - is sex is cheapened. Its a commodity connected to everything -.self esteem, status, value.... everything. Women sell their youth for stuff - for financial security. And Men buy it.

Sex is a brand that everyone wants, and so few value....and even less know the true art and magic of😔
@OogieBoogie Blastocyst? It stops being this at four weeks. By the time women know they are pregnant, it is an embryo, a small baby.
@SW-User yes, its a blastocyst, then an embyo then a foetus. In the embryonic stage the heart, nevous system and internal organs start ro form, once they have - it becomes a foetus .
Women find out they are pregnant at many different stages.
For some, its not untill its too late, for others they know within four weeks or even less.

Im not seeing your point .

Edit - but now i see your posts i get where you are coming from.

Im sorry - i believe that within better limits , women should be allowed abortion rights.
But then , i aslo believe that if they were educated better, and given better availability to healthcare - they wouldnt need to opt for abortion.
did u get someone pregnant? and that’s kinda lame to ask when we obviously pretty much don’t have a choice anymore in most states.
Torsten · 36-40, M
@deathfairy i did get someone pregnant, 15 years ago and i stepped up to my responsibility and have raised a amazing son.
You do have choices and they start long before abortion should even be a thought
needsmilk808 · 56-60, M
@Torsten I was in a similar situation and took financial responsibility for my role, and was part of her life growing up. men need to step up and do the right thing. yes I am pro life and proud of it.
Torsten · 36-40, M
@needsmilk808 respect to you mate
MethDozer · M
I think every couple should have at least one mandatory abortion.
Torsten · 36-40, M
@MethDozer think that might be one of the dumbest things i have read on this site. I cant imagine you were actually serious with that though
MethDozer · M
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@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout to my knowledge legal abortions, at least in this country, have a gestational time limit: 22 weeks.
(Which i think should be less, but who am i to dictate?)

Anything after that and you have to carry the baby to term ... unless there is a serious medical condition.

Most abortions, (like 90% or something) are carried out before 13 weeks .

You have to realize this is connected to contraception and gynecological medical services availability and cost .
Not all women have free access to these.

As i mentioned somewhere else here - there's also a massive lack of education. In some first world countries - more women are being surgically sterilized than given contraception.🤷
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Torsten · 36-40, M
@OogieBoogie only woman i am actually blaming here now is you and that is for twisting words and not reading what i am actually writing.
stop with the victim act already.

I hold men and women both equally accountable when it comes to sex. Something you and some other females here seem to have trouble doing.
Yes a man should wear a condom if he doesnt want to get a woman pregnant, and yes a woman should be on birth control or make sure the man is wearing a condom before she allows him to penetrate her.
just stop acting like a child and take some damn accountability.

absolutely pathetic
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