helenS · 36-40, F
I would feel strange in high heels. it wouldn't be me. I'm a Birkenstock girl. That, or bare feet.
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@helenS I do get some stuff tailored up, it’s just so expensive.
helenS · 36-40, F
@JustGoneNow Ok thank you, got it. I have more money than I really need, which is why I have some "designer" clothes made by fashion companies such as Hugo Boss.
@helenS money is better since my wife graduated with her degree but we are still paying back her loans for now.
That’s kind of an individual thing. Some women feel sexy in high heels and some guys really like them. We are not hive mind and I assume men aren’t either.
NerdySoph · 26-30, F
Personally i dont prefer to wear heels .. and i dont take into account what guys think about my footwear. What i wear is for my comfort :)
Flenflyys · 31-35, F
I wear them sometimes. It’s more to complete an outfit than to be more attractive though.
@Flenflyys this.
exexec · 70-79, C
I have always felt a lady's legs look better in high heels than in flats. I also understand why they would never want to wear them.
dancingtongue · 80-89, M
I don't think it is an either/or question; particularly as framed. As a male I will readily admit that high heels tend to spotlight and increase the attractiveness of a woman's legs and, er, other assets, but otoh my more common reaction is "why do women torture themselves, and do possible damage to their feet and calves" and I suspect the answer (except in specific situations) is far more complicated than women doing it to be sexier to men. I think it has much more to societal imprinting, i.e., fashion dictates, that certain dress demands high heels. I believe it originally came out of the same misogynistic cultural mold of Asian women having to bind their feet to be more subservient. Ironically, in today's society it can be an effort to more feminize women's business attire at one end of the spectrum and is forever tied to the Dominitrix "uniforme" at the other end of the spectrum.
MyNameIsHurl · 41-45, F
I refuse. Also who cares what guys like, most don't know fashion anyways
HoraceGreenley · 61-69, M
High heels make me 🔥

@helenS 😛
HoraceGreenley · 61-69, M

@HoraceGreenley ah, the original monochròme sound stage ones
Queendragonfly · 31-35, F
My boyfriend told me early on that he think I'm sexy when I'm walking comfortable. So I haven't high heeled since I was a bride's maid and the dress demanded heels.
HumanEarth · F
Makes sence
Matt85 · 36-40, M
Hey man, did you come up with anything yet? On my song.
PrincessVelvet · F
Take a look at an x-ray of what a foot looks like in one of those. No thank you. Plus I'm 5'11 I don't need to be a giant.
IndianaJoes · M
@PrincessVelvet that is one of the things I have been wondering about... They can't possibly be good on your bone structure.
Lostpoet · M
I think they are supposed to engage the gluteus maximus. 

IndianaJoes · M
@Lostpoet oh man, you are so right about that too. And it is so hard for so many people to just step outside and take a look in at themself. I wish that women most women would understand that a good man is more concerned about the personality anyway. And especially nowadays, there are so many things that women do to themselves that actually turn me off. For instance.... If I walk up to the counter to order me a hamburger and fries and she's got Chrome snot balls hanging out of her nose... I no longer have an appetite and turn around and leave.
Lostpoet · M
@IndianaJoes I don't understand the Bullnose look, but the side nose piercing is nice. Personality is 90% percent of attraction.
IndianaJoes · M
@Lostpoet as they say... Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. That is so true. Just a basic pair of earrings is good enough for me and it's not even necessary. But these piercings and tattoos? Well maybe a butterfly on her ankle or something is okay but anything more is just a big turn off to me. Probably what really disgusted me from this is that sometimes I will see somebody who doesn't take care of them and then they have pus or blood oozing out of them. And that's my problem with restaurant workers wearing the stuff. They're scratching and itching and touching it and then they're also touching my food. And no, they don't change gloves every three minutes either. Just freaking YUCK!
BijouPleasurette · 36-40, F
My bf does.
ArtieKat · M
Much depends on the occasion. Appropriate footwear with the right outfit. I personally think that classic heels are very elegant and contribute to a woman's poise.....

My man actually stops me from wearing heels as I’m too prideful to remove it even if my feet’s hurting or it’s cold and he can’t stand that so he carries shoes for me🤣
calicuz · 56-60, M
Yes, women are very attractive in high heels, it's very sexy.
4meAndyou · F
High heels are designed to make a woman's butt stick out further in back. 'Nuff said.
IndianaJoes · M
@4meAndyou I'm glad I asked about the high heel thing. I'm glad everybody was cool about it too. Sometimes these kinds of questions get sticky with some people. Now I know all about a question that I was afraid to ask. My personal opinion,... I'd rather she just wore normal shoes. Mainly just for the health of her feet but also I don't like the high heel walking look. It looks like too much work, stressful and too much pain. A woman doesn't have to wear high heels to impress me.
I think the most logical thing I can say is this... I wish women would worry less about their looks and more about their hearts. In fact there are just as many men that need to work on improving their hearts also. (Probably more). I'm know that mine ain't perfect either but at least I try to keep it healthily full of love. (Some people don't even try). A person who can truly love from the heart and not just lust is very hard to find. VERY hard to find! It's exactly why I'm still single. After being burnt several times and learning what is important... It just has to be all about the heart for me. Everything else is just a secondary.
I think the most logical thing I can say is this... I wish women would worry less about their looks and more about their hearts. In fact there are just as many men that need to work on improving their hearts also. (Probably more). I'm know that mine ain't perfect either but at least I try to keep it healthily full of love. (Some people don't even try). A person who can truly love from the heart and not just lust is very hard to find. VERY hard to find! It's exactly why I'm still single. After being burnt several times and learning what is important... It just has to be all about the heart for me. Everything else is just a secondary.
4meAndyou · F
@IndianaJoes You sound like a very nice man. I hope you find a rare and beautiful woman who will appreciate your heart.
IndianaJoes · M
@4meAndyou I'm sure that I will because I never give up and I have a lot of patience. My dad always said that you can accomplish anything that you set your mind to. He was so right. I really miss him too. And thank you so much.
smiler2012 · 61-69
@IndianaJoes 🤔to be honest that is the least thing that would bother me one way or another with a woman
IndianaJoes · M
@smiler2012 it doesn't bother me if they wear them or not either... But personally I think girls are cute when they're short. Don't get me wrong, they can also be beautiful when they're tall. But when I watch a woman walking around in high heels, it seems much more comical than it is sexi
PhilDeep · 51-55, M
They look good in photos but I'd never subject anyone to the pain of tottering around on those things in real life, as it were lol!
PhilDeep · 51-55, M
@helenS Apparently knee injury can be a long-term consequence. Like I said. For me, nothing is more attractive than a woman is actually comfortable being herself. Not fetishising her way of dressing for others. If some want to wear heels or whatever, it's up to them. I'm not going to prefer them for that though. Just my opinion.
IndianaJoes · M
@PhilDeep I agree 100% with that. I too believe that a woman is most beautiful when she is comfortable being herself. And if she has a super personality.... That is the most beauty there is in my opinion.
Nitedoc · 51-55, M
High heels were designed to actuate a woman's figure. I like to see them on women.
i grew up having to wear them, so i don’t anymore. they can look pretty hot, but not always..
cerealguy · 26-30, M
I don't like high heels
Looks weird to me
Looks weird to me
@cerealguy yeah. I can’t even imagine you in them. I’d say don’t do it. 😬
cerealguy · 26-30, M
@JustGoneNow man, we're all on the same page 😂
@cerealguy lol
pancakeslam · 41-45, M
they don't have to wear those but I would prefer it with some kinds of tights 🥵
@pancakeslam don’t be clothes shaming me. lol
pancakeslam · 41-45, M
@JustGoneNow whatever you want? 😁💯
@pancakeslam my wife calls me a chapstick lesbian. It’s like a lipstick lesbian but not quite. Like I’m kinda girly tomboy. I’ll be wearing jeans and a hoodie, and then throw a pink hair tie in my pony for a little flair. I’m a mess. lol

Not really. Maybe only a tiny lift
Keeper · M
Same. Girl next door please - no glam.
Zaphod42 · 51-55, M
A three inch strapy heal with flare bottom blue jeans is just sexy AF
wildbill83 · 41-45, M
a laid back/comfortable country gal wearing work boots/cowboy boots is more appealing to me than some barbie in high heels... 🤷🏻
Nitedoc · 51-55, M
@wildbill83 And that's why there are all kinds.
boredintexas · 36-40, M
Makes their legs and butt look even better in my opinion
TheOneyouwerewarnedabout · 46-50, MVIP
Seems silly to me..
Ferric67 · M
I am biased towards taller women
I don't care what their footwear is
I don't care what their footwear is

A lot of guys love them because they make girls' butts pop out a little more.
Lilnonames · F
"High heels give your body “lift”. The higher the heel, the greater the effect - but these can also be more difficult to walk in. However, there's a good reason so many women wear them, as perkiness"