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Is this really America?

Members of the neo-Nazi Blood Tribe in Altamonte Springs, Florida, on 2 September 2023.

Did these people forget WW2????

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Pretzel · 61-69, M
Yes, sadly.

And freedom of speech makes it impossible to do anything about it unless you're doing something illegal.
And they aren't limited to one particular area.
If any of them need help over that fence I’m happy to help out
justanotherone · 51-55, M
This time zone difference is really weird.

Like it's 5pm in Spain,
12pm in Philippines,
10am in Mexico

and 1930's Germany in US
RosaMarie · 41-45, F
They didn't forget it. They just think the wrong side lost. When not marching, they can still be identified by their red hats.
Cassieeeee · 31-35, F
Not surprised after Musk..
People where also seen in Texas holding a banner that said "Make America white again" with these flags.
Nope, they know exactly what they are supporting. And then half the country voted for a president like that...
@NerdyPotato that 1% owns the military, what more do you need to know? A couple hundred million Americans know that their government will turn on them. If anything, that's what they're hoping for, so they can finally put us all in our place, as traitors.

Come on over and try starting a fire, all Americans know what happens when you do that. And what about the millions of people that believe in maga? My neighbors. You want me to go get them? Alone with my child?

They created a society to manipulate. America is young in comparison to other countries. We clearly haven't gotten it all figured out. But you really aren't grasping that votes don't really matter. And that's creating an illusion, that we have a voice. Maybe 20 years ago we were trying.

But tbh, judge however you want. Watch innocent people burn because we asked for it whatever. I asked for it.
Watch innocent people burn because we asked for it whatever. I asked for it.
I didn't say that and I won't stand by watching people burn.

And as for the risks: that's why votes are anonymous. Maybe you're right and voting doesn't matter. I'm not sure... I only know that doing nothing guarantees that the 1% will do what they want as opposed to that being likely.

Anyway, it's only speculation now anyway. The past election can't be changed anymore and there probably won't be any future ones, at least not like we knew them. Good luck with the situation and stay safe... 🫂
@NerdyPotato thank you and thank you for talking to me respectfully
One of the things that's appalling to me is how often swastika bearing folks are tolerated at demonstrations for Trump. It's horrifying that self-described American patriots SILENTLY ASSENT to Nazis in their midst. Repeatedly.

@ElwoodBlues Well lets be honest .. Trump/Pence flags in the MI pic .. at least some of this is not current day. Not that it makes it any less inappropriate .. but misleading to represent as current
KunsanVeteran · 61-69, M
@ElwoodBlues You know the “politician” by the company s/he keeps…

…which says a lot about the MAGAs—none of it good…

And—specifically about tRUMP:by the CONVICTS HE PARDONS!
KunsanVeteran · 61-69, M
@BrandNewMan Except that in 8 years the only difference is that you won’t see Mike Pence’s name displayed…

…which is “a difference that makes no difference”
4meAndyou · F
After what the FBI put our country through, by disguising themselves as Trump protesters on January 6th, I don't even trust that these are real Nazis. For all we know, they are the FBI again.
Why they cover their faces if they so righteous?
Why they always get police escort?

No they didn't forget. They just don't care. Which is not surprising when America has an unelected president with, shall we say, "leanings..."

@Arboven This was widely debunked as any kind of nazi gesture .. and pics equally out of context exist of AOC, Hillary and other Dems in similar hand gesture. This is B.S. and you know it.
Richard65 · M
@BrandNewMan Bill Burr doesn't think so. Quit gaslighting and apologising for Fascism.
This was widely debunked as any kind of nazi gesture

Who debunked it? People without eyes clearly. So if Musk’s was “debunked”, I assume that Hitler’s was too?

Literally, the lengths MAGA will go to deny what’s right under their noses 😂
Morvoren · F
Yes that seems about right for America in the 21 century.
Yourwildestdreams · 51-55, M
They were always there, even before Ww2 .
hunkalove · 61-69, M
I doubt they know anything about WWII. You can thank our schools for that.
Ugh .. the fringe elements in this country
22Michelle · 61-69, T
No, they just think the wrong side won.
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
Sadly, yes -- America has always had a strong fascist/hate-filled side. :(
DunningKruger · 61-69, M
No, they just think the wrong side won.
Richard65 · M
They think the wrong side won WW2 and many like-minded Fascists are eager to tell everyone on here.
"But.... but..... that's just a Roman army salute and the flag is the new age symbol"
WintaTheAngle · 41-45, M
You people need to watch it. Putin says he invaded the Ukraine to stop Nazis…
RosaMarie · 41-45, F
@WintaTheAngle Haha. Anyone that believes that, please let me know. I've a bridge to sell.
They ought to be arrested. Ugh
Richard65 · M
Bill Burr tears into the new Fascists of America. Enjoy!
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
Oh no! 12 cowards cover their faces, pay allegiance to a dead system of government, then jump in their vans and scurry away.

What is this world coming to????
carpediem · 61-69, M
@SumKindaMunster Exactly. Why highlight what a few wackos do and call it "this is America". People who hate America do that. Browse through the comments here and you'll see I'm correct.
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
@carpediem If what you are afraid of can easily be disbursed by pointing a camera at them, then they really aren't much of a threat.

Meanwhile the same people calling this out turn a blind eye to the tent cities all over our country that weren't there before.
MethDozer · M
If only the gunners would start using the 2nd amendment for its intended purpose
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@pripyatamusementpark that's what they all need

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