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You Jerks Think It Is Not Persecution

This in from Sioux City, Iowa.
State election officials prepare for efforts to disqualify Trump from2024 ballot.

I have never seen someone so persecuted. You kkk/ democrats really should be ashamed.
Kkk/democrats are the party of nazi takeover
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Theyitis · 36-40, M
All the neo-Nazis love Trump.

How do you figure it’s persecution to not allow a guy who started an insurrection against his own government to run for president of that same government?
IronHamster · 56-60, M
@Aliveshock You mean Billy the draft dodger. Not impressed.
@IronHamster Cadet Bonespurs
windinhishair · 61-69, M
The KKK (and nazis) support Republicans now and have for many decades. You need to do more reading to come up to speed on current events.

Several states (not just Iowa, and including Republicans) are looking into disqualifying Trump from running for office, because he tried to overturn the 2020 election and promoted violence at the Capitol. While that would be the correct action to remove him from the ballot, I doubt that will happen. He's more likely to be the nominee, lose in the general election, and take the House and Senate control out with him.
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SlaveEt · 36-40, F
President Trump has made many enemies by threatening the power establishment and being unwilling to "play ball" or be bought off. The media has been tasked with destroying his reputation and promoting anti-Trump propaganda since the very beginning. Happily many Americans, thought not all, are wise enough to see through the lies and support a man interested in their personal freedoms, prosperity and safety. I hope he is elected and tosses every last one of those self-centered, egotistical, law-breaking traitors out of office and into a prison cell.
Strictgram · 70-79, C
@anythingoes477 Mostly garbage. Covid implications totally disregarded. Impeachments a total witch hunt. Liberal half truths at their finest.
Midlifemale · 61-69, M
@anythingoes477 that's all double-talk. You obviously weren't paying attention when Trump was president. All of that liberal made up garbage. The dems have brainwashed you. Trumps 4 yrs was the best this country has seen in many years. And we now have the worst president in history and the dems are even agreeing on that. Even thry don't want him to run and think any republican will do better and beat him.
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Yeah...what kind of America is this that the legal system should have the audacity to prosecute someone who has broken every law he has ever gotten near?
trollslayer · 46-50, M
@IronHamster Now, I know you are just a troll. A serious person would not just make such a post. First of all, Trump himself gets rich of the backs of the productive. That's why he is on trial now.
@trollslayer Is it lack of education or refusal to be curious enough to do a simple word search on Google? Presecuted and PROSECUTED are not interchangable words. Trump is a cult leader. God know why someone who wears make up and has a bleached combover is.... but he is. So to the cult if he killed a baby and he was arrested for it it would be the bad, bad police persecuting their beloved Jesus in makeup. The law don't persecute. It prosecutes.....and it dont care what party that person is in or who bows down to him. Those that are rational wonders if trump did ever go inside of a church instead using one for photo ops would the cult then say he was being prosecuted because of his religion? Running for office is not a legal defense. Its an excuse to avoid PROSECUTION.
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Kwek00 · 41-45, M
KKK Democrats? Have you been living under a rock for 59 years?
Midlifemale · 61-69, M
@LeopoldBloom you don't know what you're talking about..not a clue
@Midlifemale Please list the prominent Republicans who have said Trump should drop out of the presidential race because of the 91 felony counts he's facing. Then let me know how other Republicans view them.

In contrast, the Democrats who have called for Menendez' ouster have not been called "traitors" by their fellow Democrats.

The reason 93% of Black voters are Democrats is because they know which party has their best interests in mind. But like every racist pig, you know better than they do who they should vote for. Which party is doing whatever it can to disenfranchise Black voters? It's not the Democrats who are trying to draw racial gerrymanders.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
I see you have prevented me from responding to your post, which is something that Lenin would actually do. Did you become his disciple before or after you began worshiping Trump? Trump, who is one of the worse presidents of all time, by all accounts in the bottom few along with Buchanan and Andrew Johnson. You remember him? He's the only president in history indicted on criminal charges. Not once, not twice, but 91 times! The only one found liable for sexual assault, who proudly boasts about his assaults on women.
Strictgram · 70-79, C
@SW-User Low IQ brainless cretin.
Strictgram · 70-79, C
@SW-User Redundant marxist fool.
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
The guy got a riot started at the Capitol, i think blocking him from getting reelected is checks and balances working as they should.
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SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
@MarthannBann888 but the main subject was trump, why would I take it off subject with whatsbouts. Do you not know the original subject of your own post?
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Jake966 · 56-60, M
And they say Biden won fare and square ?
Jake966 · 56-60, M
@SW-User but about to be impeached
@Jake966 Yes, and without any concrete evidence! 🤣. Here’s the playbook the MAGA-Minds leading the charge are following:

[image/video deleted]

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Let’s see how that works out for the general election in ‘24. I don’t think it’s going to have the impact you’re thinking it may have. Repugs actually lost 5 seats because the public saw through their political grandstanding when impeaching Clinton The majority that MAGA holds in the House of Representatives in fairly thin. This is bold move, Cotton, but I think I can predict how it’ll turn out:

[image/video deleted]
but about to be impeached
Yeah, how's that coming along? 😂
Know what is amazing? All of this pile of crimes that trump is charged with-----and is already guilty of------ (according to the cult worshippers) is a witch hunt.....totally made up.

And yet crooked attorneys and stooge after stooge committing crimes for trump are pleading guilty. Weird, huh??? if it's all a witch hunt..........why are all of those trumpers pleading guilty????
@IronHamster Whatever a cult does to people its always the same. Truth is wrong. Facts are incorrect. Only Jesus God cult leader is right. The entire world is out to get the saviour of the world your eyes. Everyone is evil and wrong and crazy but Jesus God in orange make up is the orgin of all truth. One day when your god dies and you have no one to pray too then maybe.......just maybe you'll look back on your near queer love fascination with him and be embarrassed. Maybe. You're a clown. You're in a cult . Wake up.
MarthannBann888 · 70-79, F

With you it really is anything goes!
You aren't on the pay thing anymore. It is true that if the democrat judge orders it you pay it whether you are guilty or not. So, I guess you can see you were wrong in saying he was paying it because because he was actually guilty. There was a time when a person who went to court had a reasonable chance at a fair trial. Not so with republicans now. Democratic judges are like you they condemn ALL republicans regardless of the fake charges. Speaking of this case you bring up. You clearly don't know anything about the case and its charges or you would be careful what you say. The state claimed Trump overrated his property to get loans. That's all! The judge claimed Mar a lago was worth 18 oesmillion. A billion dollar property valued at 18 mil. Yet another blatant violation of the law In to destroy another person.
@MarthannBann888 What a space cadet you are. Democrat judges tell totally innocent people they have to pay restitution charges to avoid jail?? 😆 🤣 😂 Holy fuckng wow. As a totally innocent person....people pay as if they are guilty....if the judge is a Democrat?? 😆 🤣 😂 Well aint that something. Wouldnt be cool if you got called into court because you didnt do anything at all but you had to pay $5 million for this.....$250 million for that. "We know you didnt do it but here is the fine anyway." 😆 🤣 😂 And you find that rational????? 😆 🤣 😂 The door mat outside of my house has a higher IQ than a cult member. Wow...what a hoot you are. 😆 🤣 😂

I have some gorgeous ocean front property in Iowa for sale. Interested?? For you.......bargain price. 😆 🤣 😂
smiler2012 · 61-69
{@marthannbann888] sorry stop trying too justify what your messiah did it does not wash . no persecution what so ever trump spat his dummy out after defeats in the court to have the 2020 election result quashed. so he decided he would try a different method insurrection bordering on coup d etat and treason .🤔 do you not have any respect forthe law of the land and your country obviously not

Nope., You Reich-wing MAGA-Minds are the real Russkie lovers. You even wear clothing reflecting your America-hating bias:

As usual, you speak with your master’s voice:

Screeching that familiar refrain:

Strictgram · 70-79, C
@SW-User Ignorant, moronic, America hating marxist!
@Strictgram Nope. You and your fellow feeblebrained MAGAt ilk are the true America-%hating Marxists, as well as insurrectionist traitors, with proof provided :



AbbySvenz · F
Maybe don’t violate your oath of office by attempting to overturn a free and fair election, and they won’t invoke the 14th amendment on you? 🤷🏼‍♀️
@anythingoes477 makes a valid point. You don't seem to realise that Iowa is a Republican State. These are Republicans voting to remove one of their own. Why bring the Democrats into it? Although I understand why you're bringing the KKK into this. After all, the Republicans and the KKK are one and the same. @MarthannBann888
IronHamster · 56-60, M
@SW-User Dayum, you project a LOT!
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MarthannBann888 · 70-79, F
SW in case you don't like all of those shit names a sewer rat such as yourself uses, I would stop. I love profanity would be glad to match you with descriptives about cement head man. But, you didn't notice that did you?
HannahSky · F
It's not. You do the crime, you do the time. In this case you also are not able to hold public office, per the constitution, which makes sense if you attempt an insurrection. Very surprised how people fall for this because they can't let go of this guy. He doesn't care about the people following him. He wants the money and votes, and a get out of jail free card. Nobody seems to care about the ones getting 18yrs for participating in the insurrection. People only care about what he's getting. Very off.
Strictgram · 70-79, C
@SW-User Same crap over and over. You must be sub human.
Richard65 · M
Trump ran on an election campaign based on jailing Clinton! "Lock Her Up!" even became one of his primary election catchphrases.

Only a Reich-Wing fool like you doesn’t recognize Trump’s. Perhaps if you stop d*ddling your skittle to your perverted fantasies of abusing defenseless children you might be able to do so. But given the fact that you post this:

And this:

I don’t expect you to make any movement on that front, at all.

Strictgram · 70-79, C
@SW-User Far left commie apologist.
@Strictgram Nope. You’re the one in bed with the Russkies, you perverted, child-abusing Reich-Wing fellow traveler of insurrectionist traitors.

ETA: Just in case there’s any confusion about your allegiance:

fanuc2013 · 51-55, F
I thought if any person fulfilled the requirements they are put on a ballot and the voters can decide? Should "election officials" be allowed to tell us who we can vote for?
MarthannBann888 · 70-79, F
Certainly, your observation has merit. Another observation might be that in doctoral school there are many sources of information other than the professor. Dissertations require a minimum of ten to fifteen pages of references. One class had five textbooks. Regular end of quarter papers required four or five pages of references. Other students work was a source of information. Even weekly posts and discussions require references.
Since my mom said I shouldn't try getting a doctorate, the money was well worth it:) Thank you for the chance to clarify:)
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MarthannBann888 · 70-79, F
@fanuc2013 Republican officials want one person one vote. If you haven't noticed dead people vote in the south. People who moved away vote. Ballots are gathered and poll workers fill them out in the dead of the night for bidumb because he was losing. That is why Trump went to bed winning and woke up losing. You people are so conceited and dumb you forgot to turn off the security cameras! Everyone who looks at full news stations saw the tapes! We know you don't know because you are a dem and you don't look at anything that tells you the truth and proves if with security footage. So you will puff and up say I am stupid because I dared to tell the truth. Since you don't know the truth, you don't have to worry about being ugly and unfair.

Everything the republicans have done is to keep you crooked jerks from cheating. No ID, how do we know who they are? I have lived in the south all of my life and I can tell you there is not one black person in the entire south that can't get an ID. You really run them down when you say they cannot meet the standards to show their identity. What you are doing is cheating and running down black people to do it.
We have seen you kkk/dems do this for several centuries.

How do you feel to know you are with a party completely devoid of ethics and honesty and would do anything to anybody to win. None of you have come up with a single decent thing to promote good in this country or to improve this country. You can't win by merit, so you win by cheating and ruining the lives of innocent people, just like Hitler. And now Hamas. No one told them to cross the border and chop the heads off babies.
Nanoose · 61-69, M
If Trump and the MAGAs were emergency car sirens when they talked about how he is so so so persecuted would their whining sound like a American siren - aaaaah woooo - aaaaa woooo - aaaaah woooo? Or would it sound like a European siren - eeeeey you - eeeeey you -eeeeey you?
@IronHamster then Mother Haldol can do her work 👍
Nanoose · 61-69, M
@IronHamster Turquoise145.

The real TDS:

No, wait, here’s the real TDS:

[image/video deleted]

No, no , wait…here’s the real TDS:

Oh, snap! I found the real TDS:

LadyGrace · 70-79
- I didn’t say I don’t think the media lies. I ask you to explain why And how that argument benefits your stance.

Well, look here! 🤣😂 Now who's the liar? I said the media lies and then you said why would the media lie? It's as good as saying the media doesn't lie.

Stuffy·61-69, F

Stuffy · 61-69, F
@LadyGrace You’re so full of sticking to your story that your mind is closed to truth
MarthannBann888 · 70-79, F

You are so nice! I have found that they never admit anything that is not part of the party line. They never say, for example that bidumb may be involved in China deals. Their responses to me have been terrible until I started giving back what the gave me. They also never talk about the really important issues.
Keep your chin up, I think they are all hot air!
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I agree that is putting a barrier for donnie to become president. He should have thought about not breaking the law with 91 indictments in 4 different courts.
Does he still need a test?
Strictgram · 70-79, C
@SW-User Repetative marxist rat.

No. 1. It’s spelled “repetitive”. I realize that you probably taught in a Reich-wing fundamentalist Christian school so you could indulge your perverted fantasy of caning children’s feet, but an educator should know how to spell that word, and failing that, find a dictionary of they’re unsure about how to do so.

No. 2 You and your MAGAt-Mind ilk are the Russia lovers, which always bears repeating, since you falsely claim to be patriots (who, by the way, don’t participate in traitorous insurrections:

exchrist · 31-35
A felon on the ballot isnt legal either as per the 14th. If hes innocent go to trail and get a mot guilty then ull b on the ballot also states rights ita up to the state not the fed.
@Strictgram It’s funny how you refer to us as “leftist commies”, when it’s you Reich-Wingers who are the real Russkie-Lovers:

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@SW-User Yep, definitely right-any argument with him/her here always winds up the same way-like shooting fish in a barrel that’s full of nothing but 🦈
President Trump (45,47)

windinhishair · 61-69, M
@MarthannBann888 Martha Martha Martha. We don't need to know what your favorite snack is. Keep it to yourself.
MarthannBann888 · 70-79, F
Hurt your tiny little ears???
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@MarthannBann888 Not at all. Your ignorance is laughable. I get a kick out of your demented fact-free rants.
Anyone been watching the convicted rapist in court lately? ;-) A gag order to shut his ass up in NY. Taking away and dissolving his "enterprise" holdings in NY State. Banning him from ever doing business in that state again. NY State court convicting him of bank, insurance and IRS fraud.....corrupt business practices for as far back as trump records go in that state.. One by one the election scammers in Georgia flipping on him. The Koch Brothers money has dried up. His mega donors........are stepping back from the criminal. The dominoes are falling. Tic Toc,

But hey the rapist loves orange. Now his jumpsuits can match his face. ;-)

And still the cult thinks he's Jesus. ;-) ;-) ;-)
MarthannBann888 · 70-79, F

Well was it online or on the laptop??

We all know that the more convictions the harder it will be to elect Trump. That is why you traitors are working so hard and breaking so many laws to pin something on him.
You and Nancy don't determine right and wrong. Whatever battles you win are false if not won on THE truth.

As far as the photo, it looks like bidumb shit it out his ass.
@MarthannBann888 Gosh you're a classy speaking woman. Just guessing....hog farmer? Truck driver? You pump out septic tanks?

Of couse this is beyond your grasp but look this up anyway. What party does Prosecutor Smith belong too? Who appointed him? Who appointed the judges that threw A-L-L 99 of trumps election cheating lawsuits out? Who appointed the judge that issued the search warrant on Mar-A-Lago to sieze the top secret documents trump stole? What party does the judge belong too that issued FISA warrants on trump?

I know you wont look anything up for fear truth might be there....but the answers to the above is they are ALL Republicans......and Orange Jesus himself appointed them. Soooo think hard. BTW......Who's flipping like crazy to testify against the traitor for his 91 felony counts? Any Dems in that bunch? Nancy maybe? Didn't think so. Seems like you're full of crap I in your accusations, dont it? 100% of those that keep nailing traitor trump are his own cult groupies....lawyers....advisors....

So quick question for you. Whose out to get trump? All of us "traitors".....or trumpers themselves? Take your time. Thinking is hard.

And to answer your first.....that pic was photoshopped and then posted on a cult post site. Ever see that pic on ANY REPUTABLE news network? Didn't think so. I know it makes the cult quiver in excitement to think oooooh boy we got Biden now.....but fact is....if that is proof right off of Hunters laptop.....where is the laptop??? Congress sure cant find it. The "expert witnesses" 😆 🤣 😂 at Bidens phony impeachment trial dont know whats on it or where it is. But hey...details; details, huh? 😆 🤣 😂 The ones that think that pic is real are the same ones that believe in Jewish Space Lasers and Lizard People are real so who could argue with those geniuses? 😆 🤣 😂 You're gullible and brainwashed. You're in a cult. Wake up.
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windinhishair · 61-69, M
How you can be so ignorant of the facts is not mind boggling to me. Numerous psychologists have written about your, and those like you, inability to think and examine facts and events with the purpose of weighing and discerning the truth and meaning of what you see and hear.
With you, Nancy Pelosi says a word, the liberal media promotes the word, and liberals defend the word with a fevered response common to a bull fight. You are so caught in the fake sincerity that you make the mistake of failing to adjust your thinking in accordance with new information. To compensate the inconsistencies that are usually intolerable for people, you avoid any intake of information that further increases your discomfort. So you refuse to acknowledge any information inconsistent with your meager store of facts. It is also why you have trouble with others who are more informed. Lacking the ability to debate facts you resort to name calling and personal slander, which are the hallmarks of the kkk.

Those psychologists were writing about right-wing nutcases like you who cannot discern fact from fiction, and have become addicted to the right-wing media tunnel. You present "facts" which fall apart on even modest examination, but never waver from your Cult and hive mentality.

I agree with you about the KKK, which is why the KKK is solidly right-wing now and a white, Christian Republican organization.

I'm happy to debate facts with you or anyone, but when you cannot even acknowledge the historical changes in the last 150 years, it is fruitless. I might as well be debating a kumquat, which actually would be closer to correct than you are since it cannot talk or type.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@MarthannBann888 You've obviously been a member of the racist Republicans for your entire life. You must have been so ecstatic when the former democrats who were KKK members decided to join the Republican Party, and you. Now you can walk in lockstep with the David Dukes of the world.
MarthannBann888 · 70-79, F
You are a lying bag of shit.
You must be thrilled that your evil party thought up blaming republicans for your cruel and evil deeds. You lied about black, but people are on to you and see you for who you are. You won't get away with it again.
You have absolutely no proof of what you say you don't even have a decent explanation for saying it. You people are mean and dumb.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@MarthannBann888 I've provided facts and context, and you continue to believe that the KKK is the same as it was in 1870. While that would be shocking for most, it is absolutely expected for you. Being a racist white supremacist must have fried your brain synapses, unless you never had any to begin with. The rest of us would like to know if being a member of the Trump Cult automatically gives you membership in the KKK, or if you have to pay separately?
IronHamster · 56-60, M
The lopsidedness is so obvious, but Trump upset the pedophiles. I guarantee that every single Trump hater dreams of sexually abusing children.

@Strictgram I thought you people also hate regular FBI agents because they participated in the raid of God's house at Mar-a-Lago.
Strictgram · 70-79, C
@LeopoldBloom You're the leftist jackass that wants to defund the police.
@Strictgram When did I say that? My career is in law enforcement, dummy. You have me confused with some imaginary person.

You're the right wing jackass who wants to defund the FBI, because it will make it easier for you to molest kids without getting caught.
The 14th Amendment, Section 3 says "No person shall...hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, who...shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof." This applies to Trump. The state officials are simply following what the Constitution says. Why do you hate the Constitution?

How old are you, anyway? There haven't been Democrats in the KKK since 1870. It's 100% Republican now. Next time you're at a klavern meeting, take a poll and you'll see I'm right.
Dave1955 · 61-69, M
Not persecution but PROSECUTION
LOCK HIM UP!..............
IronHamster · 56-60, M
@Dave1955 Oh my. They don't have a good mental health system in your country, now, do they?
Strictgram · 70-79, C
@Dave1955 Dislike of Trump is all the left has. No way to support a senile. old incompetent, fool so only tactic is to tear Trump down. I'ts obvious but unsuccessful.
MarthannBann888 · 70-79, F
@Strictgram So true. Their lack of content ensures they don't have to discuss anything.
Bumbles · 51-55, M
Then you disagree with the Constitution, which your cult leader wants to suspend, so you should be very happy.
MarthannBann888 · 70-79, F
How in the fucking hell am I supposed to know what you meant???? You say "nobody thinks you would admit IT'S in the constitution". I am not a mind reader and I don't know what you meant by "it".
But, you are a kkk/democrat so of course you would falsely say I didn't know what was in the constitution when I NEVER SAID THAT AT ALL.
i feel so sorry for your family. I bet they have never gotten a truthful answer from you in their lives. You will die before you stop lying, you piece of shit.
And, of course, since you are an unprincipled liar you could care less if millions of people get killed in any country. I guess you pardoned blm and their fires, looting, rapes, and murders because that is the kind of cruel creep you are.

Have you noticed that you are on the side of the killers??

Bumbles · 51-55, M
@MarthannBann888 Perhaps you should understand the 14th Amendment. Or, are you scared to read it?
MarthannBann888 · 70-79, F
Tell the people who voted for bidumb. He is the incompetent selling out the country.

Can we all say hypocrite???????
Stuffy · 61-69, F
I have a dream… that no one ever heard the name Trump. What would you all fight about without him? Something I’m sure but I’m so sick of that T word. Let it end!
tindrummer · M
@Stuffy opinion again - you're welcome
Stuffy · 61-69, F
@tindrummer not opinion. Seen things can’t be unseen. Fact
tindrummer · M
@Stuffy goodnight - enjoy your evening or whatever
Bumbles · 51-55, M
Sorry I missed this brilliant political analysis. 🙄
MarthannBann888 · 70-79, F
@Bumbles Bumbles, he dumbed it down so you would get it.
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I nominate this for funniest post of the year at the SWeep Awards. 🤭
foldedunfolding · 41-45, F
@SW-User i second that emotion
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
@SW-User @foldedunfolding I know I've gotten plenty of laughs out of it.
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@IronHamster Well, Trump is a pedophile, and you support him, so there's that.
IronHamster · 56-60, M
@LeopoldBloom You need a better imagination, because the stories you make up impress nobody.
@IronHamster Just going by what the man did. Since you think he's God, just tell yourself that pedophilia is a sacrament. Heck, it probably is where you come from.
@IronHamster Then you should vote Republican. They have plenty of black friendly organizations for you to join and fit in with. The KKK was a proud supporter of trump. Skinheads and White supremacists like the Oath Keepers and whats left of the Proud Prison Boyz would love to show you how caring and warm they can be to nonwhites.Screw those Dems...right? The real love for blacks is in the GOP.
@Strictgram The Convicted rapist was absolutely found guilty of RAPE....and defamation of character and slander for badgering her publicly for outting him. He was ordered to pay $5 million in damages for slandering her....then like the moron he is.....on the SAME DAY he was found guilty on all charges he went on Lie Social and repeated the same exact things he was just ordered to pay damages to her for......and she promply resued him for MORE damages. The judge immediately found him guilty AGAIN without even a trial....using the cult leaders own recorded words to prove his guilt....AGAIN. Now its up to a jury how much more the judge should order the moron to pay her. You can live in La La Cult Land all you want....but the traitor is a CONVICTED rapist. Just like he's twice impeached and 4 times indicted. So far.......

But hey.....he's not paying that money is he? Sucker donation money will pay it......just like $40 million of sucker money is paying for his legal bills. Just exactly what you all donated it for I bet. 😆 🤣 😂
IronHamster · 56-60, M
@anythingoes477 WTF? Citation please.
trollslayer · 46-50, M
The word is PROSECUTED
@IronHamster For what? I know you think Trump is God, but blasphemy isn't illegal.
IronHamster · 56-60, M
@LeopoldBloom You only know things that aren't true.
@IronHamster You don't think Trump is God? Wow, don't let anyone know or you'll be kicked out of the next QAnon meeting.
wildbill83 · 41-45, M
lets just toss out any mail in ballots, and automatically disqualify any ballots that arrive after polls have closed...

I wonder who'd win? 🤔
The only question is, were these extra ballots miraculously favoring one candidate truly legitimate

No, the only question is, why did none of this so-called irrefutable evidence hold up in court in front of Trump-appointed judges?
@IronHamster Deflection noted. You can't prove it so you ask me to hand over my life savings instead🤭
MarthannBann888 · 70-79, F

I think you have got it!! "Let everyone who is eligible vote." So, someone sends in an anonymous ballot not filled out with the correct information, what is that? Certainly not an eligible vote.

Oh, and I love your saying "then go to court". You know your filthy corrupt judges will never stick to the law. They go by the law of the kkk/democrats.
The problem here Martha is that ur stupid. Read your post....and your comment. Iowa is a Red if the traitor is being considered for being kicked off the would the minority party in Iowa......the that?? Minority control of both houses do not pass resolutions like that........the majority rule does. If he does get kicked he should be in accordance with the 14th Amendment Clause will be Republicans doing it......not Dems. So if you have a problem....take it up with YOUR OWN PARTY. For ease of identification........They're the ones in the hoods.
What's even funnier is that Trump's actions have already disqualified him from running for president :)

What's funnier still is that you've warped the truth of the story. Here is what actually happened.

Earlier this summer, a GOP-controlled board in an Iowa county decided that the person who would oversee their local elections would be a fellow Republican who had no specific experience running elections and who made prior social media posts questioning the legitimacy of the 2020 presidential contest. Local Democrats were outraged — and David Whipple's stint as county auditor didn’t last long.

On Tuesday, voters in Warren County overwhelmingly decided to replace Whipple with Kimberly Sheets, a Democrat who had served in the auditor's office. She earned about 67% of the vote over Whipple in the special election, which highlighted the desire for voters to choose their own candidate for the important office and take a stand against what some saw as an overreach by local government.
The Dems like to use their might and money to disqualify the Greens and Socialists from the ballot. It's not like we the people decided who is running.
deadgerbil · 26-30
Amen sister Amen

But please go back into the kitchen and leave the discussions to us men
specman · 51-55, MVIP
Yes . It should not be allowed. It is a type of censorship!
@specman I see. So barring someone from office because they broke the law is censorship? Wow, just wow.
specman · 51-55, MVIP
@SW-User if his name is on the ballot he is not disqualified. To ban him because you don’t like what he stands for. Would be like banning or the removal of trans people.
MarthannBann888 · 70-79, F
Spec is right. You can't imagine him guilty and have him be guilty. You have to prove it. It's a pain I know, but there you are!
Kkk/democrats always think they make the law, and in truth they did for a long time, and are trying to get that power back. That is what this fight is really about.
ServantOfTheGoddess · 61-69, M
You have never seen someone so persecuted????
foldedunfolding · 41-45, F
@ServantOfTheGoddess lmao like wtf..this post is unhinged
trollslayer · 46-50, M
Is this the meaning behind the 88 in your screen name?
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@MarthannBann888 You're hilarious, but a very poor troll. Come on, you can do better.
MarthannBann888 · 70-79, F
@windinhishair Too bad you can't do better!.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@MarthannBann888 I do better than you every single minute of every single day. But that's an extremely low bar to clear.
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
Next thing you know they'll be banning convicted traitors from running -- oh, the unfairness!
MarthannBann888 · 70-79, F

Speaking of convicted traitors, why don't show the paper work on that? Liar liar pants on fire!!!
MarthannBann888 · 70-79, F
@ChipmunkErnie By the way, the real traitor is in the White House. The have the checks, eye witness testimony, everything it takes to convict. But, we all know kkk/democrats are above the law and he will never go to court. Just like Hitler, Bidumb will not be called to account for his crimes on this earth. You must like being in the party that's above the law.
Hahaha that's funny 😂

Strictgram · 70-79, C
@SW-User Swamp dog.
butterflybaby75 · 46-50, F
Trump still pushes the big lie claiming the 2020 election was stolen. Hes a sore lose bully boy.
MarthannBann888 · 70-79, F
@butterflybaby75 Thanks for the proof.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@Strictgram The OP indicated the democrats were the party of the KKK and nazis. That is factually incorrect, and monumentally so. You can't have an informed discussion if the OP gets basic facts wrong.
specman · 51-55, MVIP
It would be like them trying to exclude trans people in that state from voting
@specman Fine. Well, Trump will be disqualified.
specman · 51-55, MVIP
@SW-User ok. It doesn’t affect me anyways.
MarthannBann888 · 70-79, F
@specman So sorry, spec, but this doesn't stop with Trump. It doesn't ever stop, ever.
Are you gonna cry?
Nanoose · 61-69, M
Well it seems clear that you will never see Trump as the horrible human that he is. So I will try this - Na Na a Bo Bo Trump won't be able to run even if he is wearing a tutu.
Nanoose · 61-69, M
@SW-User Na na a bo bo someone is triggered and I think its you.
@MarthannBann888 It's glorious to watch you spontaneously combust with fury now that you realise that your Messiah is not above the law🤣
who the fuck died and made you judge?
spjennifer · 61-69, T

You made a typo, hopefully that will become prosecuted soon enough. Your blind devotion to a cretin of his ilk is astonishing for someone who tries to pass herself off as being edumacated like you obviously are, poor old granny just keep on stumpin' for tRumpkin like Alex Jones tells you to 🤪
IronHamster · 56-60, M
Democrats have been abusing and killing black people any way they can get away with it, and a hundred sixty years later they are still mad at Republicans for freeing their slaves. In Seattle Democrats exclusively shoot black men. In Chicago Democrats shoot a black man about every twenty hours, and during the Antifa riots it was double that.

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MarthannBann888 · 70-79, F
@Dave1955 I may look stupid to some, but to those who actually bothered to listened to what he said i don't looked that way at all. How do i know he didn't boast about raping women? I listened to him. There were many innocent black people in the south who were tried and convicted of invented crimes. Do you say that this did not happen when you know they it did? Nothing is new.
The dems have not changed hundreds of years.
Dave1955 · 61-69, M
@MarthannBann888 Please watch and listen to the video

I hope you change your mind about him
MarthannBann888 · 70-79, F
Oh please, you watch tv, i am not!. That could be anything. @Dave1955

Ok i will answer you.
1. I have listened to this shoddy tape until I know it by heart.
2. He made a "move" on a woman which was rejected.
3. So you think it is immoral to approach a woman to get to know her?
4. And, you think it is immoral to acknowledge that rich and famous men are approached by willing women ALL OF THE TIME.

So, you answer me now.... If you dare.

Your wonderful clinton woman running against Trump.

1. Accepted $25,000,000 from men who hold their wives in slavery. Do you think that is more immoral than than the brag Trump. In other words is it more immoral to approach a woman than to hold het against her will in slavery?

2. Clinton and her campaign colluded with a hostile foreign government to have a dossier written by an operative of another government who gathered FALSE information about her opponent from the hostile government.

This FALSE information was then illegally attested to be true to a United States Federal Court by an agency of the United States Government who were committing perjury knowingly by such testimony.

Do you think it is immoral to deprive a citizen of this country of his rights under cover of the law? Do you think asking a woman out and being rejected is more immoral than that.


4. Is it immoral to collude with the people depriving another person of their rights, with full knowledge of their crimes, for your own personnel gain. In other words do you understand that you are immoral?

Do you understand that far from being superior in morality your are in fact far inferior and that your crimes are far more harmful to human beings than the pitiful observation that some women are after rich men. I certainly hope YOU have never asked a woman out. The outrage of such is unspeakable, especially compared to the relative innocence of slavery.

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