Liberals, do you enjoy President Trump living rent free in your head?I love how you guys bring him into conversations that have nothing to do with him. LOL
Why is that Liberals feel the need to post everywhere they received the Covid shotYet Conservatives typically don't say anything unless someone asks them? Do Liberals feel they need a pat on the back or something?
If you were given a Tax Refund, why are you mad about President Trump paying $750 in taxes?Hypocrite much?
What percentage of African heritage do you have to be for this to apply?About 7% for me according to 23 and me. (1)
Anyone else find the humor in Democrats calling Republicans nothing but racists and sexistsYet that is exactly what Sen. Harris was picked for as the VP nominee?
Why would Joe Biden make a good President?Let's try an actual answer this time. He's not Trump is just a lazy BS answer. Surely you great Liberal Democrats can give an actual real response and not the inane drivel you usually spout.
Here's a question for all the President Trump hating flat-earthers.If President Trump said the earth is flat, would you change your mind?
Anyone else notice onky males and females have tested positive for Covid.Guess there are only two genders after all.
Liberals I love how you only pay lip service to freedom of speechI can have my own opinion as long as it matches yours. Heaven forbid I think for myself and have a different view.
Why do some of you feel the need to bring President Trump into all political posts?Do you truly have TDS and can't see past your own blind hatred?
Instead of bashing President Trump, how about you tell me what makes former VP Biden a better pick?Because he is not Trump is an invalid, lazy answer.