You guys love to believe the echo chamber rhetoric, that we're silly snowflakes who take great spiritual offense to your sharp and pointed words. Personally, I find that hilarious coming from a group so terrified of reality they are literally trying to cancel it out of existence.
Trump, whether people like it or not, is now a historical figure as a former president of the US. That merits discussion in its own right, but he's also the immediate predecessor to Biden, which makes the inclusion of his name in policy and practical conversations legitimate and necessary. We aren't the ones trying to force history not to exist.
@sunsporter1649 I'm a Socialist, so the Democrats aren't my party. How come the Republicans can't let go of Trump? Are you deflecting because you know I'm right?
It took Trumpfans years to quit posting about H C. They got all their best material from Fox and were so disappointed when she went for a hike. Butwhatabout Hillary was their standard go to. Then Fox taught them to post, Whatabout AOC, so they wouldn't go through withdrawal.
Why would liberals care about Trump? He's not the president anymore. I mean, I guess he's still relevant to the conversation in terms of things that were affected by his time in office, but that doesn't go too far.
@TheSentinel So you still have not see the interview, and are trying to pass on the bullschiff you got from pmsnbc, eh? So typical of you left-wing nut-job marxists.
As liberals, and thinking people, we understand that we need two working parties to sustain our government. At present, the Republican party is thoroughly encased up trump's ass. Propagating lies and rewriting recent history (I reckon history in general). There is no discussion of policy, except us vs ______(fill in the blank). Seems their only mission is to win in 2022. So yes, trump is the subject of many discussions. And he will be until he no longer has so many Republicans squeezed in.
Kind of like how a rape victim keeps thinking about their attacker? Since when does someone stop thinking about a person that negatively affected them?
@TexChik Can you name them? Apparently not, probably because they don’t exist. Obviously he’s a billionaire, he was born a billionaire, has always been a billionaire, he’s not a rags-to-riches story. Neither being a real estate developer, television personality, nor owning golf courses require you to create any companies. He’s president of over 500 companies, but he didn’t start them himself.
really genius? While you were playing with women's clothes Trump created over 250 multi million dollar companies. What exactly have you done besides shave your legs? Dont be afraid . Tell us about all your education and business successes.
Hmm, well let me see, the companies he created, like tRump University, the fraudulent mess, the tRump Mahal, another mess where he screwed hard working contractors out of million$?
I don't need to justify my existence to you but let's just say 35+ years of unblemished Service in multiple wars and 2 Master's Degrees during that time. I have nothing to be ashamed of, contrary to the pussy grabber in chief who is nothing more than a con man who has used Daddy's money and not done a very good job of it...
@monte3 Normality? in 4 months we run out of gasoline, the libs are hiding behind barbed wire and troops, border security has been destroyed, millions of jobs gone. That obama shit isnt "normality"
@TexChik what in the name of sanity are you talking about? Jobs are being added and except for NC pipeline, plus idiots hoarding I there is plenty of gas. No one is hiding behind barbed wire, although the very real threat of violence by crazed Trumpies, see Jan 6th did create added precautions. I understand that your life without trump tweets seems meaningless but try and cope. Lady please get help.
TDS has always been people that believe any of the tens of thousands of lies Trump told during his 4 year presidency. TDS is asking a question about Trump while saying Liberals talk/post about Trump to much. TDS is thinking Trump did something good for the country when Trump has always been a Russian asset and has been proving that again this week. (Biden is a fool, Putin is a genius.) Russia is better than the US. Trump supports Russia. Trump is an extremely dangerous man and the people of the US should be reminded of that at every opportunity.
Speaking of living rent free, RetRumplicans are the ones who keep bringing him up. He's a has been, one and done loser, no one cares about what he has to say anymore, he's irrelevant. Well past time for the Real Republicans to find someone new to lead them because he never did. Personally i could care less if we never heard a single word about him until he croaks, just go away already...
@sunsporter1649 Raghead terrorists I support? Who? Who the fuck do I support that's a terrorist? You openly support Al Qaeda. YOU support "raghead terrorists." Not me.
Dr. Suess held back some famous titles to increase their value and sales? And it's the leftist liberals trying to cancel Dr. Suess for just writing nice stories?!?!?!?!
@nedkelly I mean, not really, no. Obama did a lot of damage to this country. Sure, he deserves credit for some stuff, but his achievements are far outweighed by his mistakes.
The only difference being Trump paid for his mansion because he actually had a job before becoming president , Obama sold his presidency and is being paid off until this day. That's how he pays for his mansion.@nedkelly
@DoubleRings Seeing the way he treats women in public and how he speaks to and about them, I can't see any woman being happy with a swine like him. At least for you it was only a nightmare...
{@tiredandlonely ] i can empathise with what you say in a way . why the hell would you want to bring a nightmare you had back . leave him and it where it belongs along distant bad memory 😆