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Why do some of you feel the need to bring President Trump into all political posts?

Do you truly have TDS and can't see past your own blind hatred?
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HoraceGreenley · 61-69, M
Something bugging you?
monte3 · 70-79, M
@HoraceGreenley I am fine still waiting for the first memeless idea from you though....
HoraceGreenley · 61-69, M
No soup for you
AbbeyRhode · F
That's exactly what it is. They are consumed with blind, seething hatred, and blame Trump for everything that's wrong in their pathetic lives.

ninalanyon · 61-69, T
@AbbeyRhode Thank you.
AbbeyRhode · F
@ninalanyon My pleasure. The Soros-owned media refuse to report anything positive about Trump, so a lot of people have no idea how hard our President is working, for us, not for himself. I wonder how many know that he also does not take any salary for it, either. He donates the Presidential salary to charity.
4meAndyou · F
I heard something very interesting last night. Did you know that almost 90% of ALL institutions and departments in Washington DC are under Democrat control?

When Trump won the presidency in 2016, the shock for the Democrat owned institutions already in place was like a sudden plunge into an ice bath.

This will not stop until all Republican politicians grow a pair, and back this President to the hilt. It is HIS policies which will save us from anarchy.

If those politicians will just support jobs, (good paying jobs for all), a strong economy, the Constitution and the law, and the sanctity of the American family, they will be able to lead their people into the future.
4meAndyou · F
@NenaRussa And yet it supports a good economy! Trump is all about jobs...get the people off the public dole...allow them to work and have pride in themselves.
NenaRussa · 26-30, F
Aren’t republicans the ones who support manufacturing in sweatshops in Asian countries and oppose livable wages in America? @4meAndyou
4meAndyou · F
@NenaRussa Odd...I answered this already. Must have forgotten to hit enter.

ALL wealthy American elites who think the bottom line is important were, for quite a long time, allowed to screw the very poor workers overseas while raking in their profits. We are in process of changing that. Republicans want manufacturing to come back to the United States.

Anyway, outsourcing was begun by George W. Bush, the Democrat's favorite Republican. He screwed the Senate vote 8 times by siding with the Democrats on outsourcing issues. Bill Clinton then took over, and outsourcing became his legacy. He destroyed our economy...or continued the process.

When the virus hit, we discovered that thanks to Bush and Clinton...and the ineffectual Obama who did nothing to fix it...we could no longer manufacture essential supplies that we really health supplies.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
Because Trump's actions illustrate his complete unfitness for office. As President, he obviously will come up in any discussion of US politics. It isn't blind hatred, it is sadness for Trump's intentional division of the US population, and the danger his actions pose to the nation and the world.
Piper · 61-69, F
I'm guessing it's for the same sort of reason, that some bring up some past political figure at the slightest whiff of criticism towards Trump. If discussion about and criticism of a sitting president is considered "blind hatred" by anyone, they surely have a very short memory about their own or other's "hatred" in the past.
@Piper that's "whataboutism". An attempt to deflect.
Same reason people were obsessed with former President Obama. We have given too much power and attention to the office of the presidencey, the executive power attached to it. And we give the office a mythical social and even spiritual power that's quite delusional.
Carissimi · F
Do you know how post modernists work to destroy the fabric of society? They complain and criticize everything, even what is good and wholesome. Their objective is to tear down traditional values, and replace with their authoritarian power. They never stop. Keep finding new things to complain about, even the illogical, such as “math is racist,” and all the other nonsense they espouse. Trump stands for tradition, therefore he must be ridiculed, humiliated, and criticized, for everything he does. Just remember their game, and you will understand why.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@Carissimi Trump loves the nuclear family so much that he's had three of them--so far.

Trump wants to preserve the history of the Confederacy while letting American soldiers die with bounties on their heads.

Trump wants to preserve the Constitution, except the parts he doesn't like and won't abide by like the system of checks and balances, or congressional oversight.
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Piper · 61-69, F
@Carissimi I'm not sure if you are aware, that Trump has often been criticized by many on both the Right and the Left, for his disregard...mockery of the Constitution.
No, the Left does not want to "destroy" the nuclear family, at all. I really don't think Trump is a very good example to bring up in regard to "preserving" it, either.
It is certainly true, that people on the Left and Right often have differences, about what "preserving" history entails.
Wordlover · F
It’s hard to see past his hatred to be honest! Although his utter ignorance of the world is very amusing at times.
@Wordlover losing 🤭
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@Wordlover 😘 sorry
Well, for one thing, using the words "blind hatred of Trump" is pretty inflammatory.

I don't think it requires blindness to detest a man who openly tells his followers to blind themselves to others and listen only to him.

Beyond that, it's also a blatant example of something Trump does, accusing others of whatever it is he is accused of doing.

I'm not denying that it's effective rhetorically, but its deplorable and the fact that people don't see that is also maddening as is the fact that they're teaching their children to do the same thing.

The principles of Trumpism are anthetical to civil society, imo, and while it does get tiresome to dwell on it, turning a blind eye to it seems like malpractice as a human being.

How's that for an explanation (and illustration) of TDS?
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@MistyCee So you finally admit the demoncraps are the racist, slave owners of yore. The party of the KKK and the marsixt antifa/BLM? I read yesterday that the reason General Flynn was prosecuted for a non crime is because he knew and wanted to expose the massive corruption in the Obama administration. The former CIA director under Obama was running BILLIONS of dollars off the books.
Oh, and I forgot to mention how "owning the libs" with lies, in addition to being wasteful,and destructive and barbaric, is irritating and annoying.

Morning, @hippyjoe1955.
QuietChaos · 56-60, M
Why not just hand Hippy a copy of the Right Wing Playbook and he’ll shut up for a little while.

With the news of bounties and your typical inaction subsequent, we are reminded of the SOP (Standard Orange Procedure).

1 Deny
1a Call it Fake News
1b Call it “a hoax” (a favorite right wing phrase)

2 Downplay

3 Blame Obama

4 Blame AOC or Bernie

5 Blame the Liberal media

6 Blame Mexicans

7 Blame Muslims

8 Change the subject

9 Attack a shithole country

10 Blame Hillary

11 Blame Schiff, Pelosi, Nadler, and Schumer

12 Fire a member of WH staff or Cabinet

13 Hold pep rally in Alabama

Constructive criticism of Trump? YoU muSt HavE TdS

Calling out Trump’s behavior? YoU muSt HavE TdS

Discussing Trump’s terrible policies? YoU muSt HavE TdS

Critiquing Trump’s presidency? YoU muSt HavE TdS

Not every post about Trump is of blind hatred. There has been some reasonable discussions about him that won’t always match your narrative. So maybe just maybe those who spew out TDS should stop being so sensitive.
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Whatever his faults or his successes, no president in history has pissed off so many people so much for so long.
Driver2 · M
@FairyGirlGemma he gets results that’s what counts
Driver2 · M
I think it’s really because he stopped them from taking complete control when Hillary lost.
The fact he fights back made them more rabid. Like wild animals
Because it is always about him.
Cabernetfranc · 80-89, M
Not blind hatred......just astonishment. An article in the July 1st NYTimes suggests that 86% of the people who voted for Trump in 2016 will do so again in 2020. What do those 86% know that is hidden from me? 🤔
It happens from both sides. It is "whataboutism". Trying to deflect the conversation away from the original issue.
He's the one with the hatred.
JohnOinger · 41-45, M
smiler2012 · 61-69
tiredandlonely he is a hot topic
He is such a pussy though
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4meAndyou · F
@RogueLoner 😂😂😂
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@RogueLoner And let's not forget they let him live rent-free in their heads too!

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