Modern american christianithy isnt Jesus PINNEDPastors in their mega churches raking in money living lavish and luxurious lifestyles the opposite of what Jesus thaught its no coincidence so many christians are leaaving their religion behind them.
If biden has dementia Trump is obese PINNEDAnd unlike Biden Trump dosent work out and keep in shape he is to lazy i be surprised if he surwievs until 2024.
So the Trump purges have come to the FBIWill Trumo now install MAGA loyalists as heads of FBI including the FBI director after recent firing.of Wray
Why havent Trump strikred a deal with PutinAnd end the war in ukraine as he promised is it because he hasd no leverage over Putin and Putin not being intressted in making a deal with Trump.
If any president can start world war three its TrumpAnd his landgrabbng no one know if Trumo will be content with Canada Greenland and Panama he might want to expand his targets while he is at it.
Will the Syrian rebels behaveAs the moderates they claim to be and allow an election for the next leadership in Syria after the brutal dictator Bashir Assads fall,
If trump want to raise the debt cieling why did he create the DOGEAnd put Musk Ramaswamy in charge he undermines himself its known that Trump is a big spending republican now kept in control by Musk and Ramaswamy
The point of tariffsTo raise prices on foreign goods to make domestic manufactured goods price competitive raising prices is the point of having tariffs why do some deny it
Is MAGA modern American fasicsmt MAGA is violent sectarian and doesent accept any one who disagree with them and sae tthose who disagree as communists this is true american fascism,
Will Trump be able to raise the debt ceilingTo retain masiuvly expenssive tax cuts for bliionaires and fund his mass deportation plan will democrats reject it and be fiscaly conservative.
Is Trump building the most incompetent admistation ever.Fox News hacks election deniers rapists anti-vaccers all sem to find a place in the Trump administartion will this be the most incompetent adminstration in history.
*Will Trump be a strong aliy of IsraelAnd Nethanyaho more so than Biden without any demands. or are there any chance he will bring peace between Israel and Gaza.
Any New Yorkers hereAre immigrants with superior weapons taking over time square accrording to Trump thats just whats happening.
Do you think Trump has ever read the bibleTrump doesent read even intteligence info presented to him as president. yet he sells overpriced bibels do you thiunk he ever rfead the bible.
Donald Trump refuse to debateEven in his safe place Fox News and definitely on CNN he knows he is a bad debater.
Do immigrants eat petsTrump and espcially his VP claimn they do an espacialy targeting black Haitians.
Are the democrats MarxistsIf so how do rhey want to nationalize the economy do they want to collectivize agriculture do they think the mean of production should be socialy owned.
Will Trump imprison his political oppnents if electedThat what he says he will do baicly being a dictator he accepts no criticism only adoration and absolut loyalty.
Why do repubicans call democrats anti semitesWhen democrats are anti Netanyahu like many Israelis Netanyahu is as great as an obstcle to peace as Hamas.
Maga republicans hate China but love RusssiaWould this be the case if the Chinese were white like the Russians i mean the Chinese dont interfer in US elections unlike Russia.
What effect will Trumps tarrifs haveWill theý be limited to importers or will the cost of the tarrifs be pased on to busniesses and consumers.
Must MAGA denounce ReaganGiven that he granted amnesty to illigal immigrants and started the immigration problem we have today can you be both MAGA and pro Reagan.
Why does Trump only appear on interviews on Fox News and NewsmaxIs he afraid of getting tough questions and only accept softball interviwes that Fox News and Newsmax offer.
Is RFK representative of his fatherWe know RFK love conspiracy theories he love Putin is it belives his father and uncle would have if they were polticly active today.
Why are trumps senate endorsed candidates so extremeThey are either extremist like Mark Robinson or concpiracy kooks like Kari Lake are they the only kind of canididates strongly supporting Trump.