I highly recommend this article to understand how Economy and Employment Statistics don't match people's reality https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2025/02/11/democrats-tricked-strong-economy-00203464 (1)
Many years from now, students of economics will learn of the sheer stupidity, in which one egotistical leader started and chain of events that caused……the next stock market crash or credit crunch. And they will point and laugh at us for allowing it to happen.
The economist always said decent inflation is good for economic growth.I really doubt with that,it only work presume corporate or business increase earning on raising price of good and service sold will eventually invest on expanding the business hire more worker,increase wages,or extra earning increase spending power... See More »
FYI- If we want to lower inflation then tarrifs might do the opposite, it might increase prices instead!I think it might increase gas, food, and goods like tv's etc. Example! If we buy maple syrup from Canada and Canada has a tariff then Canada will increase their prices on Maple syrup and we have to pay more for that maple syrup!
Ever had the feeling you've been cheated?Billionaires tell you immigrants are taking your jobs Billionaires send your jobs overseas Billionaires want AI to replace your job Billionaires are making record profit margins and still raise prices blaming it on inflation "Wake up and smell... See More »
The German economy shrank again last year while the Russian economy grew. Was that the intended result?Does this mean the Ukraine war has been a failure? Was hitting the EU population with austerity the real goal of the Ukraine mission?
Over 50% of inflation is due to corporate profits.Over 50% of inflation is due to corporate profits not the cost of making things. (1)