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Do you think Trump has ever read the bible

Trump doesent read even intteligence info presented to him as president. yet he sells overpriced bibels do you thiunk he ever rfead the bible.
EvilEmma · F
i am not even christian... but a person selling signed bibles for grotesque money does strike me as a satanic thing to do
DrWatson · 70-79, M
I remember watching a clip from a National Prayer Breakfast that Trump attended.

A minister was saying, "We know we are to forgive our enemies...."

Trump interrupted him and interjected, "I have to disagree with you there!"

He seemed to think he was merely disagreeing with the pastor's personal opinion. He did not recognize Jesus' command to his disciples.

And then there was his press conference where he introduced his Bibles. He began with the
absolutely tone-deaf greeting, "Happy Lent!"

Or how about the Fox News interview in which the interviewers asked him about his own prayer habits. All he could talk about was how many people have told him that they pray for him!

And then there was his Liberty University address, in which , reading from a speech his speech writers wrote for him, he referenced "Two Corinthians", and had no idea why the audience started laughing.

I doubt that he is familiar with the Bible or with what Christianity is all about.
Bellatrix2024 · 22-25, F
@DrWatson It was the start of a joke. "Two Corinthians walk into a bar... "
Bellatrix2024 · 22-25, F
What, 'The Art of the Deal'? 🤣

No, of course he hasn't. He was once asked by a reporter what his favourite book in the Bible is (you know, like Ecclesiastes or Genesis) and his response was, "The Bible!"
The goofball didn't even understand the question.
Elessar · 26-30, M
Do you think Trump has ever read

You could've stopped there and I would've already answered «No.»
No, I don't think he's read it or even discussed it much. He made a gaffe a few years ago referring to 2nd Corinthians" as "two Corinthians." I'm agnostic and haven't read the Bible all the way thru either, but I know enough to know how people refer to the first and second letters from Paul to the Corinthians.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@ElwoodBlues I've read it all the way through, but I don't remember half of the crazy stuff that's in there. I was considering reading it again just to remind myself how insane it actually is.
@LordShadowfire Yeah, my dad went all the way through it years and years ago, and I remember him being aghast at God's order to slaughter the children in some of the cities.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@ElwoodBlues What's worse is that one passage, and I can't think of the exact verse at the moment, where he tells them to save the little girls and kill everyone else. Like save them for what, bro?
Vin53 · M
He's read as much of the Bible as he has the complete works of Shakespeare translated to Zimbabwe.
Vin53 · M
@Bellatrix2024 Have you gotten over it yet?
Bellatrix2024 · 22-25, F
@Vin53 Umm... 🤔
Yes, I think so. Now don't do it again!
Vin53 · M
Nanoose · 61-69, M
He has read the bible – but he was looking for loopholes in the 10 commandments. Cheers and happy weekend!
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@Nanoose Given that he almost certainly stands in violation of all 10, I believe you.
@LordShadowfire He's also made a clean sweep of the Deadly Sins!

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SeaGlass · F
Nah.. no way in hell, lol. He's just trying to pull in the religious-right votes
Well. Consider that he doesn't notice when he has it upside down and backwards it doesn't look good for him.
Trump doesn't read, period.
HobNoblin · 36-40, MNew
Don't know / care.
jefferson · M
has he ever read a book
rhouse · 56-60, M
Of course not.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
Of course. He can even recite it backwards. /s

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