Crap… Here I am daydreaming about reconnecting w him when all last night I kept making myself practice letting go… this in between is so confusing I …I’m not sure what to listen to
I’m letting him go… 10 years is a long time to let go of.. I’m scared. But I’m encouraging myself to do it… He was safety, an escape, a dream, anExcuse, a motivation, a goal, an inspiration, an obsession, a creative, a muse, a lover, a friend, gorgeous, alluring w mystery, bi polar, heartbreaking, caring, forgiving, confused, adaptable, joyous, curious, A PLAYER, but talented, outgoing,... See More »
Am I the only one that accidentally sometimes refers to a calendar as “the map”?? 👏🤣🙃“Hold on. Let me look at the map real quick n let u know if im available”
Don’t be with someone who doesn’t love you. You know what love is suppose to feel like —GO out and find it!
Rekindled a connection w a lover. Hadn’t seen each other in a couple years. Then last year started hanging out.He kissed me unexpectedly. I considered Poll (5) See Poll Optionstrying to start things up more intimately a few days later. Then the holidays happened and that took up time and then upon returning from holidays I... See More »
I’ve been watching a lot of thrillers lately. Seems they have creeped into my dreams, making sleep tense rather than restful. How do I overcome this?
Had a stressful dream based on a movie I watched last night. Now I’m uncomfortable lying in bed. What do I do to relax and feel normal again!?
The reason why I’m upset tonight is bc I think I’ve reached a wall. Many ppl around me are making familesBut I’m not one to be inclined to do so… this then brings up an issue of not being sure of what I want to do w my life- I haven’t known what I’ve wanted to do forever. Don’t think that uncertainty is a good environment for a child anyways!…Well it... See More »
I think it’s impossible to LIKE doing “something/anything” forever. Even if you’re obsessed with an activity right now you’re gonna reach a day whereyou just don’t want to do it!—- this is why I’ve had so many jobs and hobbies. It’s not a matter of a fact that I like the things I do, but I hate knowing that I only do them bc I’m bored or I haven’t found something to do longer than a handful of... See More »
People who work with computers all day: Does looking at any screen after work become difficult, in the sense of you subconsciously don’t want to bc ofdoing it at work for 8 hours??
Suddenly remembered my idiotic younger self getting drunk and seamlessly getting into a strangers car bc we were having a good conversation and theyBrought me back to a hotel they were staying at bc they were here on a business trip… I suddenly started thinking and got out safe. Luckily, They actually were nice. But what a dummy on my part!!! #MajorCringe Definitely learned my lesson. —— I can... See More »
My stomach is upset. I’ve had water, bland food, ginger tea— I just hope I can have some sleep. Laying on my left side which they say is the best sideFor upset stomachs. This has been an issue all evening and night. 🤞 Not as bad as earlier but still not perfect. 🤞 Praying it feels better asap!
I keep thinking about my All my loved ones dying and I hate it. I’m afraid that if I keep having thoughts like these I’ll accidentally kill them.^From thinking these ideas. Please tell me advice on how to STOP these thoughts!! 😢🥹
What I ask of you are Three questions:1.) What is something healthy to think about to escape existential thoughts? 2.) What motivates you to live each day? 3.) What do you hope to experience in life?
I have an issue… But it’s probably not as big of a deal as it feels right now. I will do my best to summarize.Breaking it down: 🤔💭 🕦🕚🕐🕝🕟🕘🕛 …OK—- so… There’s this guy who I’ve known for 10 years. We became friends, then we became friends that hooked up, then Covid happened and I didn’t see him for a couple years bc life wasn’t normal and we were all stuck... See More »