I’ve been watching a lot of thrillers lately. Seems they have creeped into my dreams, making sleep tense rather than restful. How do I overcome this?
Had a stressful dream based on a movie I watched last night. Now I’m uncomfortable lying in bed. What do I do to relax and feel normal again!?
The reason why I’m upset tonight is bc I think I’ve reached a wall. Many ppl around me are making familesBut I’m not one to be inclined to do so… this then brings up an issue of not being sure of what I want to do w my life- I haven’t known what I’ve wanted to do forever. Don’t think that uncertainty is a good environment for a child anyways!…Well it... See More »
I think it’s impossible to LIKE doing “something/anything” forever. Even if you’re obsessed with an activity right now you’re gonna reach a day whereyou just don’t want to do it!—- this is why I’ve had so many jobs and hobbies. It’s not a matter of a fact that I like the things I do, but I hate knowing that I only do them bc I’m bored or I haven’t found something to do longer than a handful of... See More »
People who work with computers all day: Does looking at any screen after work become difficult, in the sense of you subconsciously don’t want to bc ofdoing it at work for 8 hours??
Suddenly remembered my idiotic younger self getting drunk and seamlessly getting into a strangers car bc we were having a good conversation and theyBrought me back to a hotel they were staying at bc they were here on a business trip… I suddenly started thinking and got out safe. Luckily, They actually were nice. But what a dummy on my part!!! #MajorCringe Definitely learned my lesson. —— I can... See More »
My stomach is upset. I’ve had water, bland food, ginger tea— I just hope I can have some sleep. Laying on my left side which they say is the best sideFor upset stomachs. This has been an issue all evening and night. 🤞 Not as bad as earlier but still not perfect. 🤞 Praying it feels better asap!
I keep thinking about my All my loved ones dying and I hate it. I’m afraid that if I keep having thoughts like these I’ll accidentally kill them.^From thinking these ideas. Please tell me advice on how to STOP these thoughts!! 😢🥹
What I ask of you are Three questions:1.) What is something healthy to think about to escape existential thoughts? 2.) What motivates you to live each day? 3.) What do you hope to experience in life?
I have an issue… But it’s probably not as big of a deal as it feels right now. I will do my best to summarize.Breaking it down: 🤔💭 🕦🕚🕐🕝🕟🕘🕛 …OK—- so… There’s this guy who I’ve known for 10 years. We became friends, then we became friends that hooked up, then Covid happened and I didn’t see him for a couple years bc life wasn’t normal and we were all stuck... See More »
🙏 I’m truly grateful for this website. It saved my life 13 years ago. It was called “The Experience Project” and I accidentally came across on a dayI needed it the most. (Experience Project was Similar Worlds original name) It was one of the luckiest moments. Thank you to everyone on here for sharing your story, thoughts, hopes, love, pain, joy and dreams! You matter. You are wonderful. 🙏 Thank... See More »
There are some people in this world that receive things so easily...They seem to have the means to command the things they want to occur and/or they’re given great things with no effort. People are nice to them bc they are attractive. Other people want to be noticed by them. They take most things for granted and... See More »
I have a friend who at times will be distant during a hangout and then during other hang out they will be very engaged and energetic…It’s a little confusing bc I’ll go into the hangout feeling amped bc I’m assuming they will be, but then they won’t be, or I’ll be chill and mellow bc I’m assuming they will be, but they will be amped instead. I’m not sure what to expect. I’m not... See More »
I struggle with living/existing sometimes. I hate admitting it but idk what to do about it, even tho there’s nothing wrong..Do you ever feel this way? What do you do?