I feel so aloneGosh... I hate how Im becoming a ball of negative energy.... And now... so many thing are happening my trust issues are over the roof (not sure if they are trust issues indeed or I was mistrusting for logical reasons) I feel sad, and overwhelmed and... See More »
Someone told my step mom she needed to get therapy after getting cheated on by my dad with her best friend.She just laughed and said "That's an American thing" First of all, therapy was great lol.
That time of yearIf anytime anyone is feeling down and needs someone to talk to, don't hesitate to message me
No one to talk toHave you ever felt like you have absolutely nobody in this world did you can talk to?
I have nowhere to goLately, i have been fighting with my mom and older sister alot. So much so that i threatened my mom behind her back to my friend. My friend's mom told on me and got me in trouble with my new school. It's easy to say move out but i have nowhere to... See More »
Have you let go of a friend which felt like the right thing to do at the time, but regretted it later?
What the f - - - -I just want to talk. I have asked 3 people that in 1 hour been painful to wait around to just chat. I need to just talk in general. About every day stuff. Nothing deep, not strenuous.