First Message is Hiif you message someone I nice message kinda long and they just say hi back and then you message more and they dont even answer what does that mean usuallys?
what is !orbix?I see a lot of profiles and they are !orbix what is it? why are they on here and what do they do?
Why do people come on here?I still don't understand why some people come on here and do not post or respond or answer messages it seems like they do nothing are they even here???
Why do all these groups exist?sometimes I see somebody an like the profile pic an click to see their groups an I see ok groups then a little odd an then more an more odd an yuuuuk I close it are these even real people?
Do people sometimes not open gifts?Why would someone not even open a gift on here? I always open mine :)
When people do not return messagesI use to get upset but now I dont cause most people that dont return messages are fakers anyways!
Do people stay on here when they are not on here and why?I feel lot of people sign in and then just leave but stay signed in why?
What is the best way to meet people on here?do you send a message or do you send a gift or do you just follow them and see if they follow you back?
Dimple Chinsdo a lot of people have these? my stepmom has a big one but I dont see lot of women with them only sometimes men
If someone doesn't open up their gifts is that proof that they are fake?I always open up gifts so if someone doesn't open a gift I think maybe they are fake what do you think?
Why do people send you a message or anser your message then sign off and dont talk?I get so frustated when people do that! Why???
Are people on here but not on here?I always see people on here but they dont message or nothing so then I think they arent even on here? do a lot of people do that? come on but dont stay on?
Who makes the best french fries?and I dont mean at home I mean someplace they sell them so I can try them!
what is the next best superhero movie coming out?I love all superhero xmen an dc what is the next best superhero movie coming out and when?
Have you ever mistaken a teen as a small child?I ask cause im short and get mistaken like that alot an I wonder if other people do it sometimes?
can you refuse a gift or do you just not open it?if someone here sends you a gift can you send it back or you just dont open it?
what is a life coach and are they helpful?if you need help but not from parents is a life coach good? what do they do exacly?
When is a teen too big for a bedtime?When is a teen too big for a bedtime? I have other questions but that is a big one.