I’m letting him go… 10 years is a long time to let go of.. I’m scared. But I’m encouraging myself to do it… He was safety, an escape, a dream, an
Excuse, a motivation, a goal, an inspiration, an obsession, a creative, a muse, a lover, a friend, gorgeous, alluring w mystery, bi polar, heartbreaking, caring, forgiving, confused, adaptable, joyous, curious, A PLAYER, but talented, outgoing, quiet, shy, eager, bold, afraid, judgmental, a lone wolf, a leader, a powerful deer in the forest, quirky, stupid, bread crumber, smart, quick thinker, and sexy…how can he sleep at night; so easy to leave me , comes back, leaves, comes back, I think this time it will be different. I have to finally admit it’s not… He could have been a better friend. He try’s for entertainment, recognition, and perceived advancement. Doesn’t always listen to his heart. Too easy to take people’s bad advice. Doesn’t fully communicate what he’s thinking about. He’s not a bad guy. He just might not be all I imagined…. He is my friend but I think it’s time to move on even tho it’s scary. Time will pass, I will heal one day at a time. I’m looking forward to seeing the future, not bc I don’t see him there. I’m just seeing him to the side … I’ve been dependent but there’s a bright future and I am strong and capable of being set free. Letting go! I am able to be vulnerable and solo *big breath in* Breathe out*… thank u for listening. I hope my strength is sable. I must trust the universe’s plan 🙏 If u have any tips about weening off a person /being single let me know!