New norm ain't the same as the old normThe new semester started. I don't know if I'm really that dedicated to doing well or I'm just doing better than before (terrible). I feel more focused. Math has been less of a pain in the butt. I'm having fun, and not at the expense of my... See More »
I Feel It ComingThe last time I heard that stupid song, I ended up having a psychotic episode shortly thereafter. No correlation, I just think it is ironic, because boy did I not feel that coming. Anyways, I feel it coming. I'm losing myself and nobody is around... See More »
Clingy BastardsHow do you deal with somebody who feels like they must be included in everything, and becomes passive aggressive otherwise? I've got this mate who gets all whiny and makes snide remarks whenever I mention doing stuff with other people. Not sure if... See More »
"Global" sure palIS THE GLOBAL SEAL OF BILITERACY SERIOUSLY NOT OFFERED IN SWEDISH!? I NEED A CERTIFICATE TO PROVE MY POINTLESS SECOND LANGUAGE Already signed up to take the exam for sign language and I had hoped Swedish could also be accomplished on that same... See More »
Losing my case managerHe's not dead or anything, but some new schmuck will be assigned to me in a couple weeks and they are hopeless to compare. We've been at odds recently so I feel kinda bad. Hope he likes his new job better.
I want to be adopted by another familyKids my age don't get adopted, but it's still a fantasy I entertain out of loneliness.
Hopplösa om alltingJag verkligen kan inte finna spänning för det nya skolåret. Jag får inte ta några klasser som jag vill ha eftersom alla tycker att jag är för dum. Varje dag allt som jag vill göra är att gråta men jag kan inte eftersom min mor skall göra narr av mi... See More »
Glömma aldrigTvå veckar senare och har såret blivit ett ärr. Som om jag har inte redan en evigt påminnelse att det finns en stor tomhet i livet.
Last day of schoolI don't want it to be over. It's my only escape. Also the only place I'll get to see the teacher I've formed an unhealthy attachment to. My schedule for next year is one big ? cuz I wanna take advanced classes, but everyone thinks I'll fail. I'm... See More »
Saknad delI ljuset kan jag se små nätverket av ärren som jag skärat in i låret med naglarna. Allt för dig. Allting för dig. Alltid för dig. Allt som du måste gjorde var att titta på det. Ärren verkar vackra bredvid det där äckliga röda såret. Vad skulle... See More »
Finally ABTFGot properly measured yesterday and picked out two nice bras. I've been wearing the wrong size for a while. Woohoo!
"Melancholic."That's what my mother calls it. School ends in one week and I'm terrified. She thinks I'm just disappointed about the year being over, but she doesnt know the half of it. There's someone I'm going to miss dearly and I don't know how I'll cope for... See More »
Wanna go homeSitting out in the rain to watch my friend's dance troupe perform. She didn't even wanna go lol
Feeling like a prisonerThese people see me first as an obligation and nothing else. I'm just a goddamned houseplant; my living necessities are obsessesed over and everything else gets ignored. How dare they act like this is for my own good, if they really cared about me... See More »
horribly infatuated with my teacherit started as a joke but now I think about him at every hour of the day. I dream about him when I manage to sleep. I'm obsessed. he's kinda short for a guy but I like that
RoflmfaoolRoflmfaool my chem partner stormed off cuz I wouldn't do all the calculations I couldn't because he spilled water all over my paper roflmfaool