Pedo posts are visible to the whole world. But a post complaining about pedos is seen by nobody.Discuss
Call for US tourist to 'leave' Australia after 'distressing' act with baby wombatA wombat expert was left seriously 'angered' by the video which has caused widespread backlash among Aussies. There are calls for an American tourist to leave Australia following her treatment of a native animal during a trip to the bush. Hunting... See More »
Trios are shittyI have been part of a trio for around four years now and everything is going down. Let's call the other two girls Strawberry and Blueberry. Blueberry in particular had a great bond with me. We used to be flirty, touchy, just beating the lesbian... See More »
if someone insinuates something false about you on herehow should you respond? like the other day someone answered my post and commented the words 'someone else' and i thought they were trying to insinuate i am trying to be someone else? who are they to comment that to me?, that person doesn't know... See More »
I am cursed with bad luckI genuinely think I have some of the worst luck imaginable. I mean for the past decade I've pretty much been in the "need to catch a break" type of situation, yet I can never catch a goddamn break. I know what y'all are thinking, work hard, keep my... See More »
computers sometimes make me angryespecially when they don't respond instantly like you want them to or stop responding altogether....i might give the computer a good hard kick.
Why doesn’t she ever seem to get mad or angryOk, so my sister stole like over $400 dollars from my mom, and she didn’t curse her out or yell at her. She only threatened to make her take it back, but somehow that never happened either.