I don't know what to do...I cant keep living like this.My brain, my mental illness will not let me live in peace. I cannot keep living like this...but I also don't want to hurt my family. I'm trying religion...I'm praying to Jesus but idk I'm starting to think my family would be better off without... See More »
I always thought my decisions (or lack thereof) back then was the source of my sadness/loneliness.I'm now finding that my fault is within me. My personality My lack of strength My lack of principles Not being my true self.. i always seem to be easily influenced.
Oof, this short film always hits me... Make sure you check on your loved ones, and ask if they're ok. (1)
I know no one will read this because I have no pfp but I'm just venting anyway.Severe depression is not always visible. In those of us with a clean pretty living space and good hygiene. We smell good. We exercise and pray and meditate . We smile at strangers and don't cause anyone any problems. Until it's too late. People... See More »
Part of me wishes I was taller. Also not depressedIt's because I forgot my meds this morning. Not being depressed sounds like it would be great though.
Developed a new fantasyI'm at a point where i fantasize about being crazy and living in a mental facility or something. At least maybe then i can delude myself into being happy.
I’ve got depression.Today is one of the troughs that we depressives get. It’ll pass, but it’s not nice. Hearts out to all those out there who experience something similar. I wish there was a silver bullet answer, but in the meantime it’s a case of gritting our teeth... See More »