Should I have defended myself?This happened a few months back when I worked at the movie theater. I used to work at Harkins. At Harkins, we often have more than 1 team lead on the same shift, sometimes there's up to 5 on any given shift. Well one day I was told by one team lead... See More »
I wish they made a sequel to WhiplashAlthough I don't know what exactly the movie would be about. Maybe I just liked the style they used to tell the story and the camera shots. So perhaps if the director made another movie, I might like whatever he/she creates next.
I had a nightmareBruh, I literally had a nightmare of some fat customer that liked me back when I used to work at the grocery store. Back then I used to just duck down behind my check stand but in the dream I had no where to run. I don't know why she still haunts... See More »
What size drink would you like?.............and what drink would you like?Why do customers at every fast food establishment act like that's the most difficult question to answer in the world? They'll stand there for a good 7-10 seconds processing that question and then they'll finally answer saying: "just the regular... See More »
Awkward but funny at the same timeI was at a McDonald’s yesterday and saw my uncle working, I waved at my uncle but some guy standing kind of in front of him thought I was waving at him so he waved his hand too 👋 😄😄😄
What’s a popular food that you don’t like?I don’t like cornbread. I don’t like the texture and I don’t like the flavor.
I think I farted like 1000 times todayI don’t know why. I didn’t eat anything that typically makes you gassy.
some tutor lady in college didn’t know cars use oilShe was reviewing my paper for English class and she started laughing and saying: “What!, cars don’t use oil 😆, we only use oil for cooking!” Apparently she doesn’t know that there’s different types of oils. I wonder if she still doesn’t... See More »
“It smells like cheeseburgers”I remember during football practice back in high school my pits were stinking. For some reason my pits smell like cheeseburgers when they’re stinky. Well anyways when we were in a huddle one of my teammates quietly said “aye, y’all smell that? It... See More »
🍔 Burger QueenGuys are always telling me they’d like to eat my cousins ass. Is this because she has assburgers?
I got an SMG and some bling bling in my kids meal yo!It’s the one Johnny Gat uses in Saints Row! I think their new game is coming out soon! ⚜️⚜️⚜️
An excerpt from the book of AssEnGardThe Shreks of the high rivers speak of the sacred dolls of Moon Valley and legend has it that one day the dolls will awaken and travel to Ventura’s dungeon to send Ventura himself to hell.
Anybody else feel the same?Many people enjoy the weekend but I actually hate them. It seems I only ever have to use a business on the day or days and hours that they are closed. Barbershop tradition is one of those many pet peeves of mine because I often want a haircut on the... See More »
What is up with angry cleaning?Like I get that it looks better clean so I’ll clean the mess up and it helps with other things too but I don’t see why some people seem to have exorcisms while doing it. They’ll say some crazy things and start violently moving things around while... See More »
Ram Ranch baby!Someone should play Ram Ranch at the gym once lockdown is over. It’d be fun to see people’s reactions. I’ve done it at Wal-Mart on their Bluetooth speakers. That shit was so funny! Funny thing is that the cashier just started sweating and turning... See More »