i got the good, the bad, the ugly on dvdrecently and i want to know will this likely be the full original film from 1966 without any edits or alterations? because i heard sometimes film companies make unecessary edits and alterations to old films when they are put on DVD.
when old films are put on to dvdare you getting the full original film as it was originally shown? or are edits and alterations common place...i heard that they commonly edit things out and make other unnecessary alterations.....but am i wrong? i have lots of dvds of old classic... See More ยป
Raquel WelchRaquel Welch kicked men in the groin in 15 of her films, more than any other actress! (1)
In my humble opinion, the plot twist in Fight Club was way better than the one in Sixth Sense.But I still appreciate a plot twist. It stands against the tide of the dumbing down you get in scripts now.
What a beautiful ghost/love storyNang Nak, a 1999 film from Thailand. This one is going to live with me for a while. (2)
Crazy Rich Asians MovieAs a Malay Muslim from Singapore,I find the Crazy Rich Asians movie not inclusive at all. Singapore is not a part of China.It's in South East Asia near Malaysia,Indonesia and Thailand. Singapore is a multi racial society with people of different... See More ยป