Okay I get it now-Ladies not liking being approached - Me and Tom had a gaggle of single mums guessing our names, smelling our aftershave and chatNeither “thank you but I’m married” or “we’re just here for a drink “ would make them give up. It would have been flattering if they’d buggered off when asked. It prompted a moment of self reflection of me in my 20s trying to strike up a... See More »
My wife had a bad relationship with her gran, and is wearing red high heals to her funeral today knowing she’d hate that.I’m taking notes.
Could they have not just walked right past me and pretended to not see me like normal people do?So awkward 😐...
My youngest: “Dad, can we have big fireworks like the ones on nextdoor’s tv for Guy Fawkes night?”“What tv show was that?” “The news.” “Errrrr….so who wants ice cream?”
This is awkwardI bought pink workout pants then I realized I'm kinda pink 😬 like them ladies that walked around in flesh colored pants.