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What is up with angry cleaning?

Like I get that it looks better clean so I’ll clean the mess up and it helps with other things too but I don’t see why some people seem to have exorcisms while doing it. They’ll say some crazy things and start violently moving things around while cleaning and cussing under their breath. Me on the other hand I just kinda whistle and casually clean up. This seems to baffle “angry cleaners” as if it’s a hard concept to grasp. I’m all for cleaning too but I’d rather take care of the whole mess myself if my partner is gonna act and sound like a possessed demon while doing it. It’s really kinda intimidating actually. But once they’re done it’s like the demon magically disappears.
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Housework is therapeutic; instant gratification of seeing results immediately.
Im not an angry cleaner but clean everyday because I like doing it.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
Might be therapeutic For them to do something productive instead of something destructive. I clean really good when I am stressed over something, it seems therapeutic to focus on something rather than whatever is stressing me.
HankHill · 70-79, M
@cherokeepatti Cussing people out may be therapeutic but it’s kinda selfish when the anger is aimed at bystanders who aren’t responsible for your emotional regulation called “therapy”.
my sister used to do that to deal with the abuse at home. She cleaned and tiieded everything in the house and things that wasnt hers. She had councling just like me afterwards and now the absuser is gone she still has councling but she no longer cleans up she hates cleaning up now.
revenant · F
Some people channel their anger like that. It is a kind of exercise for the frustration.
SwampFlower · 31-35, F
These people are ridiculous. My mother is like that.

It's a privilege to have a home to clean and an even bigger privilege to be able bodied enough to care for it. I have no patience for people who bitch about doing house work. 🙄

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