Dream last nightI arranged a truce with this ancient alien race that was benevolent but basically thought humanity was shit so they were enemies of Earth. Gradually over time humanity ruined the truce by acting rudely/with prejudice etc towards the aliens. I... See More »
I wish I had friends in my life who liked to readI love to read. (Mostly non fiction but I enjoy fiction as well.) It is one of my favorite past times and something I spend quite a bit of time doing. I don't really have anybody else in my life who likes to read. Just like I don't have anybody in my... See More »
Sad ventingDays like these I just feel like an annoyance. It feels like my husband barely tolerates me. When that happens I just feel like I have absolutely nothing. Maybe he is only still with me because he feels bad for me. Who knows. Just hurting today.
Dream last nightIt was a weird recurring nightmare. I stepped outside to find there was a massive black hole in the sky. Nobody knew what it was. The dream would always end with something happening with that hole. The first time some guy somehow jumped INTO the... See More »
Got scolded in a dream last nightI was at some sort of gathering. There was someone speaking to the crowd at the front, a man, but there was a break so we were all talking. The girl next to me was talking about....something like struggling with the "historic" something. I wasnt... See More »
Depressing end to nice dayWell my husband and I were having good days and then my husband's evil company just schedules him to work Saturday. (We had cute Valentine's day plans) They have mandatory overtime. Which in our state they are allowed to fire you for not... See More »
A comic about my experience w flight in lucid dreamsWhat are y'all's experiences with flight in your dreams? (1)
IFS therapy has changed my lifeThis is the first year I really finally understood that I have dissociative identity disorder. I had been diagnosed with it by professionals in the past but never really agreed with it because I couldn't see it in myself. Now I finally do. I have... See More »
Dream last nightIt was a nightmare. I was at a banquet. There were many people. I was sitting next to a man who suddenly began to transform into a monster that looked like "the fly" from the old horror movie. A fly human hybrid. He was screaming and freaking out as... See More »
Dream last nightI was at what appeared to be some sort of convent. I was following a group of the women. But the leaders of the group were REALLY unpleasant. They were just rubbing me the wrong way the whole time and clearly making things unpleasant for all... See More »
Dream last nightI was at some sort of meeting of these....magical soldiers? They had a beloved leader that had been sent on a very dangerous but important mission and if he survived would have been like moved up to the next rank I guess. Everyone was waiting to hear... See More »
If you were in a situation where you could dieWould you want to know? If you had NO power over it. Like it is just a situation in which you could die. Would you want to be informed? Would you want to know that you could die in that instance? Even if you had no power over the outcome? Would you... See More »
Spirits visit anyone else in their sleep?Last night while half asleep I had the distinct feeling somebody was talking to me. A spirit. It was a woman wearing a long pink dress. I might know who it was but I am not sure. Around 9 am....someone was trying to wake me up. I woke up to someone... See More »
Yesterday's eventWith my wonderful mother. So I was upstairs visiting with my husband after he got home from work. Then all of a sudden I hear my mom downstairs loudly yelling she needs help or Halloween "isn't going to happen". What she was referring to was a... See More »
My big escape!I frequently hold grand escapes from Dracula's castle. I happened to illustrate this time. Enjoy! (6)
The vampire is backHe could tell when I got high, sadly. We have a sort of link, he and I. (It is very unfortunate I don't want to discuss it.) So he came back from whatever he was plotting. After a flurry of me fending off his usual handsy-ness I foreshadowed... See More »
I am in fact still hanging out w a vampire"Sooooo those edibles were very conveniently available and easily in sight and I happened to want to take them right now when I usually take them in the evening, interesting." "I am not responsible for your substance use habits." I have to bite my... See More »
I am still hanging out with a vampireI see him moving to sit next to me on the bed. We lock eyes. "May I sit beside you?" He asks politely, now that he has been caught. "No" "Well we are watching a movie together...." "THIS ISN'T A DATE" He doesn't say anything. I focus again on... See More »
Afternoon w a vampireHe is in the room with me. I became aware a little while ago. "I am not going anywhere with you, you know." I say flatly. All he says is "hmm" in reply. I groan inwardly. "So you were the cause of that whole shit show, huh? Masquerading around... See More »
Nice day today!Thought I'd take a second to post since I had a good day and want to write more positive stuff as well. We slept in this morning. I had forgotten today was a holiday and was happy to get to spend another day with my husband. We got up and decided to... See More »
2 questions1. What is the most notable dream you have had recently 2. What is the most memorable dream you have had in your life overall? Just curious 😴 I like dreams
It's kinda funnyI see people post on here semi-regularly. Asking people if they have had any experience with God. Jesus. Angels. Whatever. I realized they don't actually want to hear it. I guess unless it was good 😆 sucks.
I rememberI remember heaven And I remember hell I remember God I knew him very well No one else here recalls a thing Maybe bits or pieces Our spiritual history totally lost I remember....and would be called insane for it Of course it was arranged that way A... See More »