When she says thisWhat does it mean when she says "Lets get to know each other before we meet" I thought thats the whole point of going on a date? How can you get to know someone through a phone?
How to build attraction?Do our thoughts and body language emit energy do people know when we are desperate?
How does attraction workI was told people can sense desperate energy Is it true that you cant attract what you keep chasing and looking for? How do i change?
How do i attract womenI was told when you're chasing women in my mind, you'll never attract them my focus should be on myself but how would a women ever know?
How do you approachI was told cold approach isnt the best. Choosing signals is better but shall i just go up and say hello and see how they react?
Is narcissism createdIn childhood Can an adult develop this personality or is mostly from childhood trauma?
Does Alcohol cause violenceDoes Alcohol cause violence or does the person already have to have it in them?
What am i doing wrongGirls never approach me or make the first move is it because im chasing in my mind that's why i cant get any play? I find it hard to attract women
Are they or notAre most domestic abusers narcissists or other personality disordered like sociopaths?
Is it trueYou can not attract what you chase? I am struggling like many men out there to find a partner and find a girlfriend. I was told its because people can sense my desperate energy? Do i focus on myself?
My ex abuserMy ex abuser said shes treating her new boyfriend a lot better than the way she treated me? Is she lying? She claims they have been together for a year Im not bothered because she treated me bad I have a daughter with her?
To Muslims please help meDoes the Quran tell humans the reason why we are created and a guide to help us through life Does it tell us to fear no human being but God the creator Does he protect us?
What do they meanWhen they say women are more emotional than men? I was told as a man to never show my emotions but use logic?
Shes playing with meA girl who im going out with got really upset with me and blocked me how can i ever take her back? i didnt do anything im hurt but dont want to chase her