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I'm not sure. If they can't diagnose, their opinion definitely holds weight with those who can. We have a family therapist who's been worth her weight in gold. Years we spent fighting for drs to recognise my son was 'different' and it was her opinion that finally convinced a psychiatrist that he was autistic - he slipped through standard diagnostic criteria- and it was also her opinion that got the paediatrician to give the diagnosis of FASD. Mental health diagnosis never changes anyone, the struggles are still there but it opens doors to getting support and helps those working with them to get education and understanding so you're one step closer to meeting their needs.
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BackyardShaman · 61-69, M
In the USA only far right wing politicians are allowed to diagnose medical issues.
bijouxbroussard · F
@BackyardShaman Yes. "Medical school ? What’s that ?” 😳
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
Easiest to look up the meaning of diagnose.
When any professional "distinguishes or identifies" a problem they have diagnosed the problem or identified the problem.
The field of profession doesn't matter.
dī′əg-nōs″, -nōz″
intransitive verb
To distinguish or identify (a disease, for example) by diagnosis.
To identify (a person) as having a particular disease or condition by means of a diagnosis.
To analyze the nature or cause of.
dī′əg-nōs″, -nōz″
intransitive verb
To distinguish or identify (a disease, for example) by diagnosis.
To identify (a person) as having a particular disease or condition by means of a diagnosis.
To analyze the nature or cause of.
When any professional "distinguishes or identifies" a problem they have diagnosed the problem or identified the problem.
The field of profession doesn't matter.
@DeWayfarer I 100% agree that "religion" is the route of many world problems however, "religion" is not the same as God. Of course, I respect your right to make your own opinions and I will not force mine on you.
As a serious side to this, if you (or anyone else?) Would like to hear my testimony about Jesus. I would definitely be open to sharing that. Please message me if so. X
As a serious side to this, if you (or anyone else?) Would like to hear my testimony about Jesus. I would definitely be open to sharing that. Please message me if so. X
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
@SW-User by study and experience alone I am likely more qualified to be ordained in any number of beliefs including some Christian beliefs.
I was a member of such a cult once that want me to do so.
I consider many christian beliefs all cults. They are not the only ones.
I was a member of such a cult once that want me to do so.
I consider many christian beliefs all cults. They are not the only ones.
@DeWayfarer As I said, I respect your right to believe whatever you want. Blessings to you anyway x
Whodunnit · M
Both a psychiatrist and a clinical psychologist can diagnose, but only the psychiatrist can prescribe medication.
Graylight · 51-55, F
In the US, anyone qualified may diagnose. This include medical doctors (psychiatrists included), psychologists, licensed clinical social workers and mental health counselors. Anyone who will be coding and billing for your treatment must be able to render a diagnosis in order for treatment to be approved.
These are the guidelines for the UK. I might add it took about .4 seconds to find it. Hope it helps and leads you to what you're looking for.
These are the guidelines for the UK. I might add it took about .4 seconds to find it. Hope it helps and leads you to what you're looking for.
TexChik · F
Nope . Psychiatrists are doctors that went to medical school and can diagnose and prescribe.