The life of a treeImagine yourself as a tree. Your roots pull moisture from the soil. You heave and pull it in, and you can feel it as it travels up and into you. You push your roots down, grow more, and go deeper and farther, trying to find moisture while gaining... See More »
Amazing band of clouds - 3rd Dec 2024On the way to work. How good is Straya? 😊 And yes we drive on the left side of the road with us being on the right side of the vehicle. (2)
Finding Sanctuary and The ManToday, I'm taking a break - a very long, much needed afternoon hiatus, while life goes on without me. Oh, okay. I'll be honest, it's not a hiatus, I'm simply hiding. Hiding from people, from circumstance, from responsibility... from everything... See More » (3)
sinkholes in the mosshmm.... but yeah, the only way this could have been more gratifying is if i had a third leg... mush tax: (3)