So happy to have this in my collectionFactory sealed copy and graded of pikmin on gamecube. I could say this is worth 1500 canadian dollars (1)
Sometimes I wished...I wished that our technology would make it possible to visit other star systems within human lifetime... I would like to send probes to other star systems so they scan other planets and return the pictures to us . (1)
Trudeau was amazing by making weed legalIn the past, when weed was illegal, you had to know a seller. and you never know the quality of the products, and lot of sellers hanged in downtown and were ripping you off with the prices. (1)
The 25% tariff will surely cripple canadaI mean, our nearest neighbors always been the USA. So now , its like you're telling us to stop dealing with usa because they will tax us everytime ? I'm a seller of videogames on ebay, videogames for collectors, and this mean maybe i'll have to stop... See More »
YOutube is really a revolutionAll the contents there is on there, and basically anyone can start a youtube channel and become popular 🤠
Why kill someone is a sinAnd there are lions who kills other animals everydays to eat and its not a sin to them
You dont believe in global warming ?Its 06 of november , in canada, and its still 21C degree outside, feels almost like summer day
I remember the good old daysI remember when i was in last years of high school, around 2008-2010. Everytime i was getting home from school, my best buddy and I would hang out. He was really hooked on weed, and i was smoking always with him . But the best was going at his home... See More » (1)
I escaped a sad realityNow, let me tell you what was the sad reality. I was born with a brown birthmark on my cheek. It was a little bit bigger than a penny, and was really obvioous. Its only when i got in high school that it really bothered me and made me sad. I was a... See More »
Why the bible is trueBecause even atheists, to who they call when their health is bad ? To who they call when they are sick and need help ? Atheists believes we are alone , but when they are shaking and in pain, they cant even call jesus for help because they dont... See More »
Do you think Pakistan is a beautiful country ?I will be planning to go there to visit one day to me , there is no denying. Even so, for the sum of 25 000 canadian dollars, you can purchase your citizenship of pakistan if you are part of the Commonwealth ( which i am ) (1)
Moscow is a beautiful cityI want to go live there one day. Must be a beautiful city during winter especially. (1)
our dog died during my watch yesterdayI woke up the morning , the dog was laid in front of my door. He was feeling bad and i placed him on the couch and he was like in a trance, his arms all stretched out and his face stretched too to the extreme. i took a taxi and rushed to the... See More »
Who here remember the MSN messenger days ? I remember being on there and chatting with friends and webcaming. (1)
Some people in life are far because others gave them thatLike for example, a good working man who always had his high-paying job and was never rejected/fired. He has money because they handed him the job and always kept him. Some peopple in life has it harder because peoples are barrier to them. They... See More »