I am not ready to go to HeavenI will not be ready until I know that all of my loved ones are also saved! Like my youngest son...It's like familliarity breeds contempt! All of the miracles! I once prayed that he have supernatural strength to turn on the tap outside, and he came... See More »
Is faith enough to get us to Heaven?Both the believer and the atheist hold to either a faith-based belief or a faith-based non-belief; but it takes more than faith to have salvation. It takes grace, which is unearned favor from God. That means whoever you are and wherever you have been... See More »
In order to get into Heaven you'll have to promise to get along with everyone you despised in your earthly existence. Poll (14) See Poll Options (1)
A wonderful sermon about wheat and weeds in final judgment that is coming to every person under heaven! (1)
God WANTS to give us eternal life in heaven. You NEVER have to earn it.Jesus promised that ANY who call upon Him in prayer, asking to be saved from the condemnation that sin placed on all of us, asking Him to forgive our sins, shall be saved! Not maybe...but with certainty....a given promise from God, and God never... See More » (1)