A cease fire isn't like ending the war, that's armistice. Looks like the West needs a break to rearm!Detente, cease fire - they mean that you only plan to continue the wars, - only! Does anyone ever complain about the plan? Besides me, the uniquely odd and the only anti war Westerner ever, did anyone ever complain about the endless wars?
Let me get right, America and NATO organise a proxy war with Russia, now they want a 30 day ceasefire, because they are losing π€¨
Dear RussiaThe West really does not want to go to war with you. That is a fantasy only in Putin's foolish mind. He has a lot of mental issues as you likely know, even if you cannot admit it or talk to anyone about it without repercussions. The man is clearly... See More Β»
Yet another example of superior Russian engineering. :)A place I wouldn't mind visiting. The thumbnail is, however, misleading, because it shows Leningrad/St. Petersburg in the wrong location on that map. The building isn't as "isolated" as they imply, and therefore their (feigned?) perplexity... See More Β» (1)
Moscow is a beautiful cityI want to go live there one day. Must be a beautiful city during winter especially. (1)