I'll be honest with you. I do not like these hell, fire and brimstone preachers, who use scare tactics in an effort to "turn people to Christ".They shouldn't be in the pulpit, preaching "doom". All that does is turn people away from Christ....believing the devil's lies, that Christ wants to throw people into hell, and nothing could be further from the truth. Jesus came to seek and save the... See More » (1)
Is it wrong for me to be called a saint, when it's Jesus Christ Himself that preforms all of the Healings and not me?It's just that I can smell a smoke like I've let Him down or something... I awknowledge that it isn't me that has preformed any of these miracles but Him and Him alone this brings me the fragrance of Life a sweet smelling perfume! I don't ever want... See More »
There is a Star!There is a star in the sky! A radiant star that is announcing peace and guides us with its light towards a better world. It is the star of Jacob, that we see daily at dawn. Its light shines upon us with blessings day by day and great joy and love.... See More »
Bride of ChristInnocent people should get salvation.I want to marry Jesus Christ because I can't walk. 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 King James Version 13 But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as... See More »
Calling to my brother's and sisters in Christ!Praise Jesus! These are Shakey times right now, but praise Him! The enemy goes around roaring like a lion and seeing who all who he can devour, but pray and praise! The adversary HATE prayer, they hate it when they try to intimidate you and you... See More »
A word from Jesus:Matthew 10:28 “And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.” King James Version (KJV We should worry more about being right with God than a... See More »
Why don't the Gospels cover Jesus a teenager?They kind of go from Baby Jesus to a year or so before his death. What's up with that?