Do you believe in karma?I’m just curious about the different aspects and what people think of karma.
The reverse Karma ass kick.James Woods house still stands after leftist laughed and called it karma saying it was burned to the ground. How does that burn your ass you evil liberals? LMAO.
Karma doesn't forget an address... (2)
I believe in karma.If you are truly doing good in this world by yourself and by others, then no matter what happens, you will not only handle it well, but you’ll have the support of everyone you’ve done good by. It’s only the bad people who have done wrong who have to... See More »
What is Karma Yoga.Karma - The Fundamentals: Your actions creates tendencies, and your conscious actions(even thoughts) creates your karma. You can consider karma like the bank account of your deeds. Your every good deed adds some positive karma into your account, and... See More »