My mental health is making it hard for me to connect with my boyfriend. I don’t know what to do.I have to wait for an appointment to see a psychiatrist and then I have to wait for new pills to kick in. I have therapy next week too, but a lot of my issues aren’t even based on real things that happened.
Is anyone on here a Love is Blind fan??If so, can we talk about it? Lol, especially Season 7-I have watched all seasons but this one, but I have some questions about thoughts, lol.
I know I’m not perfect but why can’t people just be kind?No it’s not your responsibility to care for everyone and do whatever you can for them, but do you know how much a kind word can change a persons day?
They say looks don’t matter, but do people really believe that?I feel like people try to say they don’t matter and honestly think the only people who truly believe that are both beautiful and kind. So, for the majority, looks matter. I’ve seen all sorts of people in relationships and I’ve seen how most people... See More »
I’m so tired of my brain. I wish I could take it out and get rid of the parts that are damaged so I can feel normal.💔😔
Worries about pregnancy and post partum depressionI am not even pregnant and I don’t know when I will be. But I worry so much about how my body will handle pregnancy and if I’ll develop post partum depression because I have MDD along with GAD and BPD. I just want to be the best mom I can when it’s... See More »
I am sad that I’ll never have a beautiful wedding in a beautiful wedding dress. Looking beautiful. And my groom looking at me and being in aweThinking I’m beautiful inside and out. Like thinking I’m the most beautiful woman and having professional pictures and having a dad to give me away and having my sisters support and feeling beautiful. It sucks so much that I’m not conventionally... See More »
Impulsively got a new tattoo and now regretting getting it as big as I did.Oh well. At least it’s not son where I can see constantly but others can 😞
I’m grieving the fact that my sister and I will never be as close as we were.I have acknowledged that she doesn’t support me and isn’t there for me like a sister should. I don’t know if she’s a narcissist or what but it hurts a lot knowing my sister isn’t my best friend.
If you got back together with a significant other, would you keep the date you got together the same as the original or would you start it over?I was with my boyfriend for 1 year and 10 months and we broke up for about 5 months and got back together. It will be a year since getting back together at the end of the month. Would you just say it’s been 3 years?
It’s so weird how you can love someone but also be so upset and hurt.Like in mad but I love my mom and I can’t imagine what she’s going through but then I look back and see the choices she made but then at the same time, what if she can’t help being the way she is. It’s so hard. Life is so hard and people have it sooo... See More »
I bought an Amazon Kindle and I feel guilty because of who it’s supporting but part of me still wants to keep it.How bad of a person am I? Should I just return it?
I will probably get hate, but I think being ugly means my relationship won’t be as fulfilling as a ln attractive person.I will never have someone look at me like a guy looks at his pretty wife/girlfriend and it sucks and hurts. Why was I born to look this way?
How can I force myself to get out of a bad mood?It is impacting how I think other people are feeling or something. Like, I think other people are being grumpy towards me and I wish I could turn it off.
I need some child/adult relationship advice. Me and my mother.My mom lost her husband, my step dad, in April. She is currently still living in the house he died in and hasn’t really tried to do anything besides helping my grandparents and babysitting my nephew. How can I help her? How can I help her find... See More »
I have no one to talk to about my relationship issues.It really sucks because I wish I had someone to talk to right now.
Why do I ever get my hopes up? Nothing ever goes my way.Please don’t be mean. I am just venting and feeling really down.
I need to make a home cooked meal tonight. What is something easy but tasty?I need something with beef because I can’t cook anything else 😭 lol.
I’m so over life. It’s too hard and nothing good happens.I try so hard to be a good person but it doesn’t come back around. I just get treated like shit. Nothing ever goes my way. What’s the point of anything. I just want to be done. Doctors suck and blame everything on my weight and don’t take me... See More »