What the NY Times has said in its editorial for online readers:A third day of devastating fires in Los Angeles The economic cost of wildfires in Los Angeles could exceed $50 billion, after three days of fast-moving fires that have burned tens of thousands of acres and forced tens of thousands of people from... See More »
Does online flirting resonate, or is it awkward and uncomfortable?People should meet so they can get the full impact of physicality with sound to really understand if they have a chance, don’t you think?
Does your name suit you fully?Did your parents get that right or have you grown into what people think a person with your name should be like? I know, it seems strange to think it but it really is relevant!
What is your favourite breakfast?Are you healthy in your first meal after the long period of abstinence otherwise called sleep?
Is it rude to make enquiries about the lives of others?In some cultures it is considered rude to ask a person what they do for work, because there is a perceived judgement on their lifestyle that they consider intrusive and potentially abusive. Have you ever begun a conversation with such an enquiry?
Do you binge watch or spread the series over a few days?With TV 📺 you can use the iPlayer and watch a whole series in a single sitting, sometimes. Do you do this, or do you prefer to spread your enjoyment to a few days/weeks to keep the content interesting, since so many of them quickly descend into... See More »
Do you live by the ocean? By a lake? Near a river?What part does the water actually have in your life? Does it’s sound impact your wellbeing? Have you ever considered that it might?
Social media lacks sociabilityThere are so many people who have no other idea but to be hateful on social media simply because they can, however, with the fact that so many younger people have been victimised and abused and even killed by the ill-will of these hiding people,... See More »
Relationships are often terminally condemned by infatuationI’m not going to be the type of person who get so very excited about having someone new in my life, simply because they don’t warrant that kind of emotional response until they have made some kind of commitment to me. Am I wrong in thinking this way... See More »
Are you judgmental before you get the full picture?I have had some problems with people who jump to conclusions without verifying their facts, and I find such people quite hateful!