Do you go to exotic clubs?I’m an exponent of these clubs as I have earned my living (and the means of affording my studies) in one club in particular.
every girl likes to party when there’s nothing else better to doi’d say every guy in here wants me, but the thing is i want you (1)
I remember growing up Christmas was a big deal to my Mom.She was taken off the Navajo reservation at an early age to a boarding school. She was punished for speaking Navajo . As years went on she was adopted by a white family in Utah . And there she learned Christmas. (I don’t know the whole Mormon thing a... See More »
The best possible outcome for me is being a rich old recluse, living with limited staff and decent WiFi in a huge gothic mansion.Surrounded by woodland so thick you could drive past and be almost entirely unaware of it. (1)
I love livingI was chilling at the 12th floor of my building and a delivery person asked if he is delivering to me.
I struggle with living/existing sometimes. I hate admitting it but idk what to do about it, even tho there’s nothing wrong..Do you ever feel this way? What do you do?