Richard65 · M
I think politicians and the public are locked in a suffocating cycle of mistrust. The public are suspicious of politician's motives and politicians are scared of doing or saying something wrong, so they offer platitudes and never answer questions directly. It's clear they either won't or can't change the system of wealth inequality that is embedded within our economic structure. It was designed by wealthy elites to benefit wealthy elites.
SomeMichGuy · M
@Richard65 But the booboisie thinks that DJT & his thugs are awesome... lol
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
I would never make a blanket judgement without first putting myself in their shoes. Politics looks grubby, but it has essentially become that way through the incessant, illogical and ultimately unfulfillable demands of the electorate.
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BohemianBabe · M
In America, they're both.
acpguy · C
Both; because they are a joke they are sinister. They should all be removed and replaced with some honest business people that will need to be rotated in a timely manor so they do not turn into the people we have now. We need people based on their intelligence and not on their family history.
Technology is a bad joke
1490wayb · 56-60, M
we need a universal age limit of 10 years old
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