has anyone read 'hellfire' by john saul (1986) i just bought a used copy online, it's a thriller /horror...i look forward to reading it. (1)
why do you have to pay a subscription to look up a term in the oxford english dictionary onlinei was just wanting to read a term meaning in the OED online, but when it said click here to read meaning, it takes you to a page to pay for a subscription in order to read the meaning? in other online dictionaries you don't have to do that, so why... See More Β»
Why do I keep getting messages from ff site users claiming to find my works incredible and wanting to make art for a price without having read them??I do have my suspicions if this is AI or bot work or someone's work aiming to discourage writers from using the site. FF.net is indeed one of the oldest and most known sites for fanfiction writing (at least as far as I know). But for real, those... See More Β»
Have you ever read something written in ALL CAPS and thought the persons writing it sounded assertive rather than unhinged?
Have you ever read anything by DT Suzuki?So many things to consider when choosing your own career path in this life
Pride & PrejudiceJust started this book, coincidentally on its 200th anniversary this week. Have you read it? Thoughts? Favourite and least favourite parts of the book? Have you watched the series or movie?