Have you ever read anything by DT Suzuki?So many things to consider when choosing your own career path in this life
Pride & PrejudiceJust started this book, coincidentally on its 200th anniversary this week. Have you read it? Thoughts? Favourite and least favourite parts of the book? Have you watched the series or movie?
Book Recommendation: From The Ashes by Jesse ThistleI highly recommend this book. It might not be an easy read, but it’s definitely a good book. I gave it a five star rating The author grew up in the same part of town I live so most of the locations he talks about are so familiar to me and within w... See More » (2)
Quote from Sirens of Baghdad by Yasmin KhadraThe man who feeds on another’s cowardice nourishes his soul and sooner or later it devours his guts and then his soul.
Just read Yellowface by Rebecca F. KuangI enjoyed the book. After reading a couple of crime novels, this one made more of an impression. "When failed writer June Hayward witnesses her rival Athena Liu die in a freak accident, she sees her opportunity… and takes it. So what if it means... See More »