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Richard65 · M
The western media tends to paint Arabs as uncultured and somewhat uncivilised. There's an image of Arabs as being violent, authoritarian fundamentalists and extremely patriarchal. Their laws are based on religious intolerance, making them bigoted, and are designed to keep women as second class citizens under the strict control of males and to criminalise the LGBT community. They are seen to worship a false God and despite their vast wealth they lack class and breeding and promote Islamic terrorism.
I think that covers most of it.
I think that covers most of it.
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@NangiUniverse it is becoming dangerously crazy.
wonkywinky · 51-55, M
@Richard65 that about says it all.
Fieldmaster · 46-50, M
@Richard65 Each society is different, thats what was also used againt the indigenous people, more or less like that. Then colonial settlers destroy the culture and the people.
Western society needs to respect other cultuers and not shove its values down others throat. What gives them the right? It truly is full of hypocrites, as the western government are in bed with the same arab monarchs, and so called authoritarian rulers to get the oil, throwing democratically elected goverments, booming nations and precaching human rights and in democracy.
Western society needs to respect other cultuers and not shove its values down others throat. What gives them the right? It truly is full of hypocrites, as the western government are in bed with the same arab monarchs, and so called authoritarian rulers to get the oil, throwing democratically elected goverments, booming nations and precaching human rights and in democracy.
Fairydust · F
The media 👉🏻📺 🗞️
Castenmas · M
They have the most appalling habit of exploding in crowded areas.
HoraceGreenley · 61-69, M
xbandoleerx · 56-60, M
It is simple.. the Golden age of Arabs was the dark period for Europe then.
Algebra, Alphabet, Chemistry & Astronomy owe their existence to Arabs. This is Europe. Is there any country or nation that the American(governments) don’t hate?
Algebra, Alphabet, Chemistry & Astronomy owe their existence to Arabs. This is Europe. Is there any country or nation that the American(governments) don’t hate?
Amylynne · 26-30, F
{@salwa] these three responses are good, and wise
@xbandoleerx @Richard65 @Fairydust
but there is one thing, I wish I did not have to say. Islam and Christianity both have the goal of converting others to their beliefs YES some are more benign but look at American fundamentalism or the Wahhabi sect.
crusades and Plane bombs will ever give people pause
@xbandoleerx @Richard65 @Fairydust
but there is one thing, I wish I did not have to say. Islam and Christianity both have the goal of converting others to their beliefs YES some are more benign but look at American fundamentalism or the Wahhabi sect.
crusades and Plane bombs will ever give people pause
xbandoleerx · 56-60, M
@Amylynne You have hit the nail smack on the head 👍
OldBrit · 61-69, M
It goes back centuries frankly...
The growth of the rich, educated, sophisticated Arab world in the middle ages was an afront to the largely backward Europe of the time.
Then someone realised they were in "The Holy Lands". So "we good Christians" needed to free the oppressed Holy land and return it to Christians.
Whoohoo off to war.
Of course the main reason was for Lords and Kings and the Church to plunder to add to their coffers. But they needed to make it a Holy War to get people to travel so far from their homelands and fight with any passion. Thus Arabs became this enemy to be hated for desecrating our Holy sites etc
Therefore Arabs = bad = sworn enemy has been embedded in European psyche for generations.
The growth of the rich, educated, sophisticated Arab world in the middle ages was an afront to the largely backward Europe of the time.
Then someone realised they were in "The Holy Lands". So "we good Christians" needed to free the oppressed Holy land and return it to Christians.
Whoohoo off to war.
Of course the main reason was for Lords and Kings and the Church to plunder to add to their coffers. But they needed to make it a Holy War to get people to travel so far from their homelands and fight with any passion. Thus Arabs became this enemy to be hated for desecrating our Holy sites etc
Therefore Arabs = bad = sworn enemy has been embedded in European psyche for generations.
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
@OldBrit not to mention the moorish conquest of the Iberian peninsula , or the ottoman ( not really Arab but still Islamic ) siege of Vienna and conquest of the Balkans .
OldBrit · 61-69, M
@AthrillatheHunt yes well the back and forth of the Islamic vs Christian borders around and in Europe are all part of that engrained history
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
@OldBrit my Albanian ancestors can attest to that ! Lol
nameless1 · 36-40
I'm American. And i pick and choose daily who I'm gonna hate. Because I can.
nameless1 · 36-40
IamCuriousBabe · 51-55, F
@nameless1 Any one of what was mentioned in the post in your list?
nameless1 · 36-40
@IamCuriousBabe what
Ferric67 · M
I, for one, certainly don't hate any culture or ethnicity
NurseKel · 36-40, F
Unfortunately, the Arabs who only want to live a good life in peace have to deal with the negative stereotypes due to some bad apples who like to blow up stuff, treat women like shit, and vow to kill anyone who believes differently.
NurseKel · 36-40, F
@AthrillatheHunt one ??
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
@NurseKel that’s the expression . Lol
NurseKel · 36-40, F
@AthrillatheHunt as someone from Egyptian descent……. It’s way way way more than that. 😂
they kind of did it to themselves with 9/11 and their inability to get their families to stop doing random terrorist attacks
this wasn't helped by the way they acted as refugees in Europe
prior to 9/11, racism against arabs didn't really exist in the US, most Americans couldn't even tell the difference between arabs and indians prior to 9/11
this wasn't helped by the way they acted as refugees in Europe
prior to 9/11, racism against arabs didn't really exist in the US, most Americans couldn't even tell the difference between arabs and indians prior to 9/11
HappyCamper74 · M
I'm American. I do not hate anyone for their nationality, culture, religion, skin color or sexuality. I base the like or dislike of an individual person according to the type of person they are and how they treat me. So, I really have no idea what you are talking about.
wonkywinky · 51-55, M
@HappyCamper74 omg so naive.
Viper · M
I would honestly say we don't. Arabs aren't an enemy. Extremist (of all types) can potential be an enemy and some Arab Extremist attacked America.
But most Americans don't think most Arabs are enemies.
Some do, but some also think the earth is flat and Quanon as we also have a lot of stupid opinionated people.
But most Americans don't think most Arabs are enemies.
Some do, but some also think the earth is flat and Quanon as we also have a lot of stupid opinionated people.
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
We love arabs, we just hate the talibans and Isis, because they're fucking crazy, and you never know who is one.
@MartinTheFirst that's what they all say lol
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
@SW-User it's okay, just kidding 😭
@MartinTheFirst you are adorable lol
DearAmbellina2113 · 41-45, F
I'm American and I don't feel that way.
The problem is that what you see on the news or on Tik Tok does NOT reflect how every American feels.
The problem is that what you see on the news or on Tik Tok does NOT reflect how every American feels.
because governments want us to hate them. as an american all i hear about are the very small percentage of people from that side of the world who are extremists. however, in school we were taught that MOST people in the middle east think that way and were made to fear them. certainly there are groups in the middle east who use islam as a cover to be extremely violent and all around terrible people—such as the taliban and al-qaeda, but they are a loud minority. my friend is muslim and she is the most gentle and understanding person ever. classic racism at play
SlaveEt · 36-40, F
I don't hate Arabs, or anyone else from the Middle East, nor do I consider them enemies. I do think of the radicalized religious nuts that way. Of course that's true of the wackos here in the USA too. I'm an equal opportunity idiot, bigot, racist, sexist, etc. hater😁
eMortal · M
It’s a controlled fear. The collective fear serves to maintain a high defense budget to cover the Middle East. Our uninformed politicians are manipulated by the military industrial complex with fear. The general population is just caught in the middle.
After 911 the hatred was sold and justified easily.
But all this sticks because Arabs have their own phenotype, different from Europeans.
Notice the same propaganda goes towards Russia but the general public doesn’t hate them.
Recently China has been the target. Since they look different, people are starting to buy it.
Our hatred is amplified and seems justified if the person accused of doing bad things is of a different race.
After 911 the hatred was sold and justified easily.
But all this sticks because Arabs have their own phenotype, different from Europeans.
Notice the same propaganda goes towards Russia but the general public doesn’t hate them.
Recently China has been the target. Since they look different, people are starting to buy it.
Our hatred is amplified and seems justified if the person accused of doing bad things is of a different race.
Quetzalcoatlus · 46-50, M
That’s not true. I’ve had many Arab friends and coworkers here in the US. Most people here do not generalize their hate. Certain media outlets make money by keeping their audience scared, it’s all b/s..
Mamapolo2016 · F
Because our respective governments have set it up that way, and make sure enough atrocities are committed to keep hostility high, while said governments continue on their merry corrupted way.
I do not hate Arabs.
I do not hate Arabs.
It has a lot to do with geography and ancient knowledge. Babel is a starting point. Arabs happen to inhabit that area. We need to have an "excuse" to justify occupying their land so we don't look like the bad ones....💡 Let's portray all of them as extremist terrorists. 9/11 -an inside job- happens, then fast forward a couple years of media's hard work. Boom, war on Iraq, no public resistance whatsoever. The rest is history.
All I want to know is are you single?
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Subsumedpat · 36-40, M
Mostly because of Iran and the way some wealthy countries support terrorism. The entire Arab population gets painted with that brush which is not fair.
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
@Subsumedpat the question was not about Persians . Saudi Arabia hates them, as do many Arabs .
Subsumedpat · 36-40, M
@AthrillatheHunt No the question was about Americans and Europeans and why they think what they think. First place not all Americans and Europeans hate Arabs just like not all Arabs are terrorists. The answer is as I said people from the west don't like Arabs because of terrorism supported by Iran and by some Arabs, that Persians are not Arabs is not relevant to how they feel as they lump them all together in one basket so to speak.
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
@Subsumedpat only some people incorrectly lump Persians and Arabs together. I stand by my Persians are not Arabs claim .
BackyardShaman · 61-69, M
I live in the USA and I don’t hate Arabs, I feel like the stereotype created here is much the same as stereotypes against a lot of other cultures as well. Personally I’ve met some very kind people from Arabic countries. I honestly don’t know a lot about Arabs.
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FreestyleArt · 31-35, M
We don't. We hate certain leaders who are responsible of dividing people by Manipulation. Thankfully it's not much of the case anymore. Many Good leaders are rising
pknein · 46-50, M
ignorance, just like all forms of hatred
basilfawlty89 · 31-35, M
@RedBaron Afghans aren't Arabs, bright spark. It's like comparing Finns and Italians.
RedBaron · M
@basilfawlty89 The question is about Arabs, Einstein. Did you skip reading comprehension in school?
But stupidity is not a crime, so you’re free to go.
But stupidity is not a crime, so you’re free to go.
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BohemianBabe · M
A lot of people associate all Arabs with Islamic terrorism and theocracy.
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BohemianBabe · M
@NangiUniverse Islamic theocracy is the most visible, but there are plenty of theocratic movements in countries that are Hindu, Protestant, Catholic, or Eastern Orthodox.
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redredred · M
Because I read a fair bit of the koran
BohemianBabe · M
@redredred Generally speaking, people are more or less religious depending on their material conditions. This is why Muslims in America are less religious than Evangelicals. The average American Muslim just ignores the violent and insane parts of the Koran, just like Christians and Jews do for their religions.
All religious texts can be interpreted as war plans, and most of them have. Religion is bad, but if we raise the living standards, religion dies out on its own.
All religious texts can be interpreted as war plans, and most of them have. Religion is bad, but if we raise the living standards, religion dies out on its own.
basilfawlty89 · 31-35, M
@redredred you do know not all Arabs are Muslim and the biggest Muslim country is wait, you don't, you voted for Trump.
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BLP11520 · 61-69, M
I spent 40 days in Saudi Arabia because of the Iran hostage crisis. Didn't feel very welcome. I am white
Arrow17 · 46-50, F
I see American politicians are my enemies. They were caused innocent people got murder.
SomeMichGuy · M
I don't think we do.
Of course, getting off of oil so that OPEC can go pound sand would def make the West happy. We've made oppressive regimes fabulously rich and powerful.
Pres. Carter was right--there is a finite amount of oil. We should have acted on that information from that time, and we'd have had a different trajectory through history.
Of course, getting off of oil so that OPEC can go pound sand would def make the West happy. We've made oppressive regimes fabulously rich and powerful.
Pres. Carter was right--there is a finite amount of oil. We should have acted on that information from that time, and we'd have had a different trajectory through history.
As I see it, fundamentally it goes back to a lack of self criticism.
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It's politically Influenced thought.
Terrorism. Particularly when the radicals have been given citizenship to your country and a better life. It pisses alot of people off. Saying that though radicals are always a minority and we'd probably be statistically more likely to get killed by nutjobs of our own races than by islamic extremists.
revenant · F
Charly Hebdo, Bataclan and various trucks
soulshadow · 36-40, M
That's a lot of media crap
RedBaron · M
@soulshadow What happened on 9/11 and what leaders like Saddam Hussein do to their own people is real, not media crap.
I don't hate Arabs at all. I try to separate the individual from the stereotypical group. I think 9/11 fed a lot of fears. But we have to recognize no group of people bear the responsibility for a small faction. I hope it has improved and continues to get better. I can't imagine living with the feeling I am feared, hated, and mistrusted.
Adamski24 · 41-45, M
We don't it's just you that hates them
antonioioio · 70-79, M
European as a whole dose not hate Arabs
wildbill83 · 41-45, M
I don't hate them, I just have a strong dislike for people who call me an infidel & want to kill me because I don't worship a pedophile like they do... 🤔
calicuz · 56-60, M
1 and 2 are simply about not complaining about someone calling you a name, when you call someone names.
4 is about pedophilia being pedophilia no matter what religion.
1 and 2 are simply about not complaining about someone calling you a name, when you call someone names.
4 is about pedophilia being pedophilia no matter what religion.
wildbill83 · 41-45, M
@calicuz 'cept I don't run around beheading people I don't like, or cheering when a suicide bomber blows up a cafe or bus full of children. So your logic is that a geriatric diddling a toddler is okay because the virgin mary was a pedophile for giving birth to Jesus at 14? 🤔
calicuz · 56-60, M
Bleak · 36-40, F
No country can afford to hate Arabs.
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
If that’s the case then America and many European countries must be using reverse psychology by opening their doors to so many Arabs .
How many Arab countries open their doors for Americans and Europeans ?
How many have even opened their doors for fellow Arabs ?
How many Arab countries open their doors for Americans and Europeans ?
How many have even opened their doors for fellow Arabs ?
Entwistle · 56-60, M
I'm European and i don't hate Arabs.
I'm American and I don't hate Arabs.
calicuz · 56-60, M
Just plain ignorance.
mindless · M
Not all of them do
Roundandroundwego · 61-69
We don't. Hope this helps.
ClydeKoolray · 46-50, M
jackson55 · M
They seem to want to blow things up.
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
@salwa That was highly targeted efforts, arabs tend to blow thing up randomly just to create terror among normal people. Honestly, the terrorizing of this kind is the worst PR trick for their people, this is why people hate them. Nothing else.
salwa · F
@MartinTheFirst you are one of the ignorants who generalize, it was better to say "small sect of arabs"
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
@salwa Nah, I just used your own language towards you. You said people should hate Americans: generalization.
istillhaveanameitsrick · 56-60, M
I don't think most Americans think that way at all, we see certain elements within the Arab community as enemies but certainly not all Arabs
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