SWers, if we pass around collection tin of unused SW Credits, which US state should we buy? PINNEDDelaware has to be going cheap but I feel we should aim much higher.
Have you met the online expert yet? PINNEDPoorly spelt memes, a scan read of a Wikipedia page and a YouTube video, and suddenly they are an intellectual beyond question. (1)
How often do you see a venting post here, and wish you could hear the other persons side of the story? PINNEDAll those embellishments and exaggerations just to carry a point…
Airline seats should not be able to recline. If I wanted to spend 6 hours with your wife’s head in my lap I’d expect a steak dinner from her first. PINNED
To those of you who practice moderation and free thinking I raise a glass to you. PINNEDYou haven’t been indoctrinated by the left or the right. You think about policies when voting rather than supporting “your side”. And in every scenario you stop and think, is this the right thing for my country and people - even the ones I disagree... See More » (1)
The US thought that if Europe increased its military budgets they would buy American. They were wrong.Votes for Trump was economically no different to slugs praying for salt. As Europe expects Trump to renege on the promises made by President Harry Truman, they plan the increase of their military spending, with their own weapons instead of US... See More » (3)
Tesla’s share value has dropped by 9%. This is what happens when you convince an entire continent to stop buying American.Tesla might have made electric cars first, but they never made the best.
The Italians should just admit they're wrong, or at the very least abandon a flawed and outdated idea.The fact is spaghetti carbonara tastes infinitely better with lots of garlic and with smoked streaky bacon instead of the overpriced, bland guanciale.
It won’t even be cheap to “buy American” with these tariffs.If you buy a HP or Dell laptop, it’s still going to be more expansive because the microprocessors come from China. And on top of your expensive medical insurance, tariffs mean you’ll pay higher than other countries for your pharmaceuticals. Good... See More »
They should bring back pubs with the no women and children policy. Like there were in Dad’s day.Men need a quiet safe place to sit and do absolutely nothing. Because we are never safe from someone trying to fill our time with shopping for soft furnishings. And there’s nothing more irritating than other people’s children. (1)
Trump believing tariffs will help the American economy makes a lot more sense when you remember that this is the man who managed to bankrupt a casino.
I want a close relationship with my parents, I know time is short. But I can’t forget.There is a rage in me, a fury that will not forgive. I did everything they asked of me, painful as it was. I never stopped, never sought excuses and I did what must be done. But my sister, she her self obsession, her selfishness, and her casual and... See More »
Toxic masculinityWhen I first heard it the 90s it was referring to men who were too embarrassed or nervous to go to a doctor about the possible onset of prostrate cancer, and there was a demographic of men dying young because of the stigma surrounding being checked... See More »
You die twice; once when your heart stops and again the last time someone says your name.If you matter to only a small group of people that’s plenty.
It’s curious to think that any fool who bleets on about “the red pill” is quoting a film that’s a metaphor for being transsexual.They’re not exactly deep thinkers I suppose…
There are around 30 separatist groups in the US. I had no idea.From Hawaiians, Alaskans and Puerto Ricans who want to be independent, to Native American groups, to individual states that want to go it alone. While the US likes to tell people it’s all about liberty and freedom, I can’t see them giving up land... See More »
The Boys Season 4 is opening mocking American society. Cults, rallies, political instability, corrupt heros and a Nazi undercurrent.No wonder people either love it or hate it… (1)
If there is a god, we know nothing about it. We are not built for that information. It would be like explaining solar flares to deep sea fish.And I doubt humans are key players in the big game.
Americans seem to suffer with confirmation bias. If you vote the way they do, they’ll back you all the way even if it’s blatant nonsense.Both left and right.
You will do the most unforgivable things when you convince yourself “the ends justify the means.”And then believe yourself to be above judgement or retribution. It’s a joke.
What do you suppose would happen if, as things stand in the world currently, a city sized alien craft arrived on earth today?