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Bad experiences, memories, and past mistakes from 10+ years ago flooding my mind for no reason

Is this normal? Lately, my mind seems to have dug up every bad thing that has happened in my life as well as every mistake I have made from many years ago. I keep cringing and wishing these thoughts would go away. Of course, it's right as my confidence was budding. 🙄 WTF???
Docdon23 · M
I am the same way--mistakes form 30 years ago still show up. I think it is because my father was so hard on me. Never said anything good, always critical...I have found starting every day with positive mantras about myself really works...try that--pick a few wonderful things about yourself and repeat them every day, along with gratitude for everything you have in life...and please met me know if it works!
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
This is dependent on the thoughts. It is possible, however, you're not learning something from those past mistakes.

Repetition is often a clue to this. Because you possibly are putting yourself into the same situation, or close to that situation. Once again.

Once you have learned the lesson, it will stop. You will have absolved or come to terms with yourself.

Your subconscious may not have morals. Yet it does want to help with what it considers mistakes, that are harmful to you and itself.

The subconscious is always the selfish one. It looks after itself. It knows the pain of past mistakes.

Your subconscious is like a pavlovian animal, keyed to the remembrance of the pain it doesn't want.
ArtieKat · M
Most of us go through that at certain periods of our life. Hope you manage to treat it as a train tunnel and come out the other side into the light.
It’s normal… for me at least… since, you know, I can’t read people’s mind.

I have done a lot of reflection of my life in my early 30s, like seriously remembering and thinking about my past actions or mistakes of when I was in kindergarten until now. Most of the things that popped in my head were bad things or stuff that I regret doing. Sometimes I think about the nice things that I did. I guess we’re just trying to learn from our past mistakes. I did a lot of analyzing in my head. It’s normal imo.
riseofthemachine · 41-45, M
If thoughts are coming up in your mind from your past , go to a spiritual adviser to guide you , cause if a name or names are running through your head at a high noise level . You either have a deep resentment or else you owe them people an apology .
That’s why it’s coming up to do something about it . You said 10 years it came up . That’s to do something with so you can live the rest of your life happy if you do something about or else on the other side , lead you into a depression
PrestonJ · 36-40
Could be self sabotage? Or thinking you don’t deserve to be happy because your normal was another way.

I just discovered for myself that when I’m feeling sad that a lot of the time it’s because I’m misreading the signals my body is giving me, if I stretch those thoughts go away almost immediately. I say all that as a public service announcement to do yoga. Yoga fixes everything lol
in10RjFox · M
The flood in your mind 10 years ago hasn't drained. It's stagnation. Your mind hasn't evolved for 10 years, which means you have not allowed newer thoughts to flush the older ones.

Only by watching newer movies, we can replace the older ones running in the minds.
BnBSpringer09 · 26-30, F
@in10RjFox Thanks! It's crazy because I've changed a lot in the past 10 years, but for some reason I went through a weird spell some months back where all of these memories, past mistakes, etc. came rushing back. Thankfully, it's mostly subsided now, though I do have a bad habit of beating myself up over past mistakes no matter how long ago they were. :( Working on that!
We all screw up things, sometimes at the least expected times.

The sensible approach is not to dwell on what might have happened, and simply cut our losses and move on.

Easier said than done.

Routines help, so do hobbies, but drink does not.

Life has a rich tapestry of opportunities.
Sidewinder · 36-40, M
Sometimes the past keeps coming back to haunt you, no matter how much you want to put it behind you.

It's like wanting a wound to heal, but there's always someone or something that's reopening the wound just when it's so close to healing.
GerOttman · 61-69, M
Oh yeah, happens all the time. Flashbacks, mini-PTSD, the smallest things trigger them. I try to keep a list of counter 'hero' moments to fight back. sometimes it works, sometimes I just keep working on it.
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Dshhh · M
As we grow, we change and gain new perspectives. Sometimes you have to re-examine everything
Confined · 56-60, M
Yeah. I do that too often. I scrutinize every decision now. Just no room for any more screw ups.
The moment I saw this post, I remembered something bad from 28 Years ago.
BnBSpringer09 · 26-30, F
@NotSureAboutMyUserName I'm sorry! :(
Your brain thinks you're finally stable enough to process and examine these things.
CheshireAzur · 36-40, F
I am having a similar experience. *hugs*
looping · 18-21
yeah that's pretty normal.
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
It's pretty common. Not fun. but common.

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