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Does God exist ?

Does God Exist ?
I can sense and have seen ghosts / sprits
I know the sprit world exists.
How do you explain fossils of Homo Erectus, we evolved from.
The Bible tells us we came from clay
redredred · M
The “god” concept is a near-insulting over-simplification of the actual nature of the universe. To think that some white-robed, bearded guy rules over everything and gives a shit who you sleep with, what you do in that bed or what you eat is silly beyond words.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@GodSpeed63 The evidence for the Flying Spaghetti Monster is all around us, you just don't want to see it.
@GodSpeed63 The evidence that I am a raven is all around you as well.
MasterLee · 56-60, M
@GodSpeed63 cthulu be praised
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout really good point👍
Ferric67 · M
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout best comment candidate
1pebbles · 56-60, F
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout intelligent design.... I know it as God
Patientlywaiting · 46-50, F
Nowhere in the Old testament does it say that Adam was the first man. In fact the English translation for our word Adam is from two Hebrew words. One meaning a group of humans and the second meaning one particular man. With this in mind, Genesis 1 & 2 can be read as two separate stories and with a very large time gap in between.

The Bible is silent on there being other humans before Adam apart from some possible clues that there could have been.
Genesis 2:19-23 says that 'for Adam, no suitable helper was found,' so God created Eve, which might imply that there were other people already existing.

Also, when Adam's first-born son (Cain) murdered Adam's second-born son (Abel), they already had specialized knowledge of agriculture and husbandry, probably acquired knowledge from generations of farmers and ranchers outside of the Garden. When God pronounced punishment for the murder (banishment to be a wanderer), Cain pleaded with God to protect him from people in other regions who might kill him.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@Patientlywaiting only because you have nothing to say. The premise you posited is nonsense in its face. It is not even logical
Patientlywaiting · 46-50, F
You don't agree. I get it.

The Bible is compatible with science. Message me if you want examples.
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
why don't you pray and ask him yourself?

I already have. Jesus said that we must be born again in order to see His kingdom. We had a physical birth, now we need a Spiritual birth in order to know God for who He really is.
SlaveEt · 36-40, F
Nope, none of them do.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@SlaveEt Pot meet kettle. You are the one who belittled my belief. I was simply stating why I believe what I believe. Atheism is empty as is Buddhism as is Islam an Hindu and Animism and Paganism. Each of those worship the created and not the Creator. That you worship the created makes you the loser. How silly are you when you look at the facts. Facts like 4 impossible things all have to happen in order for the world as we know it to exist without a Creator who preset to meet all those impossible conditions.
SlaveEt · 36-40, F
I give up on you.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@SlaveEt I don't give up on you. Some day soon enough you will realize that you are being obtuse and will realize you need to change from materialist to Realist.
akindheart · 61-69, F
Yes God exists.
zonavar68 · 51-55, M
@akindheart Proof?
1pebbles · 56-60, F
@zonavar68 creation
The play-doh theory of “Putty People” is nice and colorful, and does well with children.

It’s sad when grown adults still play with their spiritual play-doh in their minds, and think it’s real life.

It’s also not original, the play-doh idea. The ancient Egyptian story of the Female God Mut (Moot) creating clay figures from the Nile (Hapi) Inundation, is older than the bible version.

There wasn’t any concept of plagiarism in those ancient days, unfortunately.
jademonkey19 · 41-45, T
It really depends on which God you're referring to, doesn't it? I think, perhaps, there is a consciousness that speaks to us, and I think it takes many forms - my suspicion is that most religions start out in tune with that message from the universe, and are corrupted over time.

It is our divine right as a species to create our gods and stories; humans devised mythologies for tens of thousands of years, and it's our natural inclination to do so. Organized religion cuts us off from that wonderful creative spark \ impulse \ spiritual process.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
God exists in the human mind.. If a group gathers together to sing or to provide charity and feels better for it, then god exists. And the need to feel good will drive them to keep doing it. There is good in that and no harm..
But for those who are looking for immortality in religion, it would do you good to remember that the very star we depend on for everything has itself been recycled, while every atom in your bodies has been millions of other things in its time. There is your immortality. Play your part and move on..😷
Abstraction · 61-69, M
If God exists our descriptions of God are inanely inadequate, like trying to pour the Atlantic ocean into the small bucket of our minds. The discussions on SW on the topic are like fishing in thimbles.
I believe God exists, yes, and that evolution and physics helps us understand the mechanisms that the God who is outside time-as-we-know-it used to bring it to pass. And all living things are of clay, the stuff of the earth, from the minerals forged in stars.
RuyLopez · 56-60, M
We all came from star dust. Is there a difference?
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
Define God. Each of us has our god(s). The atheist no less than the most devout theist. God being that which our life is directed. Should we say we are guided by our intellect then our intellect becomes our god. Ditto science or money or social standing or even our own ego. Sadly for the atheist there must be a Creator God simply because it is impossible for us to exist without One. There is no evidence of evolution.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@zonavar68 If that is the case how can the medical people 'revive' people without a heartbeat? How about those people who died but came back to life after the medics declared them dead? The fact is you have no definition of what life is. It certainly seems to be more than a chemical reaction. Which brings us back to the original question. How did life start? Lets be honest IF life began as a simple one celled creature in an organic soup it would have soon died without reproducing. Life forms need a whole infrastructure of other life forms in order to live. Animals can not produce their own food as can plants. Your silly premise is just silly. Not only can you not explain how the chemicals came to be in the order needed for life you can not explain the fine tuning of the universal forces that allow life to exist here on earth. Life is more than chemicals and physics and you have no good explanation of any of them. Your science is so lacking as to be little more than a religious fairy tale/joke.
zonavar68 · 51-55, M
@hippyjoe1955 Remember every 'thing' on our planet is made from materials of the planet. All animals (including us humans as we are animals too), all plants, all human-made things. Oh and since religion and the concept of 'God' is a human-made thing, it therefore embodies materials of the planet.

When a person is revived who has a stopped heart unless the brain has been starved of oxygen for less than about 3 minutes the person will never be like they were before. Part of the definition of death is full cessation of brain function, and brain function continues after the heart stops until the brain cells 'die' from no supply of oxygen. That can be quite a length of time.

Life as we know it can be defined many ways.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@zonavar68 Materialism is a silly idea. Yes we are made of stuff that is the same as the stuff on our planet. That still doesn't explain how we or our planet/solar system/galaxy/universe came to be. To ascribe our existence to material is completely void of reason or meaning. We still haven't even figured out what an atom is. That completely aside the fact is that if we are just a bunch of atoms bumping into each other than your 'rational thought' doesn't exist. Your deepest thoughts or desires or gifts are null and void and completely without merit or meaning. In your world view there was nothing. Then for no reason what so ever that nothing exploded and became everything. Given enough time your nothing that became everything for no reason also for no reason made dinosaurs.

In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. In the vast chaotic mass of potentials The Word said "I AM". I AM therefore I will create. Out of His own Potentials He separated light from dark. He separated material from void, He separated wet from dry. He separated life from non life. Why did He do it? Because He is the Great I AM. Out of mere potentials He set in intricate order all that we see and experience and know. For when the Logos (Word) speaks order ensues.
walabby · 61-69, M
God is "everything that is".
We are spirits that are having a human experience for the sake of the experience.
Evolution could well have been in the mind of a creator, rather than happening by accident.
The Bible is .... inaccurate....
Well , for one: we cant agree on what is god, because we cant define god within the limits of our comprehension .

We can however potentially prove godlike existence through string theory and mutidimensional realities.

And whether this or these potential being or beings are unique identies unto themselves, or different aspects of ourselves, we don't know .

But the potential for god is there.
easterniowegin · 51-55, M
Do you ever simplify an explanation to someone, simply bc the full, correct details would take too much effort and not really make a difference to the discussion??

Our education system is full of such "explanations." The Bible isn't meant to be a dissertation of the universe. How would that make sense to such, otherwise primative, minds at the time? Heck there are certainly many things that even the top intellectual minds of today could not comprehend if given a full explanation.
zonavar68 · 51-55, M
The Bible is a bit depressing because it's full of massively manipulated so-called historical accounts that are unprovable.
Greyjedi · M
That is a question that no human can answer. We came from our parents and ancestors and the soul be neither created nor destroyed. The Bible was taken from older stories and generations, and mistranslated internally for the purposes of rebellious populations and further used by the last few emperors to say their power is bestowed by god. We Humans are on the tenth sphere of the kingdom, there is no way to tell what exists on the 3rd let alone the 1st.
I suppose it depends upon ones own perception, experience and knowledge.

What one sees as god, another may not.
What one has experienced another may not.
What may be considered as knowledge to one, another may dismiss.

We see and understand within our own limitations and desires.
I believe in higher powers. I personally follow Tiamat. I admit I may just be crazy, but she has been the only God to have ever answered back. The only Godly presence I felt.
I do believe in evolution.
@GodSpeed63 I don’t care
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@GodSpeed63 What if you're wrong, and every time you pray to Yahweh, you're gradually making Odin angrier and angrier? I bet you haven't thought about that.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@MorbidCynic I have a pet hypothesis. I realize there's no way we can prove or disprove it unless time travel is perfected, but I think that each and every one of the gods was created, whether intentionally or not, by a group of humans focusing on their existence. That's why the old gods fade out of existence, and why the existing ones need the prayers of the faithful. They literally live on belief.
Heavenlywarrior · 36-40, M
Does evil exist? If you can say yes. Then the law of polarity applies.
Let's say a soul and God both exist. Why does that mean everything else a religion claims has to be true as well. If a soul and God exist why does Jesus have to be true. Or why does God have to have made people from clay. Or why does hell have to exist. There is a huge list of things that get swallowed without question when a person believes even one thing. That is cult mentality.
Elessar · 26-30, M
I've no reason to think he does.
Adstar · 56-60, M
It is good that you know spirits exist.. Once you know that then knowing The Holy Spirit exists can be but a breath away.. Oh and yes God exists.. I know because i have had experiences as well 🤗
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Heavenlywarrior · 36-40, M
@LordShadowfire I feel u on that and I know that the proof is what many need… but just being honest. It ain’t going to happen.

Personal testimony is the strength of a believer.

Whether you believe or not is up to you.

Or when the government finally discloses the truth about aliens and all that on the news. Lol. An Athiest will believe then.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@Heavenlywarrior I actually know several atheists who are convinced that aliens are real, just based on the mathematical evidence. We now know that there are literally billions of potentially inhabitable planets in our sector of the galaxy alone. If there are even a few million of those with optimal earth-like conditions, the odds against them all being uninhabited are, well, astronomical.
Heavenlywarrior · 36-40, M
@LordShadowfire this is all very interesting.
Northwest · M
Can you ask them who killed JFK? or is that some sort of speciality?
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@Northwest I'll give you a hint. His name rhymes with Schmyndon Schmonson.
I think so ..something bigger than ourselves does
It's arrogant to feel otherwise
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
zonavar68 · 51-55, M
@GodSpeed63 But what you claim is 'gods proof' requires faith, not scientific proof. And it's scientific proof that counts. Faith does not equal proof-of-concept.
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
But what you claim is 'gods proof' requires faith, not scientific proof. And it's scientific proof that counts. Faith does not equal proof-of-concept.

God is the Author of science and uses it to show us His creation and how He's made it all work. The heavens declare His glory and the earth declares His work.
God already gave proof, it's up to you to prove that He didn't.
Crazywaterspring · 61-69, M
Where is Pikachu? She lives for this stuff.
Funlov · M
Yes I believe
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
I also have a firm belief in an afterlife, or as I like to call it, an in between life. But if there is a God, it's not the one described in the Bible.

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