I’m deeply afraid of rejectionI’ve been rejected 9 times and it hurts. One time that I’m counting is is being rejected by a girl’s friend when we were in High School. Weird thing about both of those girls is we had lunch at the same table most of that same year. I’m also a... See More »
I was kicked out of a thread becauseThe author is so spoiled, selfish and stupid to understand what I said. There are happy people in this world for only two reasons they live animalistic lives or they are so selfish they do not care of the suffering of others and keep happiness for... See More »
For a long time music has helped me.It lets me feel all the variety of emotions I’ve felt or bottled up without letting them consume my actions and thoughts. Now maybe it’s not helping me as much, I’ve said hurtful things and while some of what I’ve said may be true I lost a little... See More »
One of the greatest actors in the century died today.We must morn the lose. While he played a villain in one of the greatest franchises of all time he will be missed and now he is one with the force.
Happy Birthday America may this be the day.May be this be the day we start seeing and reaching for our highest noblest potential. May this be the year we take of the shackles of greed, prejudice and ego let the world see The United States of America we see in our hearts. A becon of freedom... See More »
Can any Miley fans tell me the top all Miley songsAnything but Hannah Montana. Seriously I need to expand my music horizons.
Why does this site allow so many sick sociopathic peopleSeriously, why? There are people who support and violent oppressive dictators. There are people who support wealthy wannabe criminal dictators like Donald Jackass Trump. Like seriously the man was convicted in a fair trial and people say oh it’s t... See More »
People on the SpectrumShould be treated better. Discriminating against disabled people should come to an end.
Do prostitutes all smokeDo they? Is it something they do anyway or is it the job that makes them do it?
Why has this group and groups like it been demotedWhy has “I am a succubus” and groups like it been demoted and you can’t ad storys to them.
Does anyone else feel a sense of dread Poll (23) See Poll OptionsLike pure unavoidable chaos and death is coming later today?
What is your favorite metal?I am between Gold and Tungsten. Gold is like a dimepiece super pretty. Plus gold is the metal with the second highest monetary value. Tungsten is super tough and could.
Does anyone know anyone from AgarthaI really want to meet someone from Agartha. I really want to go to Agartha too. I hear it’s really hard to get in, harder than North Korea. I’ve heard there is no violence No poverty no covid probably no purposelessness or powerlessness. The... See More »
I have a few questions I want peoples honest answers on Poll (3) See Poll OptionsFirst I want to say I saw a short of a man saying than he thinks gamers are becoming the most hated group of people on the planet. He said it is... See More »
It’s sad how “Christians” try to manipulatePeople on Youtube, with click bait to get attention. Not only are their values completely opposite of their hero but they try to guilt people on YouTube into watching their nonsense. The latest I saw was a picture of Jesus and the caption said... See More »
Well I will be relaxing with family away from my devisesIn five days of so, so Merry Christmas and a happy new year Similar Worlds, especially to my friends.
I was invited to Prince Harry’s PartyIt was a reunification with the Royal family party. Or maybe it was a roast because they served candy almost like a spectator sport. They had lots of British commonwealth sweets a few American candy bars.
With the Force as my allyI shall have all those whom displays a callous small mindset to bigotry and ignorance running away and blocking me our of fear!😰