GodSpeed63 volly!
Do they know where life comes from? Do they know its purpose?
well yes, we do,, the clear evidence showing the path of life on earth for three billion years, is always expanding, with ever more detail. and No there are not Angel fossils.. more we can see out in apace the furnaces where the very elements are forged, the building blocks of life are every where. and givine teh wyas such things intereact life, will always arise undee3r the right conditions. some would say they have already, but there is yet no good evidence for extra-solar life
but you are asking what is the very first cause of all things.. very nice for philosophical discussion but of no practical application, unless you are building a religion
Do they know its purpose?
the purpose of Human life, is whatever we make of it.
for good or Ill it is US that give purpose, not a Sumerian Sky myth
On the contrary, we love life and have the hope of eternal life
Eternal life! what a horrific con job! "Do this and outlive the very stars and galaxies"
to the contrary
you offer only death or eternal torment for those that do not follow you and your ideas. thhis seems a threat, and a most angry one
the study of Reality shows there is not eternal anything. what
monstrous Hubris to assume WE are the pinnacle and cause of the entire universe.
and we and only we are to exist for eternity? this is the bait by which fools are reeled in to the collection plate, whether of money or some of form of power.
A hollow promise, and one that cannot be proved or shown,.
and quoting Jesus, is not evidence of anything other than someone somewhere says he said these things in a language 4-5 time removed from the originals
would you like a scholarly article on WHO wrote what parts of the Bible?
do say yes, and I will provide. Man made religion offers no hope. They honor God with their lips but the hearts are far from Him. Read Matthew 23
were these books not made by men? on one hand you decry "Man Made Religion," I must assume you mean the various established religions, and that there is some NOT man made path instead? was not even Yeshwa ben Josef
יְהוֹשֻׁעַ A man? so if not YOU or HIM what is the Not man made religion you seem to suggest
Like it or not, choosing not to believe in God is hating Him.
how do you know ti is a HIM anyway? does god have a penis?
hate is an emotion, a feeling, not some force of nature, I do not HATE what does not exist. it seems like you are saying if you do not believe,, you are insulting and thus hating this being. it is like saying if you do not belive in Santa Claus, then YOU hate him and he will be very angry.
there is no santa claus
outside of beloved fictions. i even LIKE some things i do not believe in. There are NO UNICORNS, but I like the idea.
The Truth I know comes from God and not anyone else
this suggests you are IN contact with this ostensible being . how does he speak to you?? and NO if you reject Man Made religion, then you cannot site the bible, as it too is Man Made
so how do YOU Know what god thinks, why are YOU so blessed. is on one else?
it would seem YOU ( a man) are Making a religion, with yourself at the top
Man made religion is not a relationship with God who desires to restore relationships between Him and us and between each other.
again, what religion is NOT man made
the bible is man made,, why dop you quote it
thanks for the polite discourse.
we certainly disagree,, but we are not enemies