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Excuses excuses and excuse

Most of us can agree that r*pe and slavery are egregious and abhorrent things, so why do christians make every excuse for laws where such things are permitted (ie Deuteronomy 21:10-14 and Leviticus 25: 44-46) they will make any and every excuse for these verses and not see how psychotic their arguments are.
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RuyLopez · 56-60, M
Those are Old Testament. If you want to blame anyone for them blame the Jews. No? I didn’t think so. Do you know anything about Christianity or Judaism? Did you know Jesus was a Jew. Have you ever bothered to read the Bible? Right.
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@RuyLopez nah, I'll block you instead, weirdo.
Khonsu · 26-30, M
@RuyLopez I said what I said. Either you don’t know what you’re talking about or you’re a liar. And so far you’ve proven that. You can’t stay on topic and the only thing giving you your daily dopamine is insults. Cope harder.
The thing is you cannot judge history and what was written then by your modern standards ….

Morality, and life standards have changed, and religion has played a major role and has been a huge help in changing things for better….

Maybe …. But more importantly human himself needs a major update …

1. No …. History cannot and should not be judged as life style of past (good or bad) was a norm then … I’m not talking about people who acted against norm, but history itself …

2. If that divine guidance was only for the surrounding nations, then it could and it would never be spread to other nations around the world… if it did, it was because people needed and accepted the guidance wholeheartedly …
Khonsu · 26-30, M
@Soossie “ 1. No …. History cannot and should not be judged as life style of past (good or bad) was a norm then … I’m not talking about people who acted against norm, but history itself”

That’s the problem that people don’t seem to understand You have a group that claims to have divine guidance meaning they shouldn’t be the norm. If your divine laws resemble the laws of the “heathen” nations around you can you really say they’re divine. No they’re basing laws on the cultural norms. And you have people here today that cannot reconcile with that and make every excuse possible. We literally have politicians trying to bring us back to the Bronze Age.

“If that divine guidance was only for the surrounding nations, then it could and it would never be spread to other nations around the world… if it did, it was because people needed and accepted the guidance wholeheartedly”

You might want to reword this because either you misread the argument or don’t know what the actual argument is. Also that last part you seem tobbe ignorant of the of the crusades where people were tortured and killed for not being christian. Or how Native American children were kidnapped to be converted into Christians, a lot of those children died brutal deaths btw. I can literally bring up example after example of this. Christianity did not spread through people accepting it wholeheartedly it was spread through colonialism and violence.
Imsleepy · 31-35
They aren’t very bright, hence their religiosity.
Khonsu · 26-30, M
@hippyjoe1955 No where in that does that have me boasting in intelligence. You on the other hand have been insulting people on theirs about nonsense about a cosmic belch and I brought up that a Christian created that theory. And now you want to claim the priest isn’t Christian as if you’re an authority or if you even knew this person’s ideals. That is pure ignorance.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@Khonsu You are insulting Christians all the time. Your bigotry knows no bounds. Do try to think for once in your life.
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BibleData · M

Fairness is very important to me. If someone were to disrespect to me like an evil little creep I respond accordingly. It doesn't matter to me what your beliefs or lack thereof are. I respond to whatever you say, but in kind. I don't believe saying someone is ignorant of something is an insult. We are all ignorant of many things, so it wasn't my intent to insult.

You claim that the Bible doesn’t promote any of theses and it records history. Christians throughout history and the people whose entire cultures have been destroyed would definitely disagree with you on that.

So you say, but they would be wrong; abusus non tollit usum (Latin: misuse does not remove use). My argument here wouldn't necessarily be that what you are suggesting isn't true, but rather that it shouldn't have been. It isn't the fault of the Bible or it's writers that it has been abused due to ignorance. And it most certainly has been and continues to be to this day. The Bible wasn't written for us specifically, it was written for the people in a specific time and place. The people it was addressing. To Adam, to Moses, To Judges, Prophets, ancient Israel and early Christians to name a few. To those who adhere by it, it is a warning example. (1 Corinthians 10:11; Romans 15:4; Jude 1:7) The Law of Moses applied only to ancient Israel until the messiah. Christians were to obey the laws of their respective countries as if they were God's law unless those laws were contrary to God's actual laws. Of course, that goes for rape and slavery. So, the cultures of which you speak - which were destroyed by Biblical principles - are responsible for their laws.

It's you that are blaming the Bible for your sociopolitical frustration with the tyranny disguised as theocracy? That's pretty much the norm for militant atheist ideologues. Like all ideologues they would simply replace current tyranny with their own. It doesn't matter if it's God and the Bible or anything else. The true Christian is no part of the world, but there are very few true Christians.

What this means in the case of slavery is that if it's legal in the country you live in then it's acceptable to God for you to have slaves. If it's illegal to have slaves in the country you live then it isn't acceptable to God. In the case of ancient Israel it was acceptable to God. As for you, you wouldn't have to have slaves if you find it, like I find it, objectionable, even if it were acceptable to God, but at the same time you haven't the merit or the authority to make that call for anyone else unless you make the laws in the country you live. Since every single human being alive on earth has enslaved and been enslaved it's somewhat hypocritical and myopic of you to protest. That's more about virtue signaling and groupthink. It may seem morally or politically correct or not at any given point throughout history, which means you would be likely to just go along with whatever was the norm. So your objection doesn't impress me, especially when it isn't very well thought out.

This law was for Hebrews only.

See? Not very well thought out. What about Joseph and his brothers? Was the law for them? Abraham? Peter? Paul? Also, what was the law regarding non-Israelites on the matter?
Khonsu · 26-30, M
@BibleData “ Fairness is very important to me. If someone were to disrespect to me like an evil little creep I respond accordingly”

First off, the tone of your very first reply comes off as condescending and what’s insane to me that you’re virtue signaling fairness when you’re the one that has been butchering quotes and taking things out of context.

Case in point

“ See? Not very well thought out. What about Joseph and his brothers? Was the law for them? Abraham? Peter? Paul? Also, what was the law regarding non-Israelites on the matter?”

This right here let’s me know that you we’re definitely not worth my time. You couldn’t even fully quote me💀.

You claim “Before the common era war, poverty and crime were the factors which reduced people to slavery. Captives of war were sold into slavery (2 Kings 5:2; Joel 3:6). If a person became poor they could sell themselves and their children into slavery to pay indebtedness. (Leviticus 25:39, 47; 2 Kings 4:1) and a person found guilty of thievery who was unable to compensate was sold for slavery to pay for the things he stole, regaining his freedom once the amount was paid in full. (Exodus 22:3)”
You left out the context that this only applied to Hebrews you left out what the rest of Leviticus 25 said
44“‘Your male and female slaves are to come from the nations around you; from them you may buy slaves. 45You may also buy some of the temporary residents living among you and members of their clans born in your country, and they will become your property. 46You can bequeath them to your children as inherited property and can make them slaves for life, but you must not rule over your fellow Israelites ruthlessly.

I pointed out that the version of slavery you’re selling was for Israelites only while showing what happened to non-Israelites. See? Not very well thought out was it? How in the world did you think this was a good idea? Also I raise you one question, since you want to argue slavery in ancient Israel was acceptable to god. What made owning people morally acceptable?

“ It's you that are blaming the Bible for your sociopolitical frustration with the tyranny disguised as theocracy? That's pretty much the norm for militant atheist ideologues. Like all ideologues they would simply replace current tyranny with their own. It doesn't matter if it's God and the Bible or anything else. The true Christian is no part of the world, but there are very few true Christians.”

What is even the point to even replying to you people when you’re willing to sink this low EVERY SINGLE TIME these subjects are brought up. Most of you preach so much about accountability but can’t apply that to yourselves. Your beliefs are by definition tyranny. If your religions stems from a book where it’s main deity makes laws on who and how to enslave people, has easily abused rape laws and then is willing to put souls into eternal torment because you either didn’t worship him right or you don’t fuck with it. Why is it that the Christian majority states are the most oppressive places to live in? Violent crimes, voter suppression, example after example of Christians sadistically enjoying the suffering of people who are like you. And while I can wholeheartedly agree that there a very few “true Christians” at the the end of the day these people still worship your deity, they preach about your deity, they spread the word about your deity, and don’t even for one minute think to consider yourself (someone who’s been disingenuous and misquoting me throughout this entire exchange) a true practitioner of the teachings of the christos. You are no different from the rest of the rest of the npcs.
Hi there, the "out clause" for many Christians (usually of the literalist/conservative/fundamentalist sector of the Faith - also known to themselves as the "True Christians"....😀 ) is that the words you quote are of the "Old Covenant", now replaced by the New Covenant, one of mercy/grace where we are "all one in Christ Jesus".

Unfortunately, such "True Christians" are supporters of the doctrine of Eternal/Perpetual torment of any who do not accept such offer of mercy/grace, which they claim is the New Testaments "clear teaching".

I would simply say that such a doctrine is far more repugnant than any commandments found in the Old Testament, and further, that any who subscribe to it have had there moral sense corrupted.

That is it for me. I will not engage with any here who wish to argue.
BibleData · M
@SW-User It shouldn't be argued that slavery was only taking place in the time of the Law of Moses because there were guidelines to having slaves in the Christian scriptures as well. In fact it was much more common then.

Slavery was much more common in the Roman Empire than in the time of the ancient Hebrew scriptures. Individuals could own hundreds or thousands of slaves. The imperial government's position on the institution of slavery in the time of the first century Christians was not challenged by Christians. They respected the legal rights of others, including other Christians, to own slaves.

The apostle Paul sent back the runaway slave Onesimus, who had become a Christian and willfully returned to his master, also a Christian. (Philemon 10-17) Paul admonished Christian slaves not to take improper advantage of their Christian masters (1 Timothy 6:2) Christian masters were obligated to deal fairly with their slaves. (Ephesians 6:9; Colossians 4:1)

All Christians, regardless of their social status, slave and free man, were the same and of equal standing. (1Corinthians 12:12, 13; Galatians 3:28; Colossians 3:11)
BibleData · M
What argument? There is no argument. Why do you think they should make excuses?

What exactly is your position? That rape and slavery are egregious and abhorrent? So?
BibleData · M
What's it like to live without a brain? I'd love to know.

Mission accomplished. .
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Khonsu · 26-30, M
@BibleData So I’m already seeing condescension from you, no surprise btw but what I was expecting was how fallacious your arguments would be and boy did you not disappoint. You and a lot of people here seem to not get the point of this post, and what’s even funnier is that they are ironically doing the very thing I said they would do. Either they cant show that they’re morally consistent or they completely go off topic and straight to either insults or pivoting into the blame game EVERY SINGLE TIME.

But let’s get down to you. You claim that the Bible doesn’t promote any of theses and it records history. Christians throughout history and the people whose entire cultures have been destroyed would definitely disagree with you on that. And then you claim that slavery was an offense punishable by death that is another egregious lie. This law was for Hebrews only. If they were kidnap their own they were to be put to death. Deuteronomy 24:7If someone is caught kidnapping a fellow Israelite and treating or selling them as a slave, the kidnapper must die. You must purge the evil from among you.

Otherwise they’d probably have to be killed for all women they kidnapped and raped in judges 21.

You claim Deuteronomy 21:10-14 only says that women who were taken as prisoners of war could eventually become wives and mothers. Respected members of the community.
Here’s what it actually says

10“When the Lord your God gives you victory in battle and you take prisoners, 11you may see among them a beautiful woman that you like and want to marry. 12Take her to your home, where she will shave her head,[a] cut her fingernails, 13and change her clothes. She is to stay in your home and mourn for her parents for a month; after that, you may marry her. 14Later, if you no longer want her, you are to let her go free. Since you forced her to have intercourse with you, you cannot treat her as a slave and sell her.

You’ve left out the “Later, if you no longer want her, you are to let her free. SINCE YOU FORCED HER TO HAVE INTERCOURSE WITH YOU” that is literally by definition r*pe and there is no consequence for this. They could literally butcher a woman’s loved one and force themselves on them with no consequences.

You claim “Before the common era war, poverty and crime were the factors which reduced people to slavery. Captives of war were sold into slavery (2 Kings 5:2; Joel 3:6). If a person became poor they could sell themselves and their children into slavery to pay indebtedness. (Leviticus 25:39, 47; 2 Kings 4:1) and a person found guilty of thievery who was unable to compensate was sold for slavery to pay for the things he stole, regaining his freedom once the amount was paid in full. (Exodus 22:3)”
You left out the context that this only applied to Hebrews you left out what the rest of Leviticus 25 said

44“‘Your male and female slaves are to come from the nations around you; from them you may buy slaves. 45You may also buy some of the temporary residents living among you and members of their clans born in your country, and they will become your property. 46You can bequeath them to your children as inherited property and can make them slaves for life, but you must not rule over your fellow Israelites ruthlessly.

Another one of your lies exposed

You claim “It was not uncommon for slaves to hold a position of great trust and honor in a household. Abraham's servant Eliezer (Genesis 24:2; 15:2-3) and Joseph, as a slave in Egypt ended up being in charge of everything belonging to Potiphar - the second in command and second wealthiest in all of Egypt.” First off how do measure that? By what numbers are you using to determine that, you’re using one story, a story that you’re leaving very important context for.

Genesis 39

It was not uncommon for slaves to hold a position of great trust and honor in a household. Abraham's servant Eliezer (Genesis 24:2; 15:2-3) and Joseph, as a slave in Egypt ended up being in charge of everything belonging to Potiphar - the second in command and second wealthiest in all of Egypt.

According to this God’s favor was the only reason why he was treated the way that he was. Why did you leave that part out?

You claim “The family of a slave could buy him back from his owners and if he became rich he could buy himself back as well. (Leviticus 25:49) Slaves were protected by law and to kidnap someone to make or sell them as a slave was punishable by death.” Again this was Hebrews only it literally tells you that in the previous verses you conveniently left out, I wonder why 💀.

You claim “You can't judge the Bible by the morals of the people of another time and place. If you do, then you have to apply the same to, for example, mankind, governments, countries, people.” Actually I can as someone who lives in a country where people want a book of morals of the people of another time and place to be the law of country.

You claim “Man used to think it was okay to have slaves. You're a man. So the Bible had laws that protected slaves. God gave the planet to man to do with it whatever he wanted. He didn't tell them to go out and make slaves.” YHWH literally made laws on how to enslave others if he didn’t want people to be slaves he wouldn’t have made these laws.
You said it like only Christians make excuses, there is a word for slave in all languages isn't it.

Why is there a word if it's not in use for it ?

There were slaves in every part of the world and people from all religions probably had slaves.
Khonsu · 26-30, M
@hippyjoe1955 The Incas did not have slavery. There’s literally not a shred of evidence you could pull out that they did. You are once again caught in another lie
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@Khonsu There is tons of evidence that the Incas had slaves. You can't refute my allegation that we are engaged in human sacrifice. Nice try son. You lost the moral high ground already. Move along. Your hypocrisy is rampant.
Khonsu · 26-30, M
@hippyjoe1955 “ There is tons of evidence that the Incas had slaves“ No there isn’t, saying that they did is not proof but an assertion that is not backed by anything. Provide proof of this.

“ You can't refute my allegation that we are engaged in human sacrifice. Nice try son. ” I’m not trying to

“You lost the moral high ground already. Move along. Your hypocrisy is rampant.” Because I didn’t say argue against the Incas doing human sacrifices, meanwhile you’re still holding on to the lie that the Incas had slavery which you are yet to prove and you yourself didn’t even say anything about the other civilizations I mentioned…
It all reads like mythology. A book of morals the Bible isn’t.
Convivial · 26-30, F
Because the Bible is the word of God... Via several hundred middlemen and 2000 years of Chinese whispers
RuyLopez · 56-60, M
@Khonsu You had your shot. Try reading the comments to your post. I am flippant to you because you are ignorant and insincere. You don’t deserve the consideration of a legitimate answer past what I already provided you. Now you want to play the victim. Poor guy. Try not being an ass to start with if you want to be treated politely. Sorry you are butt hurt. You will get over it.
Khonsu · 26-30, M
@RuyLopez You claim I’m intellectually lazy when I’m telling you I’m trying to have a one on one debate with you and all you’ve done is throw ad hominems. That’s wild keep doing what you’re doing puppet boy you’re not making yourself or your cult look good when you continuously act out like this 🤣
RuyLopez · 56-60, M
@Khonsu Ibid.
Khonsu · 26-30, M
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
So why do so many atheists impose Christian morality on the people of a non Christian society? Pot meet kettle.
Khonsu · 26-30, M
cool story bro
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@Khonsu Believe it or not I am an Anabaptist. We don't carry guys in chairs unless we are helping the crippled up the stairs in their wheel chair. But you carry on son. You look like a complete goof now. Why would you want to stop now. You have full on moron to go yet.
Khonsu · 26-30, M
@hippyjoe1955 I find it telling that what you just said not only had no relevancy to the pic and you have resort to insults when I show you proof of christian nazis.
Tres13 · 51-55, M
Bless you Bro
Khonsu · 26-30, M
@Tres13 Next year
Carazaa · F
God is clear, The country who's God is not the Lord will be slaves to their enemies. God helps those who love him and enslaves those who don't to sin.

So now you know! Jesus is coming back in our generation very very soon, so you can criticise him all you want for being "mean" but this is his world, his rules, and I wouldn't.

Pro tip, repent because "ALL have sinned and come short of Gods Glory!"
Khonsu · 26-30, M
@Carazaa You are literally one of the main ones that have the most unhinged disposition in these conversations. I literally have screenshots of you saying that a tribe of women deserved to have been kidnapped and forced into those marriages because they worshipped another god and when the op kept asking how children deserved to slaughtered you in you exclaim everybody deserves death just for existing. Your morals are not consistent and you know you can’t argue against this because you know this wrong. It doesn’t matter how much you scream about Jesus, I see past that dark veil of yours.
Khonsu · 26-30, M
@Carazaa I’ll ask you this and I know for a fact you’re not going to pivot this question, what would you do if you were put in these people’s position. Your entire family is killed and you’re taken in as a bride. Can you in sound mind say you’d be okay with this?
Penny · 46-50, F
not all Christians are bible thumpers
Penny · 46-50, F
@Emosaur go away as usual
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Penny · 46-50, F
@Emosaur lol
Emjay · 18-21, F
I've never met Chris Chin.
Khonsu · 26-30, M
@Emjay I don’t think you would want to meet Chris Chan
Ynotisay · M
Leviticus 11:7-8 And the pig, though it has a divided hoof, does not chew the cud; it is unclean for you. You must not eat their meat or touch their carcasses; they are unclean for you.

So much for bacon. So much for football.

It's the twisted beauty of religion. You can pick and choose and there's ALWAYS an "out."
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Khonsu · 26-30, M
@jshm2 We’re not talking about America dumbass, k y s
Lilnonames · F
I dont like you

Khonsu · 26-30, M
@Lilnonames very christian like
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