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redredred · M
No. its a silly fairy tale clutched onto by people who cling to superstition.
Allelse · 36-40, M
@hippyjoe1955 How do you figure?
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@Allelse Procreation does not take place in an exclusive gay relationship. Procreation does not happen with a hooker. Procreation is not only sex it is also committed parenting. A child from a single parent is at a real disadvantage.
Allelse · 36-40, M
@hippyjoe1955 Nope here is the definition -

'The production of offspring; reproduction.'

It doesn't say anything about the method or committed parenting.
Speedyman · 70-79, M
Of course. Logic dictates it in view of the obvious design of the universe around us. Advances in scientific knowledge in the past 30 years point to the fact that the universe is designed and so are we! People who deny the existence of a God are denying the obvious.
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
like my friend

Oh, your friend probably knows James Tour, yes?

we just hang around with a different class of people

I’m sure we do
Speedyman · 70-79, M
I will certainly act as a witness that frankly you don’t know what you’re talking about when you talk about DNA @newjaninev2
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
@Speedyman lol! Some of my colleagues would probably agree with you! 😂😂
rckt148 · 61-69, M
Lets say so there is no argument .
I believe someone or something greater than I controls my destiny .
I have shared how my daughter was crippled for 4 years by a similar bone disease to my own ,except as a rule it never effects kids .so it was so rare for her to have it they gave it its own name ..
Some how ,most doctors call it a miracle .because it not medically possible
she appears to have grown a new spine ,or the old one repaired to the point there is no signs at all she ever had the disease .
Her leg was broken in 2 places and wouldn't heal ,thats how they found the disease ,her leg was also healed ,no sign she ever had a break .
Now some say "maybe I am not giving credit where its due ,doctors had to have healed her ,but she was only on calcium pills she hid because of the size of them ,so doctors agree ,they had nothing to do with it .
Then without even asking so much as my name ,some have called me a liar saying if this were true it would be in medical journals or at least made the news ..
Its sad when you hate a group of people so much anything they say has to be a lie and if they won't expose their family to any more press or test .its all a hoax ,,I share this as a testament to the power of prayer and my invisible friends ability to hear ,,I really don't care if you believe me or not ..
Its just to encourage those who do ,,,Yes He is still on the throne and still in the miracle business ,,why He does not heal all who pray ?
I can't answer that ,,I can only tell you He healed my daughter .

I was an addict from around age 27 and a drunk since I was lets say 15 .
(I have been using way longer then that ,but this was out of control how is it all these drugs aren't killing you bad ,I was in sever pain willing to do anything to stop it and be able to keep making a living )
I have been drinking since my Grandma died when I was 12 ,but I was able to hit the NCO club AKA base bar since I was 17 until age 34 I was none stop .
I was whats known as a high functioning addict ..I work well under pressure and you can't tell I am drunk or stoned .
Though my addictions cost me my kids at 23 ,and 2 wives I loved with all my heart ,I was unable to stop no matter how hard I tried ,I always relapsed .
But on Jan 18th ,1994 invisible friend healed me .
No withdraw ,,no side effects
From that night on I have had no desire to drink or use again .

I say these events and many more are God ..
But the things I know increase my faith .I won't try and claim that it proves anything so that anyone else should seek Him and my experience change their minds ,,I am not looking for converts ,I am not religious .
I of my own free will pledged my life to the one who has done so much for me .
regardless whether anyone else believes in Him or not .
Gods not His name anyway ,thats just one of His titles .
I call Him Father ,He calls me son .
rckt148 · 61-69, M
@Silverwings People have said I was crazy ,God does not work like this ,but I beg to differ .
He has provided for me long before I knew I needed some of the things he provided for me .example ;
My Central Ac quit working so I spoke to the land lord (who I have rented from for over 25 yrs and I repair anything broken here ,never ask him for anything ,so all he has had to do in all this time is collect rent that I am never late paying )
He says he is not replacing it ,but he will get me a large window unit .its like 110 in the shade that year ,so my home was extremely hot .
He goes to his girl friends and gets a unit thats pretty old ,and its 220
but I didn't notice the voltage until after it was installed (which of coarse I did )I go to plug it up and then I notice the plug .The receptacles in most homes are only 110 ..I need to run a new line ,have a breaker and a 220 receptacle ,I was able to use the central units breaker .
I bought a used Mustang from a friend several years ago I plan to restore some day ,but its been sitting for years .(the value of it increases ever year ,running or not )
I happen to remember seeing some electrical parts in the trunk
A 220 plug ,brand new just laying there ,still in the package
I work on homes so I have lots of wire ,all gauges
In 20 min my house is cold ,and I say thank you Lord ,you always provide .
And I hear ,,"You give God way to much credit ,but this time how can you give the credit for that to God "?
The man I bought the car from is not an electrician ,he asks me to work on problems like that for him .
He has no clue how the receptacle got there ,but there it was .
I do not care how it got there ,I just praise God ,because some how it did .
When I need something ,God always provides ,even when its silly stuff ,rarely do I have to spend money on things like that ,"The wealth of the wicked ,always seems to find its way to the hands of the righteous ,,in due season ".
A truck hits my Daughters tiny car accelerating ,the lady was passing her in a 60 mph zone ,,so she was pushing 70 ..tbones my Baby in the side .
Totals her car ,,,but my daughter has only minor injuries and was back to work quickly .She was able to convince the insurance company not to total her car and now its repaired good as new ,but the lady is fighting her on the medical bills ,since she returned to work so quick ,they lady who knows how fast she was illegally passing was running when she hit her ,she should be grateful she didn't kill her ,,but thats another story .
My middle daughter and my son both have almost died ,my son twice
We face trials ,but in everyone I trust my Father ,and we always prevail .

I had a land lord ask me to move ,,soon he is moving and I get to stay
I hadn't done anything wrong ,he had ,it caught up with him (touch not my anointed ,do my prophets no harm ).
Manager fires me for asking for a raise ,,I am rehired ,I get a larger raise then I asked for ,and the manager is fired ..lots of people notices that .
God is most definitely glorified .
I could go on and on about how good our Father is to me ,,but then it would just sound like I was bragging ,,but if I have anything to brag about it is this
I know He knows me ,and He loves me ,and shows it in so many ways all the time .
I brag on His abilities ,not mine ,all of my talents I credit Him for .
I tell people "My Invisible" friend is indeed invisible .
But He allows me to see His hand at work all the time .
SO Praise God you have you're pet back ,I also believe in the power of prayer .
It was so good hearing from you dear Sister ,,God bless .
Silverwings · 61-69, F
@rckt148 I love, love, love hearing about things that God has done, and i would never ever consider it as bragging, it is gloryfying, there is a huge differece. WE overcome by the word of our testimony and the blood of the lamb, so shout it from the rooftops. My dog ended up haveing to have surgery, but the good news is that she came thru it fine and is doing great. So all glory to God.
rckt148 · 61-69, M
@Silverwings Love you Sis ,and I am glad you're dog came through its surgery well ,I am sure it is a hug comfort and companion to you .
Always a blessing hearing from you ,and for His children
Our Father and Brother ,care about the little things too ,
They say satan is in the details ,,,guess who he tried to steal that from too ?LOL God bless ,,please stay in touch ,
Drop me a line once in a while in PM ,,when I check in from time to time
I will respond ,,
Have a blessed one ,and stay safe ,,you're puppy too 🤗🤗❤️
Yes, I do believe that God exist. There is some force or phenomenon that controls us. That force or phenomenon is definitely more powerful than me. Unless I know that phenomenon fully, there is no logic in denying God.
However one may believe or not believe in God. Its a personal choice and as long as we are doing no harm to anyone its perfectly fine.
If the mind is pure and our deeds are good it doesn't really matter if one believes in God or not. We are in the right path.

What's really bad is when someone forces their beliefs on others and start stating that they are right and what others believe is wrong. More often than not people don't have any proof to claim their belief and yet they fight among others for no reasons.
God is not a person who is there for people to find reasons to fight among themselves based on their incomplete understanding. I have seen many posts here and many of them are controversial. And people argue with others keeping the name of God in forefront. Some claim that God is who they believe he is and what others believe is wrong. That doesn't make any sense according to me. That simply draws unnecessary comments and replies that are more bad than good. Such posts are never discussed in good spirits. If that's the intention of people its better that they believe there is no God. They will do more good than bad by believing in God.

Let's think that God is almighty and she or he cares for us and cares for our good. We may believe that God exist or not. Whats more important is to get our mind pure and deeds good. If we can do that we are closer to God.
Doing right is more important than telling others that what we believe is right!
However one may believe or not believe in God. Its a personal choice and as long as we are doing no harm to anyone its perfectly fine.
If the mind is pure and our deeds are good it doesn't really matter if one believes in God or not. We are in the right path.
Good point you make here. Announcing to others how holy one is by doing a good deed is just self serving virtue-signaling. The deed is reward in itself. You see a lot of this behavior prevalent even here. You can give or help others silently without the expectation of reward.

What's really bad is when someone forces their beliefs on others and start stating that they are right and what others believe is wrong. More often than not people don't have any proof to claim their belief and yet they fight among others for no reasons.
Another important point. Do you see this common in other countries or just here in the US?
@DudeistPriest Thank you. You mentioned an important point. Helping others or doing good work silently without expecting anything in return is what I believe to be in the path of good.
We are in earth, our Mother Earth has given us everything. So let's take care of our mother and her children with love, care and compassion without worrying about the heaven after our death.
Good deeds would neither cost us anything nor harm anyone. So why not focus on good work irrespective of whether we believe in God or not.
I'm not sure about the question related to US. I haven't been there. I am from India.
I have seen and heard few telling others that their beliefs are wrong and if we don't believe in what they believe God will punish us or we'll go to hell. In SW I see many such posts and those who claim to be in the path of God were even using wrong language.
However let's not categorise this practice into any religion or region. Irrespective of that let's all believe in goodness.
I just saw a commercial about "God's love being endless in these times of crisis."

If this God loves us so damn much, why would he send a deadly virus here? Just so he can prove he can save us from it? What a guy!

This God shit is truly dumb.
Silverwings · 61-69, F
@quitwhendone You blame God, forgetting that we have a very real foe, that seeks continually to hurt, harm and bring down Gods children, and everyone else to keep them from getting saved, you are blaming the wrong one.
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
Of course not. Even if they existed I agree with Granny Weatherwax:

“I don’t hold with paddlin’ with the occult,” said Granny firmly. “Once you start paddlin’ with the occult you start believing in spirits, and when you start believing in spirits you start believing in demons, and then before you know where you are you’re believing in gods. And then you’re in trouble.”
“But all them things exist,” said Nanny Ogg.
“That’s no call to go around believing in them. It only encourages ’em.”
Speedyman · 70-79, M
You have not got m3 at all. You poor little thing! I suppose the fact of sin in the world is a fiction to your mind? And how do you know that men did not live for long periods of time? You4 problem is again shouting out of ignorance 🤣@Pikachu

lol Whatever you say, speedy😁

Speedyman · 70-79, M
Your problem is you cannot think outside your modernistic box which has brainwashed you. Like your friend Dillhunty! @Pikachu
Silverwings · 61-69, F
Not just any god, but the One true and living God, the God of Abraham, Issaac and Jacob, the one that parted the red sea, brought water from the rock, raised Lazarus from the dead, caused the blind to see, rose again on the third day, and is coming back on the clouds just like he left.
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Silverwings · 61-69, F
@Emosaur I am not wasting any more time on your senseless nonsense.
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Speedyman · 70-79, M
When I look at my car I realise it’s designed. When I look at my computer I realise it’s designed. When I look at the Earth and the fine tuning and all the incredible creation around me I am not so stupid as not to realise that it’s designed. The evidence is staring me in the face and unless I’m a fool I do not ignore it@canusernamebemyusername
@Speedyman I'm not ignoring anything either. I'm just not convinced. Try harder.
Speedyman · 70-79, M
Why? Nature tries as hard as it can. If that can’t convince you then I won’t@canusernamebemyusername
Generally speaking I am able to tell the difference between a character from a book or from a legend and real beings.
@EarthlingWise I am with you on this.
ChrisNBillings · 26-30, M
Of course. God and his son (Jesus) and Holy Spirit, all alive and well. Cannot conceive of anyone thinking any different.
Chevy454 · 46-50, M
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Rutterman · 46-50, M
Well I don't believe that heaven waits
For only those who congregate
I like to think of God as love
He's down below, he's up above
He's watching people everywhere
He knows who does and doesn't care
And I'm an ordinary man
Sometimes I wonder who I am

But I believe in love
I believe in music
I believe in magic
And I believe in you
Yes, absolutely...
4meAndyou · F
I don't JUST believe that God exists. I love Him. I feel as though His holy spirit is alive and lives in my heart. It is a very beautiful and awe inspiring feeling.
TheWildEcho · 56-60, M
@4meAndyou yes it is!!
A friend of mine says the Christian Life is the greatest life on the planet, and I agree!
4meAndyou · F
@TheWildEcho It makes me cry when I pray sometimes...for the beauty of it.
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Carazaa · F
Yes Ofcourse! I’m a born again Christian!
Carazaa · F
@Harriet03 from sin, and Gods wrath?
Harriet03 · 41-45, F
Sin only exists for believers. Wrath & threats of damnation are control mechanisms.
Carazaa · F
[@Harriet03 This virus is control! God controls it!
Yes. And He believes in me and my potential. ☺️
No, and notice I don't need to justify my answer...
Speedyman · 70-79, M
Because you can’t@WatercolourWildFlowers
@Speedyman and just the person I knew would respond did... thanks 😊
Speedyman · 70-79, M
Yes and you give just the answer - none@WatercolourWildFlowers
JBird · F
I don't even know if there's a God. So my answer is no
Of course I do -
SAE5W30 · 46-50, M
Torsten · 36-40, M
I do, but I have A LOT of questions
Carazaa · F
@SW-User there’s a lot we don’t know but God is clear that He is in control of everything, and the purpose of everything is to give him glory and praise, and to get us closer to what’s important, God! Because he loves us!
ladycae · 100+, F
i believe with all my heart, soul and mind. God is my best friend without whom I would be dead. he proves himself to me every day. i can not offer others prove for or against his existence. only he can do that. he makes each day special in countless different ways.
Harriet03 · 41-45, F
@ladycae You would say that at your age!! 🤷‍♀️
ladycae · 100+, F
@Harriet03 i said this at 4.i learned God answers prayer in 3rd grade. i have no idea my age when I first believed. btw the age is a lie. you don't get unsolicited dick pics if they think you're elderly.
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LikeTheSun · 22-25, F
@LikeTheSun Aight
Chevy454 · 46-50, M
@SageAdvice Awesome song!!!! Lol
Budwick · 70-79, M
And, Jesus His Son - our Savior!
Harriet03 · 41-45, F
Which God there's 100s of them?! 🤷‍♀️
Sroonaka616 · 31-35, M
No. Not any more.
Absolutely :v
Hikingguy · 56-60, M
Kwek00 · 41-45, M
JonathanC · 61-69, M
indyjoe · 56-60, M
I believe in something bigger than myself, an entity or being (maybe more than one) that I refer to as "God". I am not religious so I do not believe in the religious god(s).
Adstar · 56-60, M
I believe in THE God, because there is only One.. The God of Abraham..
DestroyerOfIdeologies · 22-25, M
Sort of, I mean there was a God, but he killed himself.
SailorMarz · F
Do you believe in life after love?
Kwek00 · 41-45, M
@SailorMarz You really do have a wild side 😅
I believe I am.. 😇
helensusanswift · 26-30, F
Allelse · 36-40, M
Sure. I believe in God.

God retired and is enjoying her pension somewhere else.

God was replaced by some douche who loves bad reality TV.
wildbill83 · 36-40, M
no, I believe in The God...
wildbill83 · 36-40, M
Chevy454 · 46-50, M
MasterLee · 56-60, M
[image deleted]

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