sfish007 · 61-69, M
it paved the way for many things - especially when private school or religious school based.. One, there is a sexual component, when one is exposed.. The humiliation and exposure also adds to the situation for the one handling the discipline.. One also finds that if the punishment is severe enough, one is more quickly to agrees to other things, that will diminish the pain.. Then over time, the pain pleasure mix manifests in that person for the rest of their life.. Many adults will share that they cannot find the pinnacle of pleasure without some modicum of pain..
SensibleJulie · F
@sfish007 Very well put.
@SensibleJulie Right, but what are the real implications for developing a rational attitude toward cooperative living and the behavior that makes it possible? These are the harder questions.
The night my girlfriend and I were caned by the headmistress together was the night we lost our virginity. We have since married and caning has played an integral part in our sex life.
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Caned4doz · 61-69, M
@smiler2012 Hahaha, I think we can all remember times when we thought we knew it all, and how clever we thought we were.
smiler2012 · 61-69
@Caned4doz 😆yes in this case it backfired
NortiusMaximus · M
Truancy at my school was a guaranteed caning offence.
Same at my school. My then girlfriend and I got caught a few times too.
Bad4U · 22-25, F
propably the teachers were enjoying it to much
MaryDreamilton · 46-50, F
@Bad4U Why do so many people look at it that way instead of from the pupils' point of view?
Bad4U · 22-25, F
@MaryDreamilton well the pupils "point of view" is usually looking down on the floor... while the teacher looks at the ass
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Nitedoc · 51-55, M
In my schools in the South they could paddle kids up through the 12th grade, Boys and girls. I think some of them did like it. I know some teachers and administrators did too! There are still 19 states in the US that allow corporal punishment.
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Nitedoc · 51-55, M
@MaryDreamilton I'm not going to discuss the problems in school discipline anymore. That's not even what this thread is about. I got side tracked.
Shadyglow · F
@MaryDreamilton Maybe its just an SW thing. OK? Like in real life I guess. Not interested.
But if I really had to say, this kind of perversion is about child abuse. Go look at it.
But if I really had to say, this kind of perversion is about child abuse. Go look at it.
Caned4doz · 61-69, M
If that was in fact the reason, then it says more about those who thought of it and decided to abolish cp. My opinion is that it was an early version of wokism. Hasn't done us many favours has it? Schools now exist for the convenience and amusement of the pupils while parents have lost all authority (or abdicated their authority).
nickir · 61-69, M
@NativePortlander1970 Yes, Spock was a real prize. Incidentally, he later recanted & said that spanking WAS appropriate in some circumstances.
What I want to know is why you want your kid to have hi self-esteem when he's a bullying little turd or a casual thief? Those are things you're SUPPOSED to be ashamed of. And punished nastily for.
No one ever explains that to me.
What I want to know is why you want your kid to have hi self-esteem when he's a bullying little turd or a casual thief? Those are things you're SUPPOSED to be ashamed of. And punished nastily for.
No one ever explains that to me.
MaryDreamilton · 46-50, F
@nickir You've got a very good point there, nickir.
BizSuitStacy · M
I'm old enough to not only remember it, I experienced it. I certainly didn't like it, but it kept me in line. I suspect a few teachers enjoyed it, though.
MaryDreamilton · 46-50, F
@WetPeter I notice everyone seems to focus on those who enjoyed administering it. I was trying to focus on those of us who enjoyed receiving it.
WetPeter · 61-69, M
@MaryDreamilton I didn't enjoy receiving it at the time although looking back at it now I kind of fetishize it. I was terrified the first few times I got the strap. It was more of a routine the last few times I got it. I recall that I got it about a dozen times between the 5th and 11th grades.
Dez580 · 61-69, M
@MaryDreamilton you were making a very valid point, it was a pity that somedid not recognise that
Klingwood · 61-69, M
I can tell you I never enjoyed it at school or home
Klingwood · 61-69, M
] I understand and I realize I needed it and deserved all of it and probably still do
NortiusMaximus · M
@MaryDreamilton I know several people who did, including my sisters, my wife, and me.
Klingwood · 61-69, M
@MaryDreamilton yes ma'am I understand,I know today I would like it even though I'd still hate the pain and embarrassment and I guess that was true then as well .I felt better after I was punished and it felt good to have a woman pull my pants down ,a part of me wanted that,wanted her to see me and to even shame me and make me feel small.
LeopoldBloom · M
I doubt it. What happened is more people realized that it's barbaric and didn't want it inflicted anymore. As others have pointed out, nobody cared if any of the students enjoyed it, but the teachers enjoying it was a problem.
During the Rodney King beating trial, it came out that one of the LAPD chiefs (not Daryl Gates, another guy whose name I can't recall) had given a sermon in a church where he was a lay pastor, where he talked about beating children until he raised welts in their skin and how exciting this was.
Edit: It was Robert Vernon. If Gates was Stalin, Vernon was Beria.
During the Rodney King beating trial, it came out that one of the LAPD chiefs (not Daryl Gates, another guy whose name I can't recall) had given a sermon in a church where he was a lay pastor, where he talked about beating children until he raised welts in their skin and how exciting this was.
Edit: It was Robert Vernon. If Gates was Stalin, Vernon was Beria.
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DrWatson · 70-79, M
I am old enough to remember corporal punishment and to remember the push to ban it.
No, this is not what was talked about at the time.
And I have to wonder how "popular" this belief actually is.
No, this is not what was talked about at the time.
And I have to wonder how "popular" this belief actually is.
MaryDreamilton · 46-50, F
@Musicman I know one or two people in your age group as well as plenty in my own age group (and younger) who wanted to retain corporal punishment. People with masochistic tendencies tend to think the reason it was stopped was to take away their private enjoyment of it. Believe me, a lot of people who are so inclined think that.
nevergiveup · M
Kids that got the cane was treated like heroes and the ones to hang around with
There are several problems with school spankings that have to do with keeping to the Equal Justice under Law principle. These arise in a lot of schools now having to ask that students wear only one layer of underwear and if they are caught not speaking truly about what they have on, they are suspended with permanent records indicating dishonesty.
In addition to complications arising from unequal protection from clothing, there are further inequalities arising from implements employed and from the school personnel using the implements. Schools in some districts have resorted to precision descriptions of the permitted implements. There are still the unavoidable disparities introduced by different school personnel.
Why is this important? Well, because when there are different intensities of results, students and their parents can allege that the difference is due to prejudice against that particular student. This can then be the basis of a law suit!
In short, bringing back the cane or the paddle opens school administrators to all sorts of accusations. They are unlikely to do it unless the community is fully behind the decision.
In addition to complications arising from unequal protection from clothing, there are further inequalities arising from implements employed and from the school personnel using the implements. Schools in some districts have resorted to precision descriptions of the permitted implements. There are still the unavoidable disparities introduced by different school personnel.
Why is this important? Well, because when there are different intensities of results, students and their parents can allege that the difference is due to prejudice against that particular student. This can then be the basis of a law suit!
In short, bringing back the cane or the paddle opens school administrators to all sorts of accusations. They are unlikely to do it unless the community is fully behind the decision.
Sharon · F
I don't think that was why it was abolished but it's true that some pupils and teachers were getting off on it.
MaryDreamilton · 46-50, F
@Sharon I doubt very much if Farage will get his own way, his party are not strong enough. But the truth of the matter is that we British shouldn't have to rely on Europe to protect us and grant us our rights. I live in a large cosmopolitan city that accepts people from all over the world, but that doesn't mean we think Britain should be ruled by some larger organisation. And we believe in equality of gender here as well. But we didn't develop that from being part of Europe either.
Sharon · F
@MaryDreamilton The UK Government was taken to the European Courts at least twice in order to force it to give men the same rights as women, in respect of bus passes and free prescriptions, so it's clear that the UK Government of the time did not believe in sex equality. More recently it was again taken to the European court to force it to outlaw sex discrimination by insurance companies.. Previously women were charged less than men for motor insurance.
The fact is, we have had to rely on Europe to protect our human rights. UK Governments are too fond of signing international treaties and then, when the TV cameras are turned off, ignoring their obligations.
As for being ruled by "some large organisation", why should individual towns be ruled by county wide councils? Why should counties be ruled by national governments? Why should countrie like Wales and Scotland be ruled by the English dominated UK Goverment? How about home rule for Cornwall? Where should it stop? I, for one, am very grateful that, ultimately, we curently have the European Court of Human Rights to protect our interests.
The fact is, we have had to rely on Europe to protect our human rights. UK Governments are too fond of signing international treaties and then, when the TV cameras are turned off, ignoring their obligations.
As for being ruled by "some large organisation", why should individual towns be ruled by county wide councils? Why should counties be ruled by national governments? Why should countrie like Wales and Scotland be ruled by the English dominated UK Goverment? How about home rule for Cornwall? Where should it stop? I, for one, am very grateful that, ultimately, we curently have the European Court of Human Rights to protect our interests.
@MaryDreamilton Britain (or any other European country, for that matter) are not "ruled" by the ECHR. The job of the ECHR is, if you like, an arbiter, a referee. National governments have a rssponsibility to govern fairly, as well as the right to pursue its policies when in power.
With the ECHR you have the right to practice sexual preferences on any consenting adult, such as being turned on by consensual caning. It also includes the right to assembly, the right to demonstrate, the right of fair treatment at work, the right to legal processes including fair representation in court; the right of equal treatment of gender and sexuality, the right to marriage equality, and I could go on. The fact that Britain (for example) has been taken to the ECHR to overturn injustice shows that even with the best intention in the world, national governments don't always get it right.
With the ECHR you have the right to practice sexual preferences on any consenting adult, such as being turned on by consensual caning. It also includes the right to assembly, the right to demonstrate, the right of fair treatment at work, the right to legal processes including fair representation in court; the right of equal treatment of gender and sexuality, the right to marriage equality, and I could go on. The fact that Britain (for example) has been taken to the ECHR to overturn injustice shows that even with the best intention in the world, national governments don't always get it right.
MartinII · 70-79, M
A nice thought, but I think it was an early example of what we now call wokery.
SensibleJulie · F
I know some did enjoy it but that wasn't the reason for banning it.
MaryDreamilton · 46-50, F
@SensibleJulie What do you think the real reason it was abolished was, Julie?
gandalf1957 · 61-69, M
bullying was one of the automatic caning offences at my senior school in the UK under the headmaster in charge there from September 1971 through to December 1983. There were others too:
cheating in school exams
smoking (tobacco) - drugs weren't in the UK schools then leastways not mine!
some other crimes got the cane too depending on the prevailing circumstances.
cheating in school exams
smoking (tobacco) - drugs weren't in the UK schools then leastways not mine!
some other crimes got the cane too depending on the prevailing circumstances.
LookingIn · M
And/or maybe those administering the canings?
MaryDreamilton · 46-50, F
@LookingIn Someone always looks at it from that angle. I was speaking on behalf of the recipients of corporal punishment.
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
Never heard of that. Only one teacher in my school was allowed to use Corporal Punishment. Since he was the one that usually got the worst behaved students in school. (Parents gave him written permission even when he didn't ask for it)
He used 'The Beach Bat' it was bigger then a ping-pong racket and had been reinforced by the woodwork teacher, and It was covered in graffiti. The only way you could write your name on that thing was to get smacked by it.
Though he rarely used it. He had such a loud bellow he could rattle windows and your very core.
And yes. It took me 3 years of being in his class to earn my name on it.
During lunch, he was on his knees leaning on a desk as he did, and the Beach Bat was on the counter behind him. I couldn't resist. He smacked him across the ass with it, just as hard as I could. He yelled. I dropped it and ran. Got on top of a desk trying to climb over when his heavy footsteps caught up to me and I was launched over the table and out the door.
I poked my head into his class halfway through the next lesson. He just looked at me and laughed.
He used 'The Beach Bat' it was bigger then a ping-pong racket and had been reinforced by the woodwork teacher, and It was covered in graffiti. The only way you could write your name on that thing was to get smacked by it.
Though he rarely used it. He had such a loud bellow he could rattle windows and your very core.
And yes. It took me 3 years of being in his class to earn my name on it.
During lunch, he was on his knees leaning on a desk as he did, and the Beach Bat was on the counter behind him. I couldn't resist. He smacked him across the ass with it, just as hard as I could. He yelled. I dropped it and ran. Got on top of a desk trying to climb over when his heavy footsteps caught up to me and I was launched over the table and out the door.
I poked my head into his class halfway through the next lesson. He just looked at me and laughed.
LAURAJAYNE1 · 26-30, F
I am in the Uk. Mum canes my bare bottom and I dont enjoy it.
@Kzatovhich Who caned you and what were you last caned for?
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@Kzatovhich Did she help you improve your grades and be on time?
Convivial · 26-30, F
I don't think so... Part of the rights of the child, the problem is they forgot to stress that with rights come responsibilities
MaryDreamilton · 46-50, F
@Convivial What about the rights of pupils to secretly enjoy being punished in that way? Why shouldn't we have any rights?
Subsumedpat · 36-40, M
I think it is only later they enjoy it
Subsumedpat · 36-40, M
@MaryDreamilton I guess it is different in a bdsm setting.
MaryDreamilton · 46-50, F
@Subsumedpat That's usually where sadomasochistic desires begin.
Subsumedpat · 36-40, M
@MaryDreamilton i guess i got a little bit of that
paddy · 61-69, M
@MaryDreamilton Thank you for correcting my grammar and spelling mistakes. At least you owned up to your secret desires......😉
MaryDreamilton · 46-50, F
@paddy Was that meant as a follow-up to my comment "Yes, I whas. You see, that looks about as right as "where you", doesn't it? Lol :) "? You've posted it as a separate answer for some reason.
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MaryDreamilton · 46-50, F
@Nitedoc Bullies are hated so much in my part of the city that one of them was once beaten up so badly that he was in a coma for about three months. That's how heavily we take bullying here. We defend victims and we enjoy giving the attackers a large dose of their own medicine. We are similarly harsh in our treatment of thieves.
MartinII · 70-79, M
@MaryDreamilton There was little serious bullying in my school. If any was discovered, the culprit was beaten.
MaryDreamilton · 46-50, F
@MartinII Good.
Enjoying it as it happens: very rare.
Enjoying personal aftercare, definitely a possibility!
Would this be a reason to end it? Not really since it could still be an effective punishment and one that recipients might prefer to many alternatives.
Enjoying personal aftercare, definitely a possibility!
Would this be a reason to end it? Not really since it could still be an effective punishment and one that recipients might prefer to many alternatives.
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Fentonisfree · 51-55, MVIP
@MaryDreamilton some teachers did as well
Adrift · 61-69, F
It used to be corpral punishment wasnt allowed when I was in school unless it was in self defense. kids were kicked out of school if they were a problem and the parents had to find an alternative school to take them too.
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cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
No. They got soft on the children… participation prizes for example
MaryDreamilton · 46-50, F
@cherokeepatti They were given in my old school and I'm talking about the 80s and 90s. Maybe it's different in the States.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@MaryDreamilton no, it started happening here when my daughter was in school, probably not as much as it is now. I think late-80’s for grade school.
MaryDreamilton · 46-50, F
@cherokeepatti I started primary school in 1980. I left school in 1992. It was done in the late 80s.
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Nitedoc · 51-55, M
I don't think so.
MaryDreamilton · 46-50, F
@Nitedoc What do you think the real reason was then?
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nickir · 61-69, M
No. Furthermore, ridiculous. Disciine broke down when they stopped it & I have >17 years as a substitute as witness.
Sidewinder · 36-40, M
Corporeal punishment was never administered when I was in school.
(at least not in the 90's when I was there)
(at least not in the 90's when I was there)
MaryDreamilton · 46-50, F
@Sidewinder That's because they stopped doing it in 1987. I just wondered if my stated reason was correct.
smiler2012 · 61-69
@MaryDreamilton 😆sadomasicism at school at an early age wow that is a new angle too the abolishment of school corporal punishment
MaryDreamilton · 46-50, F
@smiler2012 It's not that rare, and it's certainly not new.
Thodsis · 51-55, M
Was that a 'popular belief' amongst dodgy headmasters who are too dead to be taken to court?
MaryDreamilton · 46-50, F
@Thodsis Maybe, but I was talking about those of us who enjoyed being on the receiving end. I know a lot of people who share my belief that that was the reason why corporal punishment was abolished in schools.
paddy · 61-69, M
By any coincidence where you one of those pupils who secretly enjoyed corporal punishment....😉 ?
MaryDreamilton · 46-50, F
@paddy Yes, I whas. You see, that looks about as right as "where you", doesn't it? Lol :)
PS there is no such thing as coincidence. That is a well-known and provable fact.
PS there is no such thing as coincidence. That is a well-known and provable fact.
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SensibleJulie · F
@Spoiledbrat You might well ask
More like it was turning on the pervert teachers.
MaryDreamilton · 46-50, F
@autumngirl27 Another one seeing it from that point of view, rather than the pupil's.
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MaryDreamilton · 46-50, F
@Barebum61 Exactly. And a lot of pupils secretly loved that tingle and wanted to experience it again and again, but the selfish, spiteful authorities put a stop to it just because they didn't enjoy it.
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MaryDreamilton · 46-50, F
@Barebum61 Exactly.
PhoenixPhail · M
There may have been some who actually enjoyed it, but I think it was abolished because of its barbaric nature.
Humans are an incredibly primitive species. And, I'm just about ready to leave it all behind. My transition can't come too soon. It's going to be the best part of my life.
Humans are an incredibly primitive species. And, I'm just about ready to leave it all behind. My transition can't come too soon. It's going to be the best part of my life.
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MaryDreamilton · 46-50, F
@JamesBugman That "giblets" comment was over the top and unnecessary.
JamesBugman · 56-60, T
@MaryDreamilton Sorry, removed it.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
A sadist and a masochist were walking together one day. "Hit me! Hit me!" said the masochist. "NO!" said the sadist.
MaryDreamilton · 46-50, F
@hippyjoe1955 Lol :)
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MaryDreamilton · 46-50, F
@jshm2 I'm not being daft. If anything, you are. All you seem to be doing is sheepishly following some of the other answers on here.
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MaryDreamilton · 46-50, F
@Musicman Why not?
I had one classmate in school that I think this would apply to.
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