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I am she. Not much. I’m a non-employed musician, sometimes guitar lesson teacher, and a good little lesbian housewife. lol
I’m kind of a cautionary tale on wasted potential.
I’m kind of a cautionary tale on wasted potential.
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@pancakeslam the taxes are expensive. My parents are paying them still now. I’m a pathetic mooch.
pancakeslam · 41-45, M
@JustGoneNow I too am not self-sufficient but I could be with a little effort
@pancakeslam Be well, my friend.
MarineBob · 56-60, M
Suicide first month of college
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@MarineBob There was a student who attended and graduated from the Math & Science School located on rented property at the university. After graduation he saw a Craigslist ad for a sports car and wanted it. It was being sold by a piano teacher from the university. He went there and looked at the car, murdered the woman and stole the car. They caught him fairly soon. . Anyway he was tried and convicted. He told the lawyer he was promised all during that school that if he graduated he could go to any college he wanted to. He applied for one in California and got rejected. And that it ended with him getting depressed badly. It didn’t stop him from going to prison though. Who knows what would have happen if he had gotten accepted though?
Fungirlmmm · 51-55, F
That would be me. Here I am. To be fair, I am not sure I was the smartest, but I did have a high GPA.
Jlhzfromep · M
@Fungirlmmm zero surprise, I thought you were smart
Fungirlmmm · 51-55, F
@Jlhzfromep Aww thank you
She's nothing but wasted potential
@SooperSarah not to me. 🖤🫂
MougyWolf · 36-40, M
she killed herself
bijouxbroussard · F
AIDS, 1989. R.I.P.
SarahAndSamantha · 46-50, F
he became my guitarist. The second smartest kid grew up to be a halloween and horror obsessed artist/musician type.
@SarahAndSamantha great music is often open to interpretation, so I’m not sure even that’s a bad thing. You leave in it what you need and they take from what they need.
Really · 80-89, M
Granted, I have a song that people think i'm talking about religion, but it's actually about my exYou nailed him up?
Granted, I have a song that people think i'm talking about religion, but it's actually about my ex
SarahAndSamantha · 46-50, F
@Really her, but no. lol.
bowman81 · M
He is a heart surgeon with the Mayo Clinic.
Torsten · 36-40, M
i have no clue. I dont even know who would have been the smartest and i certainly dont keep check on most people i went to school with
Torsten · 36-40, M
@Umile nah i was probably one of the dumbest in the classes cause i couldnt focus on the work cause it was boring and i have ADHD. I just dont care really if others are more intelligent. They might be better at tests or whatever but I have been very successful and did shit in tests. So to me tests at school really dont mean much
Really · 80-89, M
He married the smartest girl in the class and became a university professor They're still married 60 years on.
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
She went to nursing college, became one of the best-loved paediatric nurses at her hospital . . then she fulfilled a promise she made at the age of 14 to marry me when the law changed 😌
PS. She isn't the smartest girl in the class because she married me. She is the smartest girl for having a plan for achieving happiness and sticking to it.
PS. She isn't the smartest girl in the class because she married me. She is the smartest girl for having a plan for achieving happiness and sticking to it.
Nobody knows. He disappeared, rumoured to be a spy.
SalttyDawg · 70-79, M
Was killed in Nam
JohnnyNoir · 56-60, M
Currently on Death Row
TheOneyouwerewarnedabout · 46-50, MVIP
Dead. Drink driving
Really · 80-89, M
Not the smartest kid but the most obnoxious, bragging, athletic show-off. Many years later I met him on the street. He was chubby, bald and shrunken. Did I laugh inwardly? Of course not. Scahdenfreude; Me? never.
Raaii · 22-25, F
I went to govt school
Don't know who was the smartest but I was the worst nerd and dumbest
Scored the highest and that's it
My life was horrible then
And it's still same
So. L no change
Don't know who was the smartest but I was the worst nerd and dumbest
Scored the highest and that's it
My life was horrible then
And it's still same
So. L no change
2ndtimeguy · 61-69, M
He became a scientist and has a PHD and is a professor at a Major University but he never acted like he was the smartest kid in school.
Umile · 41-45, F
@2ndtimeguy Humble guy 👏 👏 👏
Starcrossed · 41-45, F
One of the smartest went super religious and got knocked up just out of high school, married very young and let go of a major national scholarship very few people are awarded. Had a handful of kids, didn't work and then divorced.
Connected with some guy from our graduating class she wasn't friends with in high school but had mutual friends with [me and another gf of mine he was best friends with] and ended up marrying and having a kid with him in their early 40s. Lost one of her teens I presume to suicide recently.
Kind of a whole lot happened to her.
Connected with some guy from our graduating class she wasn't friends with in high school but had mutual friends with [me and another gf of mine he was best friends with] and ended up marrying and having a kid with him in their early 40s. Lost one of her teens I presume to suicide recently.
Kind of a whole lot happened to her.
4meAndyou · F
Thomas is a physician specializing in Infectious Diseases. He is the Chair of Medicine at Temple University Hospital.
FreeSpirit1 · F
He got accepted to Dartmouth college I think, don't know anything else.
Umile · 41-45, F
Most likely he went far.
That drive doesn't fade away fast.
That drive doesn't fade away fast.
Flossie · 36-40, F
He's a science professor at a university
CactusJackManson · 46-50, M
High-powered real estate agent in a major city.
Colonelmustardseed · 36-40
I don’t know who that was.
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
Never knew who it was. Not even in college. Went to three different highschools.
Having said that. There was this older man that graduated in less than a year in college. Most of his classes he only audited.
Having said that. There was this older man that graduated in less than a year in college. Most of his classes he only audited.
exexec · 61-69, C
Another guy and I tied for highest GPA, but that doesn't mean we were the smartest. Both of us chose engineering fields, so we didn't get rich, but we did okay.
OogieBoogie · F
Financially successful but incredibly unhappy .
Has a nice house in a nice area, a wife and kids , couple of cars and a good job ....and it isn't enough for him .
He feels he deserves more, should have more and that there IS more to life.
He can't see all that he has 😞
Has a nice house in a nice area, a wife and kids , couple of cars and a good job ....and it isn't enough for him .
He feels he deserves more, should have more and that there IS more to life.
He can't see all that he has 😞
@OogieBoogie someone should tell him less is more 😈
OogieBoogie · F
@metaldog I tried to tell him how much he had, but he couldn't see it.
I felt it was very sad.
I felt it was very sad.
@OogieBoogie yeah terrible
wildbill83 · 41-45, M
probably like most of the other preppy sanctimonious beta club/honor roll people I went to school with; deadbeats, drug addicts, inmates, or dead...🤔
Roundandroundwego · 61-69
Hedge funds. Evictions make the fund mega international huge, he wins all.
Number two retired from NCR at fifty five.
Number two retired from NCR at fifty five.
Jenny1234 · 51-55, F
The guy is an orthopaedic surgeon like his dad
He quit school and got a job in Burger King
She's an international financier
DDonde · 31-35, M
He got depressed and missed the last years of high school. Graduated later. Last time saw him at a bus stop on our ways to our separate colleges. He was extremely smart but also troubled.
@DDonde sometimes it’s dazzling brilliance and sometimes it’s suffocating darkness. It’s never easy. Never.
She moved to NY and married a doctor. Shes living the life but also humble
pancakeslam · 41-45, M
He ended up on this website 😆
@pancakeslam read through the replies. A lot of us did. 😂
pancakeslam · 41-45, M
@JustGoneNow honestly its pretty sad
@pancakeslam kinda sad funny, yeah.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
He grew up to be a nobody who spends all his time arguing with folks on the internet.
@LordShadowfire I thinks he’s a good egg. But what do I know. I’m a washed up rocker wannabe.
@LordShadowfire best Halloween costume ever. 😂
@Musicman yeah… I’ve done like nothing, though. I’m sort of a cautionary tale on wasted potential. 😅
@JustGoneNow I am so sorry to hear that. 😢
@Musicman meh. it’s cool. I have my wife and we have our house. Could be worse.