so Trump wants Canada to join the U.S. but what if Canada unites with blue states and red states form another country?
so femen decided the best way to protest against Trump and Putin was to show them their breast ๐คwould be funny if, when they disagree with you, women would show you their breast as a form of rebuttal (1)
this is really serious how can someone become the most hated person on earth in just a month or two. (1)
on facebook, why am I seeing less and less posts from people I know and more crap I didn't ask for ?anyone else notice this? is there a way to change this? I want to see stuff from the people I know
i was just looking at pictures posted by a friend who is presently in Angkor Wat and I had a good idea...i'm sure this already exists since I am not very knowledgeable about technology but, imagine visiting Angkor Wat, or any other archeological site, wearing glasses that have some sort of augmented reality and you could see the site as it once was.... See More ยป
so i've been thinking of a change in career and thinking of seeing a career councelorbut then I'm faced with a puzzling paradox: how can a good career councelor exist? if someone is an expert at knowing the various fields which offer the best opportunities, why would such a person choose career councelor as a job? certainly there are... See More ยป
has anyone seen "what Jennifer did" on Netflix ?after watching the movie for only a few seconds I knew she was lying. why? she was making all the same facial expressions and body language that Amber Heard did when she was lying. anyone notice that?
I was listening to a Tom Waits song a friend posted and I thought there should be a song or something called"Tom waits for no one" , so I googled it and found out i was 44 years too late, there is a short cartoon staring Tom Waits called "Tom Waits for no one" . and here I was, thinking i was so clever ๐๐ still, interesting find ๐ (1)
anyone know if a venezuelan needs a passport to fly from Lima to Colombia ?I am under the impression that many countries in south america have an agreement that they dont need passports to visit each others countries but does that include flights?
what do you do when this happens?you're drinking something out of a transparent bottle and a fruit fly falls in it. the shape of the bottle makes it hard to extract it or pour it out. do you throw it away or drink it knowing at some point you're going to feel the fruit fly pass in... See More ยป
very random but I just saw a picture of the Olsen twins , what happened to them ??they look like they're 70 years old !!
my page shows 7 posts in 4 hours. why do I get so few posts?I'm sure if I start seaching the categories one by one i'll find other more recent posts but these categories mess up everything, I wish I could just see all posts in the order that they are posted and THEN if its too much I could eliminate certain... See More ยป