TinyViolins · 31-35, M
The whole concept of blue states/red states is fundamentally flawed. Most of the divide between Democrats and Republicans falls along the lines of urban and rural. Even then, almost every state is split about 60/40 between the two parties. There's never going to be a scenario where everybody is happy in the two-party system
But the Electoral College is winner-take-all, so considering that the vast majority of Canadians live in urban areas, the likely outcome of admitting Canada into the US would mean that those votes are likely going to go to the Democrats
But the Electoral College is winner-take-all, so considering that the vast majority of Canadians live in urban areas, the likely outcome of admitting Canada into the US would mean that those votes are likely going to go to the Democrats
reflectingmonkey · 51-55, M
@TinyViolins well everything and every country is like that. I'm sure many germans were not interested in invading Europe and viewed Jews as just normal citizens but they didn't have the majority. I guess its the flaw of centralized government. many Americans disagree with Tarifs and the way that Trump is ruining relations between the U.S and other democratic countries. and like you say, I two party system makes it worst because instead of having a moderate government trying to please everyone, you have a super polarised country with power going from one side to the other. internationally this is gonna have a lasting effect on the trust the other countries can have in the U.S. since a change of government can completely change foreign policies. its like dealing with doctor Jekyl and mr hide. you can never know when they will turn on you. what is the point in signing treatise like free trade or the paris agreement if the next government can just pull out of it.
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@beermeplease it’s “aboot” time!
beermeplease · M
@RockerDad "aboot"....biggest myth....not familiar with that term
BrandNewMan · M
That might be best in the long run. People who think its ok to damage/destroy an indiviual person's Tesla vehicle because they do not like the company's CEO, who can't be happy for and celebrate return of 2 astronauts abandoned by the Biden administration, who believe violent protests are justified when they or their cause is upset are not real Americans.
thisguy20 · 41-45, M
I like that idea
beermeplease · M
i guess i could apply for a euro passport as both my parents were european in case canada ever goes to 💩....spain here i come ....hola 😃
BohemianBabe · M
The American government wouldn't let them. We're talking about imperialism here. When the British Empire invaded India, the Indians didn't get a say.
TheOneyouwerewarnedabout · 46-50, MVIP
there are no blue states.. just blue major cities...
SteelHands · 61-69, M
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout Even that isn't fully so. There are blue portions of major cities. Mainly around the campus Areas. Wealthy suburbs are interspersed with their radical leftwing staff and adminitrators. And poverty riddled welfare lovers but that's only about 15% of those run down sections ruled by gangs and crook politicians.
There are entire cities but they're mid sized. These are state capitals or university/ college heavy cities that are, due to being almost entirely nanny government run money pits, aka NGO strongholds. At election time you used to be able to see it on precinct drawings. They don't show them much anymore. It's too obvious that tax money is buying elections.
There are entire cities but they're mid sized. These are state capitals or university/ college heavy cities that are, due to being almost entirely nanny government run money pits, aka NGO strongholds. At election time you used to be able to see it on precinct drawings. They don't show them much anymore. It's too obvious that tax money is buying elections.
Pfuzylogic · M
If Canada joins there will never be another republican voted as President.
TheOneyouwerewarnedabout · 46-50, MVIP
america been subsidizing canada to the tune of 200B per year.
trump says. hey. why dont you guys just come join us.. everyone wins.
err.. were gunna shop around for another beneficiary....
talk about ingrates.. 🍿
trump says. hey. why dont you guys just come join us.. everyone wins.
err.. were gunna shop around for another beneficiary....
talk about ingrates.. 🍿
Pfuzylogic · M
Is that why China is off your shores right now?
Good thing your subs aren’t diesel!
Is that why China is off your shores right now?
Good thing your subs aren’t diesel!
reflectingmonkey · 51-55, M
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout https://socialwork.ubc.ca/news/canada-subsidizes-the-u-s-not-the-other-way-around/
reflectingmonkey · 51-55, M
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout that 200B is complete fabrication , not from any valid economists report. read the link I posted, if you take everything coming out of Trump's mouth as a fact you will end up with a very flawed perspective of reality.
Just send trump and his supporters to the middle of the Atlantic ocean. They can prove how tough they are.
SomeMichGuy · M
Who cares? Lincoln has already thrown up his hands in disgust.
MasterLee · 56-60, M
MasterLee · 56-60, M
@reflectingmonkey doesn't take much
reflectingmonkey · 51-55, M
@MasterLee excellent recovery 👍
MasterLee · 56-60, M