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Women to be Drafted into the Military

Poll - Total Votes: 41
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Cheers and Salutations to the fans of Biden, his Woke Agenda, and his Progressive Liberal friends.

Several members of Congress (Democrat) have written a bill that would ensure that women are included in the upcoming military draft. And it was women that introduced the bill, not men.

Well, you wanted equality, now you got it.


Should women be drafted into the military like men, if a Draft becomes necessary?
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GuiltyBiStander · 31-35, F
This is supposed to make me outraged ?

Haven't you got birdhouses to build ?? 🙄
PatKirby · M
The draft is a long process away, but once it gets to that point, it's only fair for women to be included as well in modern times.
DallasCowboysFan · 61-69, M
@JollyRoger Women in the military are discharged once they test positive for pregnancy if that is what they want.
JollyRoger · 70-79, M
@DallasCowboysFan That seems reasonable. I presume they are offered a pension if they have accrued pensionable time?
DallasCowboysFan · 61-69, M
@JollyRoger Once you reach 18 years you basically can't be kicked out of the Army unless you get courtmartialed. But, if it is medically related you can receive a pension anytime. Pregnancy is not a disability but if you had 18 years and became pregnant, they would allow you to get out with a pension.
wildbill83 · 41-45, M
eventually, yes.

but lets start with trans people first...

I bet that within a month, we'd be back to two genders...
Moneyonmymind · 31-35, M
@wildbill83 😂 aww damn
Reason10 · 70-79, M
@wildbill83 I gotta admit: That's thinking outside the box.
Persephonee · 22-25, F
I'm completely against the idea - not because women can't be effective soldiers and I'm all for women serving in the military, but because forcing women into combat in is a civilisation-wrecking level of decision.

Certainly, I think this applies in an all-out war situation. Peacetime national service is broadly a different kettle of fish, I think.

Men are simply more expendable - I don't care if people are going to accuse me of sexist reductionism or fantasising about an appalling Handmaid's Tale horror - women bear children and men don't, and if we are sacrificing (or just seriously risking) the way in which our society (indeed, species) perpetuates itself then really what is the point in the war in the first place?

Doubtless there is a breed of feminist that finds this very uncomfortable, but (again, without being reductionist), they tend to be the kind of person who while admirably vocal about important issues, doesn't tend to care that much about cultural perpetuation anyway, in my observation.

If a society reaches the point where women of childbearing age are being forced to fight on front lines then one might as well just issue a single bullet for everyone and save the enemy the trouble of the battle (because as a young woman you sure as hell don't want to be left alive).

This last point is why I don't think it's hypocritical to support conscription of Israeli women into the IDF. The events of October 7th (and many times before) give a good indication of what awaits them otherwise.
Northwest · M
Your point: Women should not be conscripted into FRONT LINE combat is well taken.

The US, Israel, Ukraine, Lebanon (not an exhaustive list) have women in active combat units.
JollyRoger · 70-79, M
@NorthwestSorry... I miss your point. Are these women conscripted or are they volunteers? I know that service in the I.D.F. is compulsory in Israel.
Northwest · M
@JollyRoger For the IDF it is compulsory. I mixed up my response.
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
Politicians are living in real fear of losing their seats.
No matter how long they've been there because potential voters are vocally making it clear we're all sick to death of their posturing on the improbable while appearing to be sat on their assets unable to affect the real problems facing people.

This draft idea is being played out in Europe too and nobody's buying it here either.

For the first time in living memory those going to the ballot box in the next year have more 'buying power' than the dodgy salesmen who claim to have represented their constituents !

My guess is youll see lower voter turnouts and those elected probably not able to serve full terms.
In Europe and the USA
If not mistaken The Equal Rights amendment as applicable to women did not get passed for a variety of reasons.
If that is fact then if women are against having to register for selective service
they may well have solid ground to stand on.
As far as I’m concerned this administration and alleged commander - in- chief may well be leading this country and the world to a possible third world war.
Briggett · T
It should be a requirement for every able bodied person living in America and it’s territories to preformed either militarily or civilian conservation core for minimum of four years, between the ages of 18 to 39. At end year service one would receive the same benefits that the current service members receive.
DallasCowboysFan · 61-69, M
@Briggett I think Switzerland requires military service until the age of 50. They give their citizens guns that they take home. Aside from the natural barriers found in Switzerland, they would be very tough to overcome.
Reason10 · 70-79, M
@Briggett That basically is the same morality as slavery.
JollyRoger · 70-79, M
@Diotrephes @NerdyPotato
I'm enjoying your interaction..... Have you come to some conclusion though?
Starting back with @Briggett's postulation: It's not "socialism" - it's a pension for services rendered and it wouldn't have to be a large pension. What it would do is teach young people to respect authority, to honour themselves and to look upon others with compassion (recognizing frailty as a situational entity instead of as laziness)... IF all people (take Switzerland and Israel) had a military experience they would come away with a useful trade or mental skill-set that would enhance their position in our society.
If it comes down to it, then it's only fair that women be drafted, too.

Times have moved on from WW2... though, it does pose a question as to what will happen to children who have both parents serving in the military.
Reason10 · 70-79, M
@HootyTheNightOwl A lot of families dealt with that because many parents all ENLISTED, leaving their children in the hands of other relatives.
@Reason10 It's great that they had family members they could trust... In 2024, we're not all that lucky.
“…the upcoming military draft”? This is something these proponents espoused, “upcoming draft” or is that you using that phrase?

I posted earlier on this saying this involvement of females might get great backlash considering the Equal rights amendment as applicable to women has not been made an amendment to our constitution as of yet.
DallasCowboysFan · 61-69, M
@soar2newhighs We will have a draft. The warmongering neocons keep poking the bear with Russia and China keeps making threats in Asia. The EU is already talking about it. But it is not discussed in the U.S. because it's an election year, and not a popular thing to discuss. But. a major war is on the horizon within the next few years.
@DallasCowboysFan I too believe this administration has lost the grip on the element of common sense and sanity and are out of touch with the reality of what they’re doing, putting the U.S. and other nations at the edge of WW3.
The recent incident in Crimea has sparked rhetoric of “ retaliation” from Putin.
The administration’s actions on Israel withholding weapons shipments emboldens Hamas as Hezbollah and Israel may engage them also, a two front war. They ( Israel) will not let their people/ nation be wiped out and may employ IMO nuclear weaponry to assure their limited survival; as it could have a domino effect.
China…reading weakness may too be emboldened to attack Taiwan. Biden has said such an attack, we ( are committed) will defend Taiwan.
We may not have time to implement a draft before a serious existential threat presents itself and we’re left with no option but to act.
JollyRoger · 70-79, M
@DallasCowboysFan I do hope you're not too worried about a war coming... If it's a nuclear war there are no worries (except for a few months of slow dying from radiation poisoning).
I'm glad I'm too old to be drafted.
@JimBeam I wouldn't last an hour.
JimBeam · M

Radar was a company clerk in a MASH unit. They could find something for you to do.
@JimBeam Oh ok, that's different then. 👍
Crazywaterspring · 61-69, M
Send trump supporters to the front. They love their guns and military cosplay.

This vet was radicalized by the military.
wildbill83 · 41-45, M
@Crazywaterspring Combat roles are already mostly conservatives (70-80% from the southeast), been that way since the Revolution. You'd be hard pressed to find anyone around here that doesn't have military tradition in their lineage. And yes, someone who's familiar with firearms, hunting, outdoors, etc. is more effective as a combatant as well.

I already served my time, and out of my entire company (1-501st), only 4 or 5 weren't bible belters; and there are always the liberal minded, city dwellers, etc. that can't even hack basic; they either didn't realize what they were getting into and refuse to train or find some way to get themselves discharged (there were even several suicides when I went through in 2001)

You mock us for it, but the joke is on you. people with your mentality are the private pyles of the world, lack the physical fitness and mental fortitude to serve, and end up blowing their own brains out as an escape...
Crazywaterspring · 61-69, M
@wildbill83 You've never spent months at sea. With 2-3 months between port calls, and those were in unglamorous places such as Pakistan and Djibouti. Sailors commit suicide due to stress and isolation.
That's all.
take a women 9 months to carry a baby.
a man can put multuple babies in a women in one night.

this is why we send men to war.. theyre expendable.
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RedBaron · M
What’s wrong with that?

Israel has required both men and women to serve in the military since 1948.

Are you so unpatriotic that you don’t want what’s best for your country’s defense?

And you’re a Republican? Wow.
We certainly don't want war, but Americans kept saying they're not a democracy - so all human rights went away with the right to live in one. They won.
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
We certainly don't want war, but Americans kept saying they're not a democracy - so all human rights went away with the right to live in one. They won.

Since they want to eliminate all guns in the general population, the new troops will most likely have to use flamethrowers against the enemy because they won't be comfortable shooting guns.
@Diotrephes unharmed and unarmed? Never. NATO would kill us all to quell the rumors of peace. But nobody will stop them.
FreestyleArt · 31-35, M
They will be starting in 2025. If Trump takes over, he'll burn that bill before it happens and end Wars.
Ashly · 26-30, F
Equal rights, equal fights

It would suck if they implemented another draft in the US but with the low recruitment numbers over the past few years they might have to 😕
@Ashly Yes, Putin was in North Korea recently, talking with Rocketman. Hopefully, whatever they spoke about had nothing to do with nukes.

At least you might be spared from the front line... but you'll still have to worry about getting nuked or bombed - either where you are sent to or at home.

I wonder what they'll do about bomb shelters for those left at home, too??? I'd say that a lot more of us don't have enough clearance between our homes and the boundaries of our properties to fit a bomb shelter, even if they were issued, than there were in the last war...
Ashly · 26-30, F
@HootyTheNightOwlim studying to be in the medical field so I could help in that way

scary world we live in, definitely not the worst of times
But with today’s technology, the next world war might end humanity and all life on earth basically 🫣
DallasCowboysFan · 61-69, M
@Ashly Or we could stop sending so many of them overseas to fight for other nations and then we might have as many solders as we need here at home....are 600 overseas bases really necessary?
Reason10 · 70-79, M
Ayn Rand had it right on this score, about the military draft. Yes, perhaps a bunch of spoiled brat left wingers SHOULD get pushed into some sore of military service to straighten their Nazi heads out. But it violates the Constitution. Specifically, it violates the 5 Amendment. (Putting a person in harm's way, possibly death, without due process.)

That's the CONSTITUTIONAL case against the military draft. The REAGAN case says that the draft has NEVER worked, every time it has been tried. The Military needs committed young patriots willing to travel to the ends of the earth and put their own lives on the line for America (something this country has never lacked). The WORST thing to do would be to force a bunch of idiots into that same military and infect it with their childish ignorance and bullshit.
DallasCowboysFan · 61-69, M
@Reason10 The draft was not effective during Vietnam, but it worked pretty good during WW1 and WW2.
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Reason10 · 70-79, M
@DallasCowboysFan The world was much different in those days. Today, the world does not want a modern war, because it means the end of human life on earth, ALL human life.
In America, the military does not lack for volunteers. There are brave young men and women who are patriotic and will put their lives on the line for the country, (just like the police do every day.)

Of course, the ragheads wage acts of terrorism as they try to wipe the Jews off the face of the earth. At some point, Israel is going to have to just LEVEL Iran and Iraq, and whatever other banana/turban republic there is.
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
Why should they not be? Works perfectly well in Israel.
Jennster · 18-21, F
Equality works both ways
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Confined · 56-60, M
Says i voted and i did not. But yes every one can be drafted. I like the idea of trans drafted first
SandWitch · 26-30, F
Fresh from the mouth of a true misogynist! Well done! Thanks for telling us!
PatKirby · M

Fresh from the mouth of a raging misandrist. Speaking of sandwiches...

ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
Yes, they should be drafted, IF we return to a draft -- which, as far as I've heard, the US has NO plans for doing. Since there is NO draft, having women register for a possible draft in a future time of national emergency sounds find to me.
So they are bringing the US in line with where the rest of NATO and most of Europe has been for 50 years.

Yet another area where the US is playing catch up.
basilfawlty89 · 36-40, M
Women can shoot a gun as well as a dude.
Also, I'm against drafts entirely for men and women.
Next question.
justanothername · 51-55, M
@basilfawlty89 Very true. It’s been that way since Jesus was a boy.
DallasCowboysFan · 61-69, M
@justanothername I think the number one sniper in the Vietnam War was a North Vietnamese woman. And women snipers from Russia were very effective in WW2.
Anniedlr · 26-30, F
@justanothername The worlds most successful female sniper was Lyudmila Pavlichenko with a record of 309 confirmed kills during WW2. She was a Ukrainian fighting for the Soviet Union against the Germans

I see you have never set foot outside your own country. Hell even in NATO countries women have been serving in front line service for decades. In some cases as far back as the era of the so called sexual revolution.

Not their fault the US still thinks it is 1776 in terms of social attitudes.
PatKirby · M

I see you don't pay attention very well. Living near the border with Mexico I've traveled there extensively as a Mexican-American. You're being disingenuous after reading this information about me from the other thread. Apparently you've been hitting the maple syrup hard these daze. Here, try 500mg of...
...before your IQ test comes back negative.
@PatKirby No I am not. Your opinions scream the ignorance of someone who has never travelled more than 20 miles from home. To the point that you don't even realize how far behind your own country is.
Crazywaterspring · 61-69, M
Instituting a draft today would be political suicide. Too many Americans have no direct connection to the military.
@Crazywaterspring Yeah, the only way a draft will happen is if we're under direct threat from another country. Most Americans would support a war for self-defense, but that's it.
Crazywaterspring · 61-69, M
@BohemianBabe The oligarths who own and run the US love wars. The public would push back when their kid, or someone they know, is drafted to fight some pointless war for profit.
JollyRoger · 70-79, M
Instituting a draft today would be political suicide. Too many Americans have no direct connection to the military.
So: Where does all the support for the 2nd Amendment come from?
Morvoren · F
I I nearly joined the Royal Navy, like Dad did. I wouldn’t mind if I got a decent trade.
Crazywaterspring · 61-69, M
@Morvoren Few employers understand how many ratings or MOS's translate to the civilian world.
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
If you want to do your civic duty, apply to become a member of the draft board.
TheRascallyOne · 31-35, M
Yes in the name of equity
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ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
Good for them!
ViciDraco · 41-45, M
I would hope the fact that women would be included in a draft would cause a lot more consideration before implementing a draft.

In my view, we should only be drafting people for existential wars. If we are in a war where our very nation's existence is at stake, then yes I'm okay with women being called to defend it too.

If the nature of the war isn't one where every man and woman that can proficiently use a gun is needed to serve, then we shouldn't be using a draft.
Pfuzylogic · M
What does frighten me is a convicted felon as commander-in-chief.
He already threatened to execute General Milley. 🙄
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Pfuzylogic · M
I didn’t see your response in my notifications. I wonder if that one thumbs down did that.
I can’t imagine us being allie’s of Russia and North Korea and being enemies of NATO. wouldn’t that be a nightmare?
Shadyglow · F
time for a revolution

Oh wait thats old hat [media=https://youtu.be/Xaw--HWHecg]
specman · 51-55, M
I think that’s fair. I mean there are already women serving.
Zaphod42 · 51-55, M
“Upcoming draft” 🤣
We are so freaking far from that point.
JimBeam · M

Do you think women should register for the draft?
Zaphod42 · 51-55, M
@JimBeam You mean selective service? Yes, why not?
JimBeam · M
Because I think that was the main meaning for this question.
SandWitch · 26-30, F
It was also a Democrat, President Johnson during the Vietnam war who tabled legislation that banned women between the ages of 18 to 26 from being drafted.

All the Democrats did was change their mind, but now you have to ask why?

The reason the draft has ever been imposed in your country in the first place is because of a severe lack of Americans who wanted to join voluntarily and become enlisted soldiers at the time. Times have not changed. American men are no more interested in serving their country than they are about jumping over the moon. This is why women are being included in the draft.

The truth is, it's very easy to avoid the draft in your country. Those who are drafted are typically from very low social status in your country, which means they are not in school nor are they educated beyond high school level.

It is for this reason that draftees of the Vietnam war and WWII were sent directly to the front line of battle because they were considered acceptable collateral damage, whereas a university-educated person would be considered a great loss for America.

It was not the enlisted soldiers who were holding those positions on the front line. The enlisted soldiers were the ones who got promoted and were in a safe place away from the action, barking orders to those on the front line.
GuiltyBiStander · 31-35, F

Brilliant disinformation comrade.

Here's your reward -

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JollyRoger · 70-79, M
@GuiltyBiStander @SandWitchis right..... If you're going to diss someone's comments (and I think @SandWitch has some good points, then put your own logic/facts/opinions out here for us to examine.
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