I know it sounds dark but, when you have nothing or no desire to to do anything or not anyone that wants anything to do with you. Why is is endless sleep and peace so bad?
Because Jesus loves you infinitely. If no one has prepared their soul for the afterlife, then that would be a million times worse. It would not bring any relief at all, but more suffering for eternity. There's no more perfect love than that of Jesus. He came to rescue us and to help us in our darkest moments and I can testify that this is true as I gave him my heart and life on July 21st, 1973 and I have never been sorry. Thousands have done this. He gives us a brand new life and a brand new beginning. Hope and a new future. Read Jeremiah 29:11 if you have a Bible. God came to save us, not to hurt us. John 3:16 and 17.
@LadyGrace Not blasphemy because I told you ma'am I am not a Yahwist and I don't really consider myself a Christian ourside of a very loose way if at all. I have been very clear. I know this is very nuanced but just because you don't understand or agree it doesn't mean I am a heretic or blasphemer. Kindly.
I am a Christ follower. I think he is Lord and one of the highest Ascended Masters.
I don't really consider myself a Christian ourside of a very loose way if at all. I have been very clear. I know this is very nuanced but just because you don't understand or agree it doesn't mean I am a heretic or blasphemer. Kindly.
I am a Christ follower. I think he is Lord and one of the highest Ascended Masters.
The contradiction in your statements is appalling. First you say I don't really consider myself a Christian, and then your last paragraph says I am a Christ follower I think he is Lord and one of the highest ascended Masters. This is unstable and double mindedness. You cannot be both. Make up your mind.
Well, you were endowed with one chance in this universe to live as a sentient being and do stuff and experience stuff. Those experiences sometimes suck, sure, but you'll have your rest eventually no matter what you do. I ain't tellin' you what to do though and I don't know your life.
No one will ever love you as much as Jesus, my dear. I love you too. Look at the hope he gives us and Jeremiah 29:11. I was once like you and depressed and at the very bottom, but Jesus saved my soul and he can save yours as well and give you a much happier life, like he did me. He is our great rescuer and our only hope in times of trouble. The only hope we have in this world. He will give you a brand new life and transform your life by his Holy Spirit spirit. That is his promise, and he never breaks a promise.
Let me share a couple truths about this belief. No one, and I do mean NO ONE wants to die. We just want the pain of the moment to pass. You may not see it, but maybe there is a lesson to be learned by going through certain stuff. You can then use what you learned in a particular situation to help someone else. I am doing that right now. I have an associate's degree in general studies with what could be considered a minor in the social sciences, and I suffer from major depression and suicidal ideology myself. When the going gets tough, the tough get going.
I recently saw or read a story about a soldier who was gravely injured in battle. For some reason (I don't know why) he had no help to get himself to safety. What this soldier did next was truly amazing. He extended his arm as far as he could, and drew a line in the sand/dirt and he woul crawl and inch his way to that line, then repeat the process. Long story made sort, the soldier was finally able to crawl to help any he is alive to this day. How did he do it? He kept on telling himself "one more line" that and determination is what saved him.
Former christian comedian Mike Warnke tells a story of how he almost committed suicide. He had a loaded gun, and every day he would make two lists : on one side he had reasons to live, and on the other side he had reasons to die. His plan was that when the reasons to die list was longer than the reasons to live, he was going to kill himself. Everyday just try to find one or more reasons not to commit suicide and you'll be on your way to healing.
People have this idea that they'll be happier dead. But you won't, you'll be nothing. Your entire everything ceases. I understand that life is hard for some, and mental illness can be difficult, downright devastating. But regardless there is always a solution. Outright refusing to be happy or to find a way out from the muck isn't nor should it be considered as a way out. However, I strongly believe that the terminally ill should have euthanasia as an option, when you know there isn't a way out, and that your days are literally numbered, a person should be given the choice to go out on their terms. From someone that went through the whole dying thing, beyond the acid trip there's nothing, no light, no voices, no dead friends or relatives waiting for you with loving outstretched arms, there's literally nothing. I'm lucky I was revived. Im lucky I got this second chance. Romanticizing the idea of "better off dead" does more harm than good. In reality, people that say they want to die, don't really want to die, they just don't want to live in their current situation.
It's not bad. Speaking generally, society has such views because we spend time running away from the inevitable that we become less resilient to it and then issues happen. In tribal cultures there were varying beliefs and rituals that made them more resilient and respectful of the dead though not in all cultures. Killing one self is still the ultimate sin in cultures that have been tainted by Christianity.
That brings me to the next point, Abrahamic religions also are the reason for this too, the whole heaven and hell bit.
Look, this is my personal opinion now, the way I think about it is that I don't want a person I care about to die. I would feel some type of way but at the end of the day there's just things that are best left up to the person because unless I have a solution to their issues, I feel like I'm part of the problem. Sometimes I just don't know what to say even though I feel for the person but I'd never judge them if they wanted to die, I think people should die with dignity.
With that said, it's tough because there is mental illness to consider and you have to question how much is the actual person wanting to die to their actual mental illness. That's the problem for me. But overall, I accept that a person should be able to die with dignity and not pain.
I don't blame you. I believe in the right to die for everyone. Trust me sometimes I think like you. I am very exhausted I almost ended planning my suicide very recently. But I am glad I didn't and now my life is better than ever but it took a decade. My 20's were hell on earth. Only God saved me.
I heard a sane " If there was no laugh in life ,life would be tragedy" . I hate to say " Your after leaving life beat you " You beat life to live and I don't know if it's the right time say it to you but " Jesus before he died must of being one unhappy person on his treatment but he wasn't . He knew where he was going . I'm not religious mad " The Dark thinking " sane . As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I shall fear no evil " Your thinking is getting the better of you and you shouldn't leave it ,even if people don't want to be around you or not at times thinking comes in " Your better off dead " as what you said . When I look at that thinking my experience is what it is it's " a grief process of letting go " in life . That's when the crap comes into your head
We create our own temporary hells. It is very complicated metaphysically. It is not one size fits all,
Hell dimension are not eternal and only in extreme cases of immorality and violation of spiritual law. When you call on Jesus or who you believe in He comes to you and saves you. You always have time to be given Grace.
I believe in Universal Salvation and many Near Death Experiences point to some sort of mercy and life review.
There are many ways into the Light.
I was an Elder and Preist in my Church. I have researched a lot of Theology. I am not a fundamentalist Christian. I am a Christian Mystic.
If you have any existential or theological question about any religion, theology or faith I can help point you in the right direction.
But NO HUMAN has the right to condemn you! Never let anyone tell you what and how to think or believe. Not even me. No one has absolute Truth.
Jesus respects your free will. Always. And He loves you no matter what.
Please seek Him. He saved my life many times when I almost died.
I was an Elder and Preist in my Church. I have researched a lot of Theology. I am not a fundamentalist Christian. I am a Christian Mystic.
A Christian Mystic, huh? Well that pretty much explains why you're so judgmental and biblically incorrect. That term is an oxymoron. Jesus is against delving Into the Mystic. And then you judge me. And just because you're an elder or priest in the church, doesn't mean you're following Doctrine, nor does it make you any more superior nor more knowledgeable than anyone else.
Been there and yes itd be nice to not have to endure the hunger. . . You know. But i did stop eating for several months. Id not recommend it. The simple answer is life is a struggle suffering is life and the established players (wealthy, elderly, property owners) need you and i (the worker) to suffer (endure) toil(work) so they can reap the benefits. Death is one form of peace. So is sleep. Maybe just take sometime away. Wander off into the woods for awhile. Anyway the issue i think you are encountering is society strongly wants you not to die (end your own suffering) A because thats alot of paperwork. B then the remaining workload is shouldered by fewer works. C insurance might have to get paid out. And D bc it is a losing battle few ever win and you 'bailing out' will discourage others. Ive suffered more than most in my years. Just try to keep pushing. Sell a kidney take a few months off. Idk i think death might be easier but ive woken up in hospitals. Its not fun.
Well... because death is not sleep and since you would no longer exist it doesn't even qualify as peace. That's just a social construct to make dying seem somewhat acceptable.
If endless sleep is what you want, then literally just stay in bed all day, every day. After a while, you will find that is neither enjoyable or enviable. It's time to grow up, Azquedelia. Face your fears, confront your anxieties, and get yourself out into the world and find something that you desire instead of expecting desire to come and knock on your door and take you by the hand to fulfill your wildest and most heartfelt dreams.
If you feel like no one wants anything to do with you, then either accept that and go on about your business or confront the situation until someone does want something to do with you. Perhaps it's all the choices you have that is making life seem so unbearable. Maybe you are afraid of making the wrong choice or the wrong decision.
@GuyWithOpinions Jesus forgives and loves her. There are better reasons than that for her to choose life. Guit tripping and scaring her is not helping her. Please stop talking on this you don't know enough. NDEs have been consistent for a long time. Look it up.
I don't think I worded this right for most people to understand. Not asking for someone to pour the cyanide in my coffee. Just a legit simple question. Why if people so chose to just be done why is that so bad? I suck at explaining things often so apologies for anyone thinking Im asking in a helping hand in my death 😂
Involved caring people don't wanna die. Innocent children and babies never wanna die. MOTHER EARTH doesn't wanna get murdered and its happening in every way.
Why does human power get STOLEN is the real question. And how do we fight to recover it? That's the "answer".
Nobody in the nuthouse knows anything more than YOU, but they can SHUT U DOWN from the inside too. And they make too much $$$$$$$$ for anyone to trust them. (the SEVEN richest CREEPS in Oklahoma are all MALE PSYCHIATRISTS!!!!)
Talk about this too much and you too will end up there. We're supposed to even report members who threaten the world with their own demise. Yup even here. So wake up and care about something real. Its your job as a person living in the world. The people still surviving in Palestine and Sudan are begging Europeans and Americans to help. Try to hear it if you can. Searching is healthy. Asking someone else to do all that is the DEATH OF THE WORLD.
Not really. But it's one of those events we only get to do once, so best to make sure we don't waste that once in a lifetime event by doing so because we feel like we have nothing else to do. If you feel like you have nothing else to do order BBQ or a big cake.
So save it until it can be a special, joyous event.
Personally, I'll save my dying until the last moment possible.
It emotionally hurts people who like the one who wants to die. Also everyone is a part of society which is responsible for them, so if you die or disappear, someone has to investigate what happened and take care of the body. As for euthanasia, it may sometimes raise questions if the person really wanted to die and even if, some people have an ethical problem with the whole concept.
"When you have nothing or no desire to to do anything or not anyone that wants anything to do with you", it's time to dedicate your life for others, not to end your life. Your life had meaning and it wasn't for you, it was for others. Be courageous and take the responsibility to help others.
For me, I sometimes have the feeling of wanting to die to. There is nothing wrong with wanting to die or wanting anything in fact. However, it does point a very poor state of mind. That there may be very negative emotions affecting you. Those negative emotions must be dealt with or will fester and do more damage. Lack of response or interest to life in general is a warning sign something is going wrong and you are in a dangerous place mentally.
So that's it. The question itself is "Why is it so bad to want to die?" which is that it is a warning sign of severe mental distress or an upcoming mental health crisis.
It’s not it’s just majority of people are scared of death or even just hearing about it. It’s inevitable and we all will face it one day.. you think it wouldn’t be such a big deal talking about it.
If you could have anything you wanted, you wouldn’t want to die. So the problem isn’t with life, it’s with the way you’re living it. People feel suicide is bad because you’re destroying something that was never the issue.
Sleeping forever is not the same as dying. People want out of pain. If people can muster up the energy, thought, and planning to kill themselves, they can hopefully take that energy, thought, and planning, and live. It's not easy, but that energy can propel you into a better action. Life is precious.
Because it's abnormal.it shows an obvious mental health issue,therefore it can be fixed with therapy and medication. Why would you let someone go or suffer when their problem can be fixed?it'd be a senseless death
I think that way about this digital world we are forced to live in. If we could just go back to 1130AD and shortly after. This world would be a better place. At least there would be Google and Fuckbook spying on us