Is there any Christian brethren or sistren that are versed in the bible or our religion?I wish to learn more about the big man in the sky, but I’ve come to learn it’s not as simple as picking up a bible. There’s so many bibles I don’t know which one I should be reading, I just know the big guy in the sky ALWAYS had my back! Im a... See More »
There is something GRIM in waters ashore!Tread careful for the brine be LURKIN abroad for victims alike!
There’s evil in the breeze tonight..Some dark JOOJOO is coming in this storm and I seem to be caught in the eye of the blood lighting!
I find myself very intrigued by other people.I was never one to get out much so each person is unique to me and I struggle to forget the impression they leave no matter how small you’ll always be in my thoughts.
I’m 6 ft or so..Almost had my ass whooped by a 5 fr 5 man.. don’t let size fool you your stronger than the enemy! I’m not too proud to admit I’ve had my ass KICKED the WORST by people HALF MY SIZE! Such little people can make such big impacts even to people who... See More »
I learned something.Those who brag about being crazy just need love, yet those who hide their craziness need space. Those two conflicting personailties can make for a toxic environment on both ends. Maybe I’m crazy or maybe you are but guess we will never know... See More »
When I see bikers on the road I get a little too excited!Most times I’ll reach out for a fist bump and they oblige! Or I throw the horns up like this and they will crank the throttle for me! However that’s if a biker is beside me and seems experienced. 99% of the time I give them about 3 to 5 car... See More »
may I ask your advice?How do you deal with anger or what is a good way to deal with rage or anger? All I found was playing my guitar but I haven’t in a while because I have no strings and keep forgetting to get new ones.
So I’m slow in my head legally.But I don’t feel slow just uneducated so I prefer listening to smarter people or those with the pride and self esteem not to not hide who they are. I never met somebody like me, I’m bred from HATRED in the realist way I was raised a very hateful set... See More »
I REALLY LOVE PEOPLE!Everybody has a good story to tell some of the funniest things I ever heard are from others! However there is nothing I cherish more than a somebody who holds not punches and tells me how it is and spares me NO FEELINGS!
Naaa Nuh Nuh PUSH ME!Than just touch me! Won’t stop till.. I get my.. SATISFACTION! PUSH-x10 push me than just TOUCU ME
I’m an odd species.When I have free time I enjoy drinking and review bombing positive experiences at small businesses I haven’t even shopped at! Power to the people!
I could use somebody body to talk toNothing bad stressed I need some good news to shower on me! I just can’t do this negative mind frame bullshit. I wanna see some WINNERS! Some warriors! Those who can look this hostile climate in the face with compassion before I execute based on... See More »
I’m a psychopath..I will literally test my dogs food before I make him eat it, the way I see it is “I won’t feed my boy something I won’t eat”! However when it comes to wet dog food I buy the expensive stuff and trust his taste buds! But fry food is fair game I buy e... See More »
I seen a man my age eating out of the garbage.It broke my heart and soul I was with family and was gonna buy this man a meal but was told I could be sued for doing that! If they get sick off a meal I purchase them I can and would be held liable for their ailments. Knowing this I didn’t care... See More »
I don’t know what to make of the Brit’s, Scotts, or Irishes.Just know I love ‘em all for various reasons, those reasons just so happen to be what make them stand out from one another in my head if this makes any sense?
What is your opinion on guns?I’m a Canadian so I don’t see very many guns unless you have a hunter or two in the family with a rifle or two. Although I never held a real gun and I FEAR them with every fibre of my being. I respect those who love guns and their rights to do so!... See More »
Went to an archery range today it was awesomeTurns out I’m a pretty deadly shot which is weird I’m not good at anything!